Maple Flow 2024 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple Flow 2024

Try it yourself, you will understand what I mean. (MF2024.2.1)


Referring to the screenshots, "J" can be converted to "N m" in MF2024.1, but not in M2024.2.
Is this some sort of bug in M2024.2?



With the new release of Maple Flow 2024.2 the units "Area" and "Speed" don't work.

I run a MaxBook Pro with macOS Sequoia 15.2 and uninstalled MF2024.2.



Is there any other way to interrupt a MapleFlow (2024.2) evaluation, other then the red circled ! icon?

Sometimes MF gets stuck in an "Evaluating" state and the red circled ! icon doesn´t work.

Thanks very much in advance for any help.

I am a new user of Maple Flow 2024.2.

Since I installed this version I got trouble with the following commands:

solve(x^3-2x^2+3x-2)=1.00.  Just 1 root is returned

fsolve((x-2)(x+3)(x-1))=-3.  Just 1 root is returned

ifactors(3024)=.   Maple Flow latch in and crashes without errot massage

seq(i^2,i=1..5)=. Sequence not executed

subs(...)= Substitute not executed

Optimization:-Minimize(...)=.  Latch in, error

With the help of the Maplesoft-Team I uninstalled and installed several times MF on a MacBook Pro Sequoia 15.2 and on a MacBook Pro Ventura 13.7.2 with and without Firewall and McAfee. 
No success, the problems still remain.

I'll no longer use Maple Flow in this version.
I expect a new update asap!

Hello everyone,

I'm quite new to Maple Flow and I really like it. However, since the 2024.2 update, Flow sometimes does not let me save a worksheet. Just nothing happens when I click Save or Save As or press Ctrl+S. Same thing when I click "Yes" in the dialogue (which asks me if I want to save the changes) after I close the worksheet.

As a workaround in these cases, I copy the whole content of the worksheet, close Flow altogether and open a new worksheet into which I paste the previously copied contents. Am I the only one experiencing this behaviour? Am I doing something wrong?

After download MapleFlow 2024.2 "fsolve" return only one solution for a polynom of n-order.

Can I unchain by an hidden order?


I would like help with 2 questions regarding complex plots and Euler's formula:

- I'm trying to plot a complex (simple) plot in Maple Flow (2024.2) but got into a problem:

does anyone would know how to fix/solve it?

- how could an complex exponential function be expanded with Euler's formula

Thanks very much in advance.


I would like help on accessing an element of matrix which is itself  an element of another matrix, like:

how could I reference the element "1.0" or "6.0"?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I tried the latest Maple flow upgrade (2024.2) and noticed some strange behavior. When I enter units such as L/min or m/s^2, the program states: "invalid unit(s) Units:-Simple:-*" However, to my surprise, if I start the canvas by stating with(Units) everything works as it should. In the user manual however it is stated that the with() commands do not work within Flow. If someone would be so kind to explain what I am doing wrong.

With Maple Flow, we’re regularly rolling out exciting updates. Each offers new features, as well as resolving many user-reported issues.

Flow 2024.2 lives up to that track record. Two major new features - drop-down menus and phasors - make their debut. We've also made many other quality-of-life enhancements.

Drop-down list boxes make your worksheets more tactile and interactive. The menu items can be defined in a matrix or vector, or in a table. You can return the index of the selected item, or return an entire row or column of a matrix.

An important use case is populating the contents of a drop-down menu with data from an external file. In movie below, we

  • import a database of steel shapes and their associated properties
  • populate the drop-down menu with the steel shapes in the first column of the imported data
  • based upon the selected shape, use ArrayTools:-Lookup to return a property
  • and finally perform a design analysis.

If you look carefully, you'll see that you can hide commands on a per-container basis to make your worksheets cleaner.

We have a large number of power system engineers who want to model electrical systems in phasor notation.

Entering a phasor is easy - just enter the magnitude, the angle character and then the angle. Phasors evaluate to rectangular complex numbers but can be recast to phasor format with the Context Panel.

You can also associate a unit with the magnitude and angle. On output, you can change units inline or via the Context Panel.

You can also prevent floating point approximation of phasors using the symbolic toggle on each container.

We've also made a raft of other improvements. Extracting slices of matrices is faster, and you can now enter units in 2d notation in the Context Panel (particularly useful when you want to change the units of everything inside a matrix).

As ever, the new features are driven by you. The only way you can point us the right direction is by telling us what you want. Don't be shy!


I've just got interested in MapleFlow (and downloaded the trial). I looked at the previous post but I have seen very little activity for MapleFlow. Is it still alive?

Best regards,

I'm trying some number theory functions and got a problem with prime factorization.

When I try the function ifactor in Maple, it works perfectly, but when I try it in MapleFlow, I get:

ifactor(50) = 50

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for any help.


I just got 2 questions regarding symbols and answers in MapleFlow (I might be doing something wrong here).

- In trying to input the integral int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5) - this is just an example! - as a symbol,

int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5)

MapleFlow doesn´t accept fractions or multiplications for bondaries values, unless I input "int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5 =". Is there anyway to do it?

- is it possible to have the answer as 2*cos((3*Pi)/10), like in Maple, instead of 2.00*cos(300e-3*pi) ()symbolic expression) or 1.18 (numeric expression)?

Thanks in advance for your help.


just a simple question: Is it possible to write if statments in Mapleflow, like (this is just a simple example, not what I would like to code!):

a:= 2


if ( a > b ) then c:=a else c:=b end if

and, if so, how to do it? I've tried the above code but got the error

"internal error: unhandled case IF in subsindents"

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