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To Scan Math with the Maple Calculator and show solution steps in Maple:

1. first scan some math with the calculator

2. Maple calculator immediately shows the solution if that is what you are looking for:

3. Calculator gives options to show the solution steps in the calculator itself ( footprint button in top-right) 

4. Or to upload the math to the MapleCloud (cloud icon with up arrow)

5. Once the math is uploaded, MapleCloud can be loaded on a desktop computer and the file opened from your account's Maple Calculator group of files:

6. Again, the solution and some more details are visible on Maple Cloud:

7. To open this math in Maple, click the blue button to Download the file.

The downloaded file can then be loaded in Maple:

8. The Maple commands to solve this math are shown, and the result. 

To show steps in Maple at this point, convert the math to inert form, then run the Student:-Calculus1:-ShowSolution() command on it:

Ex := Int(3.(x^2), x = 0 .. 7)

Int(3*x^2, x = 0 .. 7)




The solution to this integral is:

int(3*x^2, x = 0 .. 7)




"[[,,"Integration Steps"],[,,(&int;)[0]^73 x^2 &DifferentialD;x],["&EmptyVerySmallSquare;",,"1. Apply the" "constant multiple" "rule to the term" &int;3 x^2 &DifferentialD;x],[,"?","Recall the definition of the" "constant multiple" "rule"],[,,&int;[] f(x) &DifferentialD;x=[] (&int;f(x) &DifferentialD;x)],[,"?","This means:"],[,,&int;3 x^2 &DifferentialD;x=3 (&int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x)],[,,"We can rewrite the integral as:"],[,,3 ((&int;)[0]^7x^2 &DifferentialD;x)],["&EmptyVerySmallSquare;",,"2. Apply the" "power" "rule to the term" &int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x],[,"?","Recall the definition of the" "power" "rule, for n" "<>" "-1"],[,,&int;x^[] &DifferentialD;x=[]],[,"?","This means:"],[,,&int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x=[]],[,"?","So,"],[,,&int;x^2 &DifferentialD;x=(x^3)/3],[,"?","Apply limits of definite integral"],[,,[]-([])],[,,"We can rewrite the integral as:"],[,,343]]6""


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