The title says it all - although in the documentation of the Maple Toolbox for Matlab you can read that it is fully compatible with Matlab's Symbolic Math Toolbox, this is actually not the case. So better do not expect that after you install the Maple Toolbox you'll be able to use your old m-files that worked OK with Symbolic Math Toolbox - they might work, if they rely only on the most basic features. However, as soon as you need anything a little bit more complicated, you'll experience a lot of difficulties. One example for all - with Symbolic Math Toolbox you can have: >> var_str = '[a; b]' % symbolic matrix represented as char var_str = [a; b] >> var_sym = sym(var_str) % now I want to convert it to a symbolic object var_sym = a b >> class(var_sym) % and it indeed is a symbolic object now ans = sym However, with Maple Toolbox for Matlab, this is impossible: >> var_str = '[a; b]' % symbolic matrix represented as char var_str = [a; b] >> var_sym = sym(var_str) % now I want to convert it to symbolic object ??? Error using ==> sym.sym `;` unexpected So my advice to everybody thinking about buying the Maple Toolbox for Matlab is to think twice - if you inevitably need some of the symbolic features which are not present in Symbolic Math Toolbox, buy it but be aware of the fact that you'll have to reprogram your old m-files! On the other hand, if you have lots of useful code working fine with Symbolic Math Toolbox and you perhaps only want your symbolic calculations to run faster, Maple Toolbox for Matlab is not a good choice - it'll very probably cost you lots of money and lots of trouble!

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