A simple visual way to show that the parametric equation of a circle is a helix in our three-dimensional space.
Parametric equation of a circle f1 and f2.
The helix is ​​defined by the intersection of two mutually perpendicular cylindrical surfaces f1 and f2.


restart; with(plots): 
R := 1.;
f1 := x1-R*cos(x3); 
f2 := x2-R*sin(x3); 
PT := implicitplot3d([f1, f2], x1 = -6 .. 6, x2 = -6 .. 6, x3 = -2 .. 12, numpoints = 10000, style = surface, color = [blue, green], transparency = .5):
IT := intersectplot(f1, f2, x1 = -1 .. 1, x2 = -1 .. 1, x3 = -2 .. 12, thickness = 3, axes = normal, grid = [10, 10, 30]): 
display(PT, view = [-6 .. 6, -6 .. 6, -2 .. 12]);
display(PT, IT, view = [-6 .. 6, -6 .. 6, -2 .. 12]); 
display(IT, view = [-R .. R, -R .. R, -2 .. 12], scaling = constrained)

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