Answering to Definite Integral post, I tried to do the first example in ?inttrans[fourier],
inttrans[fourier](3/(a^2 + t^2),t,w);

         Pi (exp(a~ w) Heaviside(-w) + exp(-a~ w) Heaviside(w))
       3 ------------------------------------------------------
using int,

No comment. Well, I tried another example from the same help page,
inttrans[fourier](1/(4 - I*t)^(1/3),t,2+w);

            3    GAMMA(2/3) exp(-8 - 4 w) Heaviside(2 + w)
                              (2 + w)

int(1/(4 - I*t)^(1/3)*exp(-I*t*w),t=-infinity..infinity);

           1/3  1/2            |         1/2              1/3
  - 1/4 I 2    3    GAMMA(2/3) |1/10 Pi 3    (-1 + 12 w) 2

                                              /              1/3
        exp(-2 w) WhittakerM(2/3, 5/6, 4 w)  /  (GAMMA(2/3) w   )

                   1/2  1/3
               Pi 3    2    exp(-2 w) WhittakerM(5/3, 5/6, 4 w)
         + 3/5 ------------------------------------------------
                               GAMMA(2/3) w

                   1/2      (1/3)  (2/3)     (1/6)          |
         + 2/3 Pi 3    (w I)      2      (-1)      exp(-4 w)|/(Pi w)

                  1/3  1/2            |         1/2              1/3
         + 1/4 I 2    3    GAMMA(2/3) |1/10 Pi 3    (-1 + 12 w) 2

                                              /              1/3
        exp(-2 w) WhittakerM(2/3, 5/6, 4 w)  /  (GAMMA(2/3) w   )

                   1/2  1/3
               Pi 3    2    exp(-2 w) WhittakerM(5/3, 5/6, 4 w)
         + 3/5 ------------------------------------------------
                               GAMMA(2/3) w

                   1/2       (1/3)  (2/3)     (5/6)          |
         - 2/3 Pi 3    (-I w)      2      (-1)      exp(-4 w)|/(Pi w)


               0.04295751906 + 0. I = 0.6927914186 10
Again I'm silent. OK, another integral from the same page,
inttrans[fourier](BesselJ(0,4*(t^2 + 1)^(1/2)), t, s); 
                        2                                          /
  8 exp(s I) cos(-16 + s ) (Heaviside(s + 4) - Heaviside(s - 4))  /

               2 1/2
        (16 - s )

int(BesselJ(0,4*(t^2 + 1)^(1/2))*exp(-I*t*w),t=-infinity..infinity);

          |                         2     1/2
          |          BesselJ(0, 4 (t  + 1)   ) exp(-I w t) dt
That's better - the integral is unevaluated, but at least the answer is not wrong.

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