A geometric transformation is a way of manipulating the size, position, or orientation of a geometric object. For example, a triangle can be transformed by a 180o rotation: 

Learning about geometric transformations is a great way for students, teachers and anyone interested in math to get comfortable using x-y coordinates in the cartesian plane, and mapping functions from R2 to R2. Understanding geometric transformations is also an essential step to understanding higher-level concepts like the Transformations of Functions and Transformation Matrices.
Check out the Geometric Transformations collection on Maple Learn to learn about this topic. Start out by playing with the Geometric Transformations Exploration document to build intuition about how objects are affected by each of the four transformation types: Dilation, Reflection, Rotation, and Translation. Once you are confident in your skills, try using the Single Geometric Transformation Quiz to test your knowledge.
For those looking to expand their understanding of geometric transformations, the Combined Transformations Exploration document will let you explore how multiple transformations and the order of said transformations affect the final form of an object. For example, the blue polygon can be transformed into 2 different pink polygons depending on whether the reflection or rotation is performed first:


Once you have the hang of combined transformations, try answering questions on the Combined Geometric Transformations Quiz


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