Product Suggestions

Post your suggestions on new features and products.

I’m thrilled to introduce the updated Q&A Cards Creator! Michael Barnett had created the original Flash Cards Creator, inspired by the quiz creators in the Maple Learn gallery. I added some of the features (mentioned later in this post) that will help you use this tool to make more comprehensive quizzes. Students can use the creator to quiz themselves before a test, and instructors can integrate more practice quizzes into their lesson plans. One feature I particularly love is the ability to link full solutions to the back of each card, allowing users to understand the answers in depth (as shown in this document). Additionally, you can link a general solutions package (as seen here) if individual solutions aren’t necessary for each question. Below is an example of what the Q&A cards can look like from the users point of view.
This creator is a great example of the Maple Learn documents you can create through scripting in Maple. With a single script, you can create an infinite amount of content and quizzes. If you are interested in Maple scripting, here is a link to the Q&A cards script. If this script looks intimidating, feel free to check out this blog post on the basics of Maple scripting!

If you are interested in creating your own Q&A quiz, you can go to this document to get started. If you get stuck at any point creating your card set, check out the instructions included in the document for clarification. We hope you enjoy creating some quizzes with this document!

We have just released an update to Maple. Maple 2024.1 includes improvements to the math engine, PDF export, the Physics package, command completion, and more. As always, we recommend that all Maple 2024 users install this update. In particular, please note that this update includes fixes to ODESteps and simplifying integrals, as reported on Maple Primes. Thanks for helping us, and other users, by letting us know!

At the same time, we have also released an update to MapleSim. MapleSim 2024.1.1 includes improvements to FMU import/export, plotting, co-simulation, and more, as well as enhancements to the Web Handling Library.

These updates are available through Tools>Check for Updates in Maple or MapleSim, and are also available from the Download Product Updates section of our web site, where you can find more details.

It can happen when an operation is interrupted by  that Maple does not return to  and still shows .

This can give the false impression that the Maple server in charge of the evaluation did not get the message to stop whatever it was doing.

By giving Maple an impossible task to solve analytically

f1 := x1 - x1*sin(x1 + 5*x2) - x2*cos(5*x1 - x2);
f2 := x2 - x2*sin(5*x1 - 3*x2) + x1*cos(3*x1 + 5*x2);
solve({f1, f2});

I have noticed in the Windows Task Manager that freeing allocated memory can take much longer than one might think.

In one case it took 30 minutes to free 24 Gb of total allocated memory (21 Gb of it in RAM/physical memory). In this case the interrupt button became active (turned from grey to red ) two times and memory continued piling up  again.

Lessons learned for me:

  • The task manager is not only a valuable indicator for task activity but also for the interruption/memory freeing process.
  • Before killing a whole Maple session and potentially losing the last state of a worksheet it can pay off to wait and repeatedly interrupt an operation.


Suggestion: When the maple server gets an interrupt request, it could report to the GUI that it is in an interruption state and is no longer evaluating input. For example changing the message in the status bar from Evaluating... to Interrupting...

The original app center was excellent, they were .. "finessed" so to speak.  Then they changed it (like so many websites today most are clunky and they're all terrible, they don't work well, and I'm not just singling out maplesoft)  Most websites that are finely tuned are most likely based on old school programming, just recall the old days of mapleprimes - the forum was nicely done - but that's a debate for later. Now to the nitty gritty.

I did a search at maplesoft app center of a particular author, and I know he has at least 20 applications.  Only 3 came up, and the last app entry said more apps by this author but it kept disappearing and I kept getting thrown back to application #1 all the meanwhile looking like I'm scrolling further down in the list. 

Maybe this is browser issue?  I'm using firefox.  Maybe Microsoft Edge works better? 

Plots of physical quantities has significantly improved with Maple 2022. The updated useunits option makes unit conversion errors in plots very unlikely. A lot of time is saved when creating plots of physical quantities where values and units must be correct.

One final source of user errors remains: The manual entry of incorrect units in labels.

Below is a way to avoid such errors by computing labels with units for three prevalent axis labeling schemes.

Other desireable labels are given as a suggestion for future plot label enhancements where plot commands could provide formating functionality.

The rendering on this website adds double brakets ⟦ ⟧ wherever units are used. You have to open the document to see how Maple renders.


Simple plot example: Solar irradiance in space

G__0 := 1361*Unit('W'/'m'^2)






plot(1361*Units:-Unit(W/m^2)*sin((1/12)*Pi*t/Units:-Unit(h)), t = 0 .. 12*Unit('h'))