
Some times ago, I have asked about possibility to solve multilayer transient heat transfer problem.
The problem was solved originaly by Robert Israel. I enclosed his solution and explanation in file Xpde_oryginal.mw.
Thank's Robert!

There was a problem with correct results of numeric PDE in Maple 14 when I have used convection and radiation BC toogather. However Maplesoft have removed this bug in version 15, thus now I have obtained right results confirmed by FEA analisys. 

Base on Robert Israel file I enclosed sligthly modified version (HT-3 SCIANY - TRANSIE.mw),
which is more interacitive. 
I'm sure that in some cases I'm not used the best maple techniques to obtain interstage results.
If anyone see any improvements please don't hesitate. I will be appreciated.

I hope that this solution wiil be usfull for some engineers, please enjoy.




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