Maple 11 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 11

Hi there,

I was woundering if there is a function implemented in Maple11, where I can enter a function and it's domain, and the output is the range. For example:

Entering f(x)=x^2, and the Domain x in (-1,2), I would want Maple to tell me that f(x) is in [0,4).

Is there such a function implemented? I need this quite often, most times on functions from R->R, but also more general for functions from R^n -> R^m. I know that in some cases you could...


I have the following problem:

I have an array of values stored in F[i,j] and plot them using the LineChart tool:

LineChart([seq([seq(F[i, j], j = dmin .. dmax)], i = 1 .. 3)], xcoords = [seq(0.1e-1*2^(k-1), k = dmin .. dmax)],  color = mycolor);

This way, I obtain 3 curves, each of them with a different color as defined by mycolor.

However, for a publication in black and white I would now like to assign different linestyles...


I am trying to use a worksheet developed by Professor Batista [ritz06.mws] for calculating plate vibration frequencies using the Ritz method, which is available from the Applications directory - Mechanical Engineering folder.  The worksheet was developed using Maple 12 and I am using Maple 11; a careful reading of the file didn't show any commands that were incompatible across the two versions and yet I am not able to solve the worksheet using the default inputs provided in the worksheet.  I have attached a PDF output of the file with the error message.  Any assistance that could be offered would be greatly appreciated.

Please send your response to

Kind regards,

When I run the following Maple codes, for some reason I get an error:


> restart:with(DEtools):with(plots):

> ode:= diff(p(t), t) = r*(1.5-sin(2*t))*p(t);

> odePlot := DEplot(ode, P(t), t = -3 .. 3, P = 0 .. 1000);

Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckDE) derivatives must be given explicitly


I'm not sure what it's talking about? I feel like I've done things like this many times in the past. Any help...

hello everybody

I need help please

in some forum i found this problem

find a number "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzâôîé" with 30 digits if we renverse it

it will be equal 


hello everybody

please heeeelp

hello everybody can you help me please


how can i canvert this list [1,2,3,4,5,6] to a number 123456


Dear all,

I am running Maple 11 on my PC. I have Windows 7 (64 bit installed), use Eclipse SDK for Java development.

I have made some mathematical calculations in Maple 11, now I want to integrate them to Java using OpenMaple API.

I viewed help, maple soft and maple primes resources ...... I found example in Maple 11 directory.


I can't add classpath to OpenMaple libraries in Java.

I have Java SDK 6 installed in...

hello everybody

i want to know how can i solve this equation

64(a-b+c+d+e+f+g)=32(b-a-c-d-e-f-g)=16(7c- a-b-d-e-f-g)=8(15d-a-b-c-e-f-g)=4(31e-a-b-c-d-f-g)=2(63f-a-b-c-d-e-g)=127g-a-b-c-d-e-f


please heeelp me


i want to solve this equation

but i couldn't

please help me


( x mod 5656 = 565 ; x mod 565 = 56)

I setup Maple 11 on windows 7   but the program does not save any data

Dears, How can i plot a parametric equations for an ellipse

x[i]=a*sin(t[i]),     y[i]=b*cos(t[i])      t[i] takes a numerical vaulues from - Pi to Pi.


i want to plot the values ,

(x[1], y[1]),

(x[2], y[2]),



(x[i], y[i])      where     i=1..100,

Dr. Amr

Dears. I want to evaluate the following expression numerically
G[i]=sum(Gama[i,k], k=1..100, k<>i),
Dr. Amr

  Dear all, I am using fsolve to solve a complex equation. When I solve it, I get the following error:

Error number of equations, 1, does not match number of variables, 2.

But the variables are just one (named u1) I think it is a problem with assume but I am getting cracy to understand the problem.You can find in attachment the short maple file. I try to solve equation e4 for variable u1.



Recently, I submitted for publication to a peer-reviewed math journal

a formula for the n-th order implicit derivative given an implicit function G(z,w)=0.

i.e. dz/dw = - Gw/Gz where Gw and Gz are partial derivatives of G with respect to w and z, respectively. Anyway, I proved the general formula for d^n z/ dw^n.   I have since proved the generalization of this to implicit functions of several variables, G(z,w1,w2,...,w(N))=0. A good mathematician...

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