MaplePrimes Suggestions

Have a problem with MaplePrimes? Want to suggest a possible improvement to the site? Please post it here.

Greetings, dear Maple developers!

I, Yegor Volovodenko, together with my supervisor, Igor Zinoviev, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Mathematics at ZNU, am conducting research on ‘Solving equations and inequalities of elementary mathematics by means of computer mathematics: opportunities, problems and ways to solve them’. I express my sincere gratitude for your work on the development and popularisation of mathematics, for the constant improvement and enhancement of CAS in particular.

Unfortunately, during the study, we found some, in our opinion, shortcomings in the work of Maxima algorithms for solving elementary equations and inequalities

  1. Solving equations with parameters;

    In these two cases, the solution obtained is formal, without analysing the cases when the coefficient of a variable is zero. Thus, not all solutions of equations with a parameter are obtained. I believe that if the user is not familiar with the methodology for solving equations with parameters, he or she may lose some solutions that may be important for further work. So the solution can be considered incomplete.


  1. Solving equations with two variables.

In the equation with two variables, the answer was given in complex numbers, which is incomprehensible to a person who is not familiar with complex numbers. There are also comments on the course of the solution, in this equation it was necessary to select the square of the difference, and then solve the equation x^2+(y-2)^2=0, getting x=0, y=2.

I hope that the results I have obtained (the identified shortcomings) will help to correct the work of the algorithms and improve the work of the Maple system.

Sincerely, Yegor Volovodenko, Igor Zinoviev.

Happy new year everyone. Instead on making my usual new year resolutions, I though I would put up a request for some helpful  improvements here.

1) Please make search work properly. Allow searches to target specific sections. Posts, Questions, My own account, Other users. etc,

2) Add links to Maple help. Is there an online way of viewing Maple document? Or build Maple viewer into this site.

3) Add links to Maple Learn.

Deleted posts should go into a seperate container on mapleprimes for review by the original poster.

In the past some have been deleted by accident and others for good reasons and others just because. 

The idea to put it into a container is so accidental deletes can be recovered and not lost.  A legitimate delete of a post is if it provides no value to the original question.

Mapleprimes advanced search isn't working properly

I wanted to find only my (Author: Christopher2222) related to (keyword: plot) and the search found posts and plots where I wasn't even involved! 

Mapleprimes - please fix

There is something wrong with the search in mapleprimes. 

I noted one users comment last week about using the search to find something being very difficult to find.  The results don't often match the search.  Only just this morning I was looking for something and the results were less than satisfying often pointing to a list of more results which didn't seem to help. 

This has been a problem for a long time, is this going to be looked at or fixed soon?

Mapleprimes appears unfinished and is in need of some maintenance.

If you click on the products option page there are several products missing from the sort (MapleSim, MapleFlow, MapleLearn).  Also clicking on questions gives you only a maplesim and maple option.

Those are some of the things I would like mapleprimes to please update.

Is there a possibility for maple ambassadors to purchase the new maple version now?

It would be great if maplesoft come forward to help maple ambassadors have the ease to access latest version for mutual growth and benefits.



I ask a lot of question on MaplePrimes.

I can get  a list of all my question. 

I like to search in this list to people on the forum who has answered my questions

Is this possible to add this functionality in MaplePrimes?


I am a high school Teacher in Denmark, who have been using Maple since version 12, more than 12 years ago. I suggested it for my school back then and our math faculty finally decided to purchase a school license. We are still there. We have watched Maple improve in a lot of areas (function definitions, context panels, graphically etc., etc ). Often small changes makes a big difference! We have been deligted. We we are mostly interested in improvements in GUI and lower level math, and in animations and quizzes. I have also been enrolled as a beta tester for several years yet. 

One of the areas, which is particually important is print and export to pdf, because Danish students have to turn in their papers/solutions at exams in pdf format! I guess the Scandinavian countries are ahead in this department. They may quite possible be behind in other areas however, but this is how it is. 

Now my point: Maplesoft is lacking terrible behind when regarding screen look in comparison with print/export to pdf. 

I am very frustrated, because I have been pinpointing this problem in several versions of Maple, both on Mapleprimes and in the beta groups. Some time you have corrected it, but it has always been bouncing back again and again! I have come to the opinion that you are not taking it seriously? Why?

Students may loose grades because of missing documentations (marking on graphs etc.). 

I will be reporting yet another instance of this same problem. When will it stop?



It would be useful if there was a category (or subcategory) of scientific domain (e.g. physics, methematics, economics...)  in which Maple is applied. Thus it would become very convinient for someone who have a question on a specific topic to find a possible answer. 

I like how the Julia community has been organised in, so I would suggest to implement something similar in Maple Primes

I have recently taken some questions about MaplePrimes reputation scores, and coincidentally, there was a discussion about it within MaplePrimes yesterday. I wanted to address these issues, and thought that doing so as a separate post made sense.

Reputation was added back in 2010 as a mechanism to track how fellow users value your contributions, and I believe it has largely worked. It's become a great way to acknowledge the time and effort our members put into the community, and I know that many of you greatly value the scores that you have earned. I also know that it is never fun to see it drop, even by just a few points.

To be clear, there are only two ways to lose reputation:

  • If someone upvoted your answer/reply and then later rescinded the upvote
  • If someone marked your answer as the "best" answer, and then later changed their vote to another answer

This means you can only lose reputation points if someone undoes an action that gave you points in the first place. This is going to happen occasionally. For example, the user may have voted your answer “best”, but as the discussion continued, someone else posted a different solution that the user felt was even better. So you can expect to see small fluctuations from day to day, but the overall trend will be upward. 

That said, members get understandably concerned when their reputation drops, and want to know why. We have always been able to track when reputation changed, but “why it changed” was obscured. Starting today, we have added enhanced logging for reputation shifts. This will allow us to better diagnose the causes when a member is concerned about a change to their reputation points. As well, in the very unlikely event that there is malicious behavior on MaplePrimes, this will give also us the data we need to take action to protect the community.  

We need a check-off box for Maple Companion in the Products category of Question and Post headers.

While you're looking at that, there's also a bug that the Product indication gets stripped off when converting a Post to a Question, which is a common Moderator action.

We are currently in the process of updating the support FAQs at We’ve been working on updating the existing content for clarity, and have added several new articles already.


The majority of our FAQs are from questions people ask us in Technical Support by support request form, but we’d also like to like to add content from other sources.

Since we have such a great community here at MaplePrimes, we wanted to reach out and ask if there are any articles or questions that you'd like to see added to our FAQ.


We look forward to hearing your feedback!

Avatar images are displayed with fixed size. When scaling the font, the title is offended by the avatar image. Please change this behaviour.

We added a small new feature to MaplePrimes that will make it easier to tag other members in your questions, posts and comments.

To use the feature, type "@" in a message. If you wait a moment, a list of names will be populated, starting with members who are participating in the current thread, followed by other members ordered by reputation. You can also begin to type after the "@" to search for a particular member. Similar to the above, members who match your search who are in the current thread will appear first, followed by others.

If you are tagged in this way, an indication will appear in your notifications pane.

We hope you find this new feature useful!


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