MaplePrimes was the name that was used for our exclusive access site for our Extended Maintenance Program (EMP) sites. Maplesoft has launched a new program for maintenance – the Elite Maintenance Program. The EMP program will soon be launching a new website within that will replace the old MaplePrimes, but also will bring more benefits. The name MaplePrimes is now used for Maplesoft's band new user community. The new MaplePrimes will help to serve more Maple users. It allows all users, including those who are not EMP customers to interact together and get even more out of their use of Maple. MaplePrimes is a web community dedicated to sharing experiences, techniques, and opinions about Maple and related products, as well as general interest topics in math and computing. Using the framework of blogs, forums, and an open editorial policy, it provides a vehicle for enthusiasts to present their thoughts, and for inquiring minds to get answers. If you have a login for the old MaplePrimes, you will need to register for an account on the new site. You old login will no longer work. Thank you for checking out the new site. Please post any suggestions to the forum. If you have any questions about the site, please use the Contact Form.

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