Maple 12 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 12

I want to take v_{r} , v_{theta}, and v_{pi} common out of this expression and I want to simplify in a more simplify way. The maple sheet is attached


G[ti] := -(v[r]*`cosθ`*`cosφ`+v[r]*`cosθ`*`sinφ`+v[r]*`sinθ`)*rho*(-c^2+(1-A)*(v[r]^2+v[theta]^2+v[phi]^2-(v[r]*`cosθ`*`cosφ`)^2-(v[r]*`cosθ`*`sinφ`)^2-(v[r]*`sinθ`)^2))/(A*c^3)

solve((∂(-    ∇(f) ))/(∂ t)+((DotProduct(v[0],∇f))*(1-e(DotProduct(B,Omega)))+(c[s0]^(2)*rho[1])/(rho[0])(1-e(DotProduct(B,Omega)))+e(CrossProduct(∇ f,B))*Omega-e((DotProduct(-∇f,Omega))*(DotProduct(B,∇)))*(-∇f)+e(E)*(1-(DotProduct(B,Omega)))+e^(2)(DotProduct(E,B))*Omega-e*((CrossProduct(E,Omega))*(∇(-∇f)),rho[1]); This is the maple worksheet The regions are u<=-1, -1<=u<=1,u>=1

how to plot multivalued function in the region from  -a to a solving 2nd order ode in maple ?

d^x/du^2+1/2sech^2(u)*x(u)=0  . I have to find out the analytical value in three different regions like u<=-a , -a<=u<=a , u>=a . How to find out ?

This is the maple worksheet


It's showing an error. It's showing an error with its conditions. What to do? How can I solve it? Got stuck here on this issue?Unable to solve this problem. Please help me. This the maple worksheet:


How to make maple 12 to use Intel SGX 1 or SGX 2 to run code secretly? If maple 12 can not, which version of maple can use SGX 1 or SGX 2?

This is a simple algebraic, but I would like to know how to officially solve the problem,

I tried factor(6*a+12*b+18*c); it simply outputs what I input.

I tried primpart(6*a+12*b+18*c) ; the output is: a+2b+3c

I tried content(6*a+12*b+18*c), the output is 6

What I'm looking for an output is, 6*(a+2*b+3*c), this is the answer my Algebra book is looking for, I also get this answer by

using my HP Graphing Calculator, but I'm unable to get the answer from Maples. Can anyone help?

Hi Dear All,


I need to extract the coordinates from spacecurve commend. For example;



Where, omega is a parameter difinening x, y, z.

I am trying to plot the following kind of sequence. I was expecting a curve for one set of [] inside plot command, but I am getting twin curve there. How can I get a single curve for one single parametric command there. Please reply asap.

plot([[(1.428571429*(r^2+.49-4*r*(r^2+.49-2*exp(-.1/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.1/r)/r^2)))*csc((1/3)*Pi), sqrt(16*r^2*(r^2+.49-2*exp(-.1/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.1/r)/r^2)^2+.49*cos((1/3)*Pi)^2-2.040816327*(r^2+.49-4*r*(r^2+.49-2*exp(-.1/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.1/r)/r^2))^2*cot((1/3)*Pi)^2), r = -10 .. 10], [(1.428571429*(r^2+.49-4*r*(r^2+.49-2*exp(-.1/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.1/r)/r^2)))*csc((1/3)*Pi), -sqrt(16*r^2*(r^2+.49-2*exp(-.1/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.1/r)/r^2)^2+.49*cos((1/3)*Pi)^2-2.040816327*(r^2+.49-4*r*(r^2+.49-2*exp(-.1/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.1/r)/r^2))^2*cot((1/3)*Pi)^2), r = -10 .. 10], [(5.*(r^2+0.4e-1-4*r*(r^2+0.4e-1-2*exp(-.2/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.2/r)/r^2)))*csc((1/3)*Pi), sqrt(16*r^2*(r^2+0.4e-1-2*exp(-.2/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.2/r)/r^2)^2+0.1e-1*cos((1/3)*Pi)^2-25.*(r^2+0.4e-1-4*r*(r^2+0.4e-1-2*exp(-.2/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.2/r)/r^2))^2*cot((1/3)*Pi)^2), r = -10 .. 10], [(5.*(r^2+0.4e-1-4*r*(r^2+0.4e-1-2*exp(-.2/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.2/r)/r^2)))*csc((1/3)*Pi), -sqrt(16*r^2*(r^2+0.4e-1-2*exp(-.2/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.2/r)/r^2)^2+0.1e-1*cos((1/3)*Pi)^2-25.*(r^2+0.4e-1-4*r*(r^2+0.4e-1-2*exp(-.2/r))/(2*r-.2*exp(-.2/r)/r^2))^2*cot((1/3)*Pi)^2), r = -10 .. 10]], -13 .. 5, -5 .. 5)

i have this sequence :f:=n->n/n+1

> f1:=seq(f(n), n = 0 .. 10);
                       f1:= 0,1/2,3/4,4/5,5/6,6/7,7/8,8/9,10/11

i want to create these sequences by using f :

1) 0,2/3,4/5,6/7,8/9,...


3) 1/2^2,3^2/4^2,5^2/6^2,7^2/8^2

        can anyone help me ?              

I have a function which describes the complex reflection coefficient of a structure with respect to frequency.  One or more variables may control the function, and I want to find the set of variables which yield the lowest maxima in frequency response, over a given range of frequencies.

For a simple example relying only on a single variable "Z", it would be something like this:




initialpoint = [Z=Z[2]]


I suspect I am having two problems with the above:

1.  Without some numeric starting point for Z, the nested NLPSolve(Gamma,f=f1..f2,maximize), Gamma is failing to resolve to a maxima in the range f = f1..f2.  Testing NLPSolve(subs(Z=1,abs(Gamma)),f=0..1,maximize); works just fine, but not without fixing Z to some undesired point.

2.  Maple seems to be unhappy about the inclusion of abs(), stating "abs is not differentiable at non-real arguments".  However, a test of another simpler complex function did not bring about the same complaint, so perhaps this is a misleading error due to the poor structure of my command.


Thank you.

A system of differential equations

But solution I want to express in terms of other specified function

How to dsolve to get a solution that in terms of a list of specified function? For example in terms of sin , cos , Bessel etc ?

Sol := [a(t) = sin(t) + cos(t) , b(t)= sin(t) ....]

I wish to solve a diffrential equation of the type:


where coefficients a_1,a_2,...are constants with respect to x.

I am trying to convert this equation in normal Weirstrass Form.

Can someone please help

How can maple be trusted app when window 10 device guard enabled?

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