Filter and Ignore list are standard features of many forums and newsreaders. For example, when I want to look through the Maple newsgroup, I use a newsreader with my Ignore list and see only 3-5 posts instead of 3 or 5 thousands posts without that.

The situations on this site is not that bad, but still there are some users trying to spread their incompetence across the Universe, and I cannot use my newsreader for filtering them out. Could it be possible to implement that feature - Ignore lists in the next major release of Mapleprimes?

Another useful feature would be Friends - as in many other social networking sites as MySpace. It would be useful for many reasons. For example, I'd like to be able to chose between my profile being public - available to everybody, or private - only to my Friends.

Also, with the amount of time that I invested in Maple, I don't want to harm it in any way - but I want it to be improved. In particular, I don't want to post bugs in public, but I'd like to be able to post them as private posts - available only to the people in my Friends list.

Of course, I could just submit bugs to the support, but that is not very satisfactory because I seem to be in their Ignore list.


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