If one has ever used an XML editor, one knows the frustration of you having to do the bulk of the work locating mismatched or unclosed <> tags. Let us view tags as delimiters on sets and subsets. Consider the case where the XML editor has checked all beginning and ending tags and found an equal number of beginning and endint tags of a given name: a, b, etc. Nevertheless, even though we have an equal number of and tags and and tags is wrong syntactically because the "set" "intersects" with the "set" non-trivially, yet neither set is a proper subset of the other. Certainly, if a computer algebra system such as Maple can determine set overlaps like this, then the problem is computationally feasible for an XML editor. An XML editor ought to be able to tell you whether you've got non-proper-subset set overlaps in one's XML file. Or, am I missing something here? Can XML editors already do that? Perhaps I'm just using cheap, freeware editors.

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