Does anyone know why an "inline" Maple 10 plot exported as an eps figure (by right-clicking on the figure) is not compatible with the psfrag.sty package for LaTex? Oddly, writing the plot "directly" to an eps with the following commands does produce an eps figure that is compatible with psfrag.sty, i.e., the axes labels can be replaced with LaTex math symbols: > plotsetup(ps, plotoutput = `fig1.eps`, plotoptions=`portrait,noborder,height=5in,width=5in`); > plot(sin(x),x=0..1,labels=[x,y]); Looking in the eps files themselves, the "inline" version (%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0, Creator: FreeHEP Graphics2D Driver) writes the x axis label with (\000x) show while the "direct" version (%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-2.0, Creator: Maple) writes the x axis label with (x) dup 0 stringbbox 179 exch sub exch 2 idiv 3461 exch sub exch m show Why are these eps files different? Why the use of what appears to be two different plot output drivers in the same version of Maple, Maple 10. In Maple 9, no such issues arose with "inline" exported plots. psfrag.sty worked great with "inline" exported plots in Maple 9.

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