Maple 15 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 15

how we can solve an ode with boundaries by using RK4 and any other technique??

how we can solve an ode with exat soltuion n calculate the unknw constant which aries after solving an ode.???

from mathematica,


n = 5;
CalabiYau[z_, k1_, k2_] := Module[{z1 = Exp[2Pi I k1/n]Cosh[z]^(2/n), z2 = Exp[2Pi I k2/n]Sinh[z]^(2/n)}, {Re[z1], Re[z2], Cos[alpha]Im[z1] + Sin[alpha]Im[z2]}];
Do[alpha = (0.25 + t)Pi; Show[Graphics3D[Table[ParametricPlot3D[CalabiYau[x + I y, k1, k2], {x, -1, 1}, {y, 0, Pi/2}, DisplayFunction -> Identity, Compiled ->False][[1]], {k1, 0, n - 1}, {k2, 0, n - 1}], PlotRange -> 1.5{{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, ViewPoint -> {1, 1, 0}]], {t, 0, 1, 0.1}];


n := 5;

z1 := exp(2*3.14*I*k1/n)*cosh(z)^(2/n);
z2 := exp(2*3.14*I*k2/n)*sinh(z)^(2/n);

alpha = (0.25 + t)Pi;

xx := Re(z1);
yy := Re(z2);
uu := cos(alpha)*Im(z1) + sin(alpha)*Im(z2);


where k1, k2, alpha are variables


i find algcurve has implicitize

how to use this implicitize to find 3d surface?

is there any other method to find?


i searched groebner basis can do this, but in mathematica is different from maple example

i got this error in window 8 in surface 2  then follow this post and install again still error

then follow

then follow and install again same error

and install again same eror

then i add option -f c:\Program File (x86)\MapleXX in cmd and then no error any more 

but no install succeed 

where it go, it still not install

then i try again, there is no room enough to install,  hard disk do not have enough space, then i go to c:\Windows\Temp, after deleted file in it, still not enough space


i find

but template do not state how to activate later

how to write this template and how to clear the temp file created by previous failed cmd install method

I have the following expression (generated by some other procedure):

This does not have a taylor expansion in pV[6] in the general case because the square roots can become negative:

Error, does not have a taylor expansion, try series()

But I can get an expansion by restrictig the range of pV[6]:

taylor(xpr,pV[6]) assuming -0.01<pV[6],pV[6]<0.01;

So far things are perfectly fine. But when I try mtaylor:

mtaylor(xpr,pV[6]) assuming -0.01<pV[6],pV[6]<0.01;
Error, (in assuming) when calling 'mtaylor'. Received: 'does not have a taylor expansion, try series()'

So the assumption seems to be ignored. I can work around this by expanding in pV[6] first, using taylor, and then expanding the result from that using mtaylor (I really also want the expansions in the other pV components; 6 in total although in this example some do not show up). I'll have to convince myself that this work-around gives the correct result but I think it does. However, I don't particularly like it.

I consider this a bug and am tempted to submit an SCR. But before I do that; is there anything obvious I am missing here?



PS: This was done using Maple 15. I'll check newer versions later.

I want to ask., I put delta as my constant in maple program and I want the answer are in delta as well., but the thing is., when running., it let delta=0, delta=-1, and delta=delta.,
the condition is we cannot let delta=1 or delta=0 because it is just same for s5 and s7.,.(delta is refer to the s8). How can I get answer as delta? with the condition? here I attach my maple programme..


> derivation := proc (A, n)
local i, j, k, t, s5, s7, s8, m, D,
sols5, sols7, sols8, eqns5, eqns7, eqns8,
BChange5, BChange7, BChange8; eqns5 := {}; eqns7 := {}; eqns8 := {};
D := matrix(n, n);
BChange5 := matrix(n, n); BChange7 := matrix(n, n); BChange8 := matrix(n, n);
for i to n do for j to n do for m to n do
s5 := sum(0*A[i, j, k]*D[m, k], k = 1 .. n)-(sum(A[k, j, m]*D[k, i]+A[i, k, m]*D[k, j], k = 1 .. n));
s7 := sum(0*A[i, j, k]*D[m, k], k = 1 .. n)-(sum(A[k, j, m]*D[k, i]+0*A[i, k, m]*D[k, j], k = 1 .. n));
s8 := sum(0*A[i, j, k]*D[m, k], k = 1 .. n)-(sum(A[k, j, m]*D[k, i]+delta*A[i, k, m]*D[k, j], k = 1 .. n));
eqns5 := `union`(eqns5, {s5}); eqns7 := `union`(eqns7, {s7}); eqns8 := `union`(eqns8, {s8})
end do end do end do;
sols5 := [solve(eqns5)]; sols7 := [solve(eqns7)]; sols8 := [solve(eqns8)];
t := nops(sols5); t := nops(sols7); t := nops(sols8);
for i to t do for j to n do for k to n do
BChange5[k, j] := subs(sols5[i], D[k, j]);
BChange7[k, j] := subs(sols7[i], D[k, j]);
BChange8[k, j] := subs(sols8[i], D[k, j])
end do end do;
print("eqns&Assign;", eqns5); print("sols:=", sols5); print("BChange5:=", BChange5);
print("eqns&Assign;", eqns7); print("sols:=", sols7); print("BChange8:=", BChange7);
print("eqns&Assign;", eqns8); print("sols:=", sols8); print("BChange8:=", BChange8)
end do end proc;

> AS1 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS1, 2);

> AS2 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (1, 2, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS2, 2);

> AS3 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (2, 1, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS3, 2);

> AS4 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (2, 2, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS4, 2);

> AS5 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (1, 2, 2) = 1, (2, 1, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS5, 2);

> AS1 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS1, 3);

> AS2 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 2) = alpha]);
> derivation(AS2, 3);

> AS3 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 1, 2) = 1, (1, 2, 3) = 1, (2, 1, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS3, 3);

> AS4 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 3, 2) = 1, (2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS4, 3);

> AS5 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 1) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS5, 3);

> AS6 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(3, 1, 2) = 1, (3, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS6, 3);

> AS7 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 2, 1) = 1, (2, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 1) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS7, 3);

> AS8 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 3, 1) = 1, (2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 1) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS8, 3);

> AS9 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 1) = 1, (3, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS9, 3);

> AS10 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 3, 1) = 1, (2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 1) = 1, (3, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS10, 3);

> AS11 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 3, 2) = 1, (2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 2) = 1, (3, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS11, 3);

> AS12 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 1, 2) = 1, (1, 3, 1) = 1, (2, 3, 2) = 1, (3, 1, 1) = 1, (3, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS12, 3);

> AS13 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (2, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS13, 3);

> AS14 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 2, 1) = 1, (2, 1, 1) = 1, (2, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS14, 3);

> AS15 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 2, 1) = 1, (2, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS15, 3);

> AS16 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(2, 1, 1) = 1, (2, 2, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS16, 3);

> AS17 := array(sparse, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3, [(1, 1, 2) = 1, (3, 3, 3) = 1]);
> derivation(AS17, 3);

Hi, currently im using maple 15

the coding did work but it is not the same with the answer
here, i attach the coding with the answer

derivation := proc (A, n)
local i, j, k, t, s1, s2, m, D, sols, eqns, Andre;
eqns := {};
D := matrix(n, n);
Andre := matrix(n, n);
for i to n-1 do
for j from i+1 to n do
for m to n do
s1 := sum(A[i, j, k]*D[m, k], k = 1 .. n);
s2 := sum(A[k, j, m]*D[k, i]+A[i, k, m]*D[k, j], k = 1 .. n);
eqns := `union`(eqns, {s1 = s2})
end do end do end do;
sols := [solve(eqns)];
t := nops(sols);
for i to t do
for j to n do
for k to n do
Andre[k, j] := subs(sols[i], D[k, j])
end do end do;
end do end proc

the maple result showing:

> AS1 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 2) = 1]);

> derivation(AS1, 2);
[D11 0]
[D21 D22]

> AS2 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (1, 2, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS2, 2);
[0 D12]
[D21 D22]

the maple should showing

> derivation(AS1, 2);
[D11 0]
[D21 2D11]

> AS2 := array(sparse, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, 1 .. 2, [(1, 1, 1) = 1, (1, 2, 2) = 1]);
> derivation(AS2, 2);
[0 0]
[D21 D22]

please help., thank you

how to field plot this system?

eq2 := ...;
eq3 := ...;
eq4 := ...;
sys := DiffEquation([eq2 = t, eq3 = t], inputvariable = [b(t)], outputvariable = [a(t), c(t)]);
ts := .1;
in_t := t;
sol := Simulate(sys, [in_t]);



not the same ordering every time of monomials after determinant and map sign positive and op in maple 15

sometimes i need to use Reverse or Rotate List to adjust.

why ordering is different in list of monomials?

is it caused by virus?


I have downloaded the zip file for CalcP7, unzipped it, and can access its commands in a worksheet after issuing the command with(CalcP7), but "No Matches Found" displays when entering the command ?CalcP7. The download included a file named "aplication" (one "p") of type HDB, but Maple15 can't seem to access its contents.

Are CalcP7's help pages displayable? If so, what is necessary to access them?

I have had no trouble downloading the user package DirectSearch and accessing both its commands and its help pages.

Please let me know if this link correctly accesses my worksheet. If not, I will copy its contents into this question.

Which ODE in the worksheet, if any, provides the correct answer?


f := proc (x) local t; if not type(evalf(x), 'numeric') then ('procname')(x) else evalf(Int(exp(-(1/10)*t^2), t = 0 .. x)) end if end proc

solA := dsolve({diff(y(x), x) = y(x)+f(x), y(0) = 0}, numeric, known = f)


[x = 1., y(x) = HFloat(0.7081492947996167)]


f2 := evalf(Int(exp(-(1/10)*t^2), t = 0 .. 1)); f(1)





solB := dsolve({diff(y(x), x) = y(x)+f2, y(0) = 0}, numeric, output = listprocedure)


[x(1) = 1., (y(x))(1) = HFloat(1.6626837619970016)]


YinSolB := subs(solB, y(x))

YinSolBeval := solve(YinSolB(a) = .7081, a); solB(YinSolBeval)



[x(.5491485953) = .5491485953, (y(x))(.5491485953) = HFloat(0.7081000000284681)]





  I would need to get access to the values of euler angles defining the orientation of a 3D plot.

I generate the 3D plot with a given orientation, then the user is allowed to rotate it with mouse orbit. How can I get the values of the new euler angles to use them in further computations?

In the plot/structure I cannot find any data concerned with orientation...


Thank you.



Hello guys and gals!

I'm not strong enough with maple to get what the result I want.

It seems that it's because I'm asking for two lenths, and not a lenth and an angle, but I have no Idea how to tackle it diferently.

If you know a trick, please share it!


Here's an image:

And here's the maple file attached (I think)


Happy new year!


If I have this equation

and I need to use different Z, it's like

how can I solve it

Many Thanks


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