Greetings to all.

This past year I have on occasion shared mathematical adventures with cycle index computations and Maple, e.g. at these links:

Befitting the season I am sending another post to continue this series of cycle index computations. I present two Maple implementations of Power Group Enumeration as described by Harary and Palmer in their book "Graphical Enumeration" and by Fripertinger in his paper "Enumeration in Musical Theory." It was a real joy working with Maple to implement the computational aspects of their work, i.e. the Power Group Enumeration Theorem. Moreover the resulting software is easy to read, simple and powerful and has a straightforward interface, taking advantage of many different capabilities present in Maple.

The problem I am treating is readily described. Consider a cube in 3 space and its symmetries under rotation, i.e. rigid motions. We ask in how many different ways we may color the edges of the cube with at most N colors where all colors are completely interchangable, i.e. have the symmetric group acting on them in addition to the edge permutation group of the cube. At the following Math Stackexchange Link  I have posted the Maple code to implement the algorithms / formulas of Harary / Palmer / Fripertinger to solve this problem. The reader is invited to study and test these algorithms. It seems to me an excellent instance of computational combinatorics fun.

To conclude I would like to point out that these algorithms might be candidates for a Polya Enumeration Theorem (PET) package that I have been suggesting for a future Maple release at the above posts, the algorithms being of remarkable simplicity while at the same time providing surprisingly sophisticated combinatorics and enumeration methods.

Season's greetings!

Marko Riedel

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