Hello World! Please help!! Im trying to make my equation solving user friendly and im having real issues getting to grips with the Get/SetProperty commands for my embedded components. Im trying to set a text box(component_name?) so that the value (value??) within it is set as the desired parameter (attribute_name???) which is then substituted into my equations and solved for. Can you send me a simple example or have a look at mine, all the tutorials are too complex and tricky for me to figure out! I've read about DougsDocument tools but will the end user need this installed to use the utility if it's posted on maplenet? Also if you have any suggestions how to make my second graph smooth i would be so greatfull! I've tried alternative non-dimensionalising and can get the powers down a bit but never a smooth graph. The most interesting bit is when TT is below 2 but i cant get it to concentrate on this area Anyhelp appreciated!!! This is for my 3rd year Engineering degree project. Thankyou!!! restart: with(DocumentTools): # radius = TEXTBOX(named as Rsh) Unit(m) GetProperty(Rsh,value); Rsh:=%; Rsh:=0.07; #this is the value i want from the text box Rsol:=0.009: #i want all my assignments to be in text box's R:=1/(1/(Rsh+h)+1/Rsol); #rest of code msol:=md/mshell: m:=simplify(1/(1/(mshell)+1/msol)): h:=0.00561: Esh:=1.6e9: mush:=0.3: vsh:=0: mshell:=2: musol:=0.25: Esol:=207e9: v:=2: assume(md>0.1); #doesn't seem to help!? assume(TT>0.01); msol:=md/mshell: m:=simplify(1/(1/(mshell)+1/msol)): E:=Esh*Esol/((1-mush^2)*Esh+(1-musol^2)*Esol): khz:=4/3*R^(1/2)*E: ksh:=evalf(2.3*Esh*h^2/(Rsh*(1-mush^2)^(1/2))): # shellstiffness alpha:=4/5*ksh/khz^(2/3): beta:=ksh*m*v^2: ploteq:=((F*(Esh*Rsh^2))^2)+alpha*(F*(Esh*Rsh^2))^(5/3)-beta; with(plots): plots[implicitplot](ploteq=0,md=0..200,F=0..1E-3); Tom:=eval((3*Pi*(5+mush)*mshell)/(8*h*Esh))^(1/2): eqa:=(Pi*(m/keff)^(1/2))-(TT*Tom): keff:=solve(eqa=0,keff): eqaaa:=1/((1/ksh)+(1/(khz^(2/3)*(F)^(1/3))))-keff: F:=solve(eqaaa=0,F): ploteqt:=(F)^2+alpha*(F)^(5/3)-beta; plots[implicitplot](ploteqt=0,md=0.01..500,TT=0..3.5);

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