MaplePrimes Announcement

After more than 25 years of leading research in areas such as differential equations, special functions, and computational physics, Edgardo's role with Maplesoft will shift at the end of 2024 as he returns to academic research. At Maplesoft, he will transition into the position of Research Fellow Emeritus. In this role, Edgardo will remain engaged with many of his cherished projects, though he will not have as much time to maintain the intense level of activity that characterized his work for so many years.

Many of you know Edgardo personally or have interacted with him here or on the Maple Beta Forum. I hope you'll join me in wishing him the very best as he begins this new chapter.

Featured Post

With the 2024 Maple Conference coming up this week, I imagine one of two of you have noticed something missing. We chose not to have a Conference Art Gallery this year, because we have been working to launch new section of MaplePrimes:  The MaplePrimes Art Gallery. This new section of MaplePrimes is designed for showing off your Maple related images, in a gallery format that puts the images up front, like Instagram but for Math.

To get the ball rolling on the gallery, I have populated it with many of the works from past years' Maple Art Galleries, so you can now browse them all in one place, and maybe give "Thumbs Ups" to art pieces that you felt should have won the coveted "People's Choice Award".

Once you are inspired by past entries, we welcome you to submit your new artwork!  Just like the conference galleries, we are looking for all sorts of mathematical art ranging from computer graphics and animations, to photos of needlework, geometrical sculptures, or almost anything!  Art Gallery posts are very similar to regular MaplePrimes posts except that you are asked to supply an Image File and a Caption that will displayed on the main Gallery Page, the post itself can include a longer description, Maple commands, additional images, and whatever else you like.  See for example this Art Gallery post describing Paul DeMarco's sculpture from the 2021 Maple Conference Gallery - it includes an embedded worksheet as well as additional images.

I can't wait to see what new works of art our MaplePrimes community creates!


Featured Post

Maple Transactions has just published the Autumn 2024 issue at

From the header:

This Autumn Issue contains a "Puzzles" section, with some recherché questions, which we hope you will find to be fun to think about.  The Borwein integral (not the Borwein integral of XKCD fame, another one) set out in that section is, so far as we know, open: we "know" the value of the integral because how could the identity be true for thousands of digits but yet not be really true? Even if there is no proof.  But, Jon and Peter Borwein had this wonderful paper on Strange Series and High Precision Fraud showing examples of just that kind of trickery.  So, we don't know.  Maybe you will be the one to prove it! (Or prove it false.)

We also have some historical papers (one by a student, discussing the work of his great grandfather), and another paper describing what I think is a fun use of Maple not only to compute integrals (and to compute them very rapidly) but which actually required us to make an improvement to a well-known tool in asymptotic evaluation of integrals, namely Watson's Lemma, just to explain why Maple is so successful here.

Finally, we have an important paper on rational interpolation, which tells you how to deal well with interpolation points that are not so well distributed.

Enjoy the issue, and keep your contributions coming.

precise figure adjustment

Maple , MapleSim asked by Gabriel Ba... 50 November 11

Strange Polygon Wanted

Maple 2024 asked by Alfred_F 110 November 11