Vintage x~'s

TomM 284 Maple
There is a general problem which arises when one uses assume() that can be quite confusing. I seems that once an x~ is passed on by assigning a data structure containing it to another name, it becomes an entity on its own, a sort of vintage x~, with no connection back to the original variable on which the assumptions were made. It has no unique name and no way to access it for manipulation or redefinition. The code x:='x' does not affect these vintage x~'s. Even the function addionally() does not affect these vintage x~'s. Thus one can have a whole set of x~'s of different vintage in one's data structures with no way to tell them apart or manipulate them. This has tied some of my codes in knots before I realized what was happening. It would be so much less frustrating if each new vintage received a unique name that could be referenced by the user.

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