Maple 16 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 16

In this paper (see the footnote on the page), the authors pointed out:

We use -v16 as it is faster than the -v2019 for real root isolation on our benchmarks.

Since I don't have Maple 16 at present, I cannot confirm such an assertion personally. However, I'd like to ascertain if old Maple 16 (released in 2012) is still faster in that specialized realm now (i.e., in 2023). Is there any benchmark test that supports this claim (or tells an opposite story instead?)?

Note. Here I just try to justify the authors' statement (which has caused confusion). Incidentally, will this library be a part of Maple in some future version? (I find that some recent papers provide new "powerful"—in accordance with their "Experiment" sections—Maple packages to tackle difficult problems efficaciously, but such functionalities are not built into the Maple kernel as yet. (In fact, if Maple is a single integrated all-in-one technical platform, then I will no longer need to change tools and formats at each stage. :) ))

Good day everyone, please I'm soliciting help on how to solve PDE in Maple. I know how to solve ODE but I don't know how to go about PDE. The problem I want to solve is attached as an attachment. If epsilon is zero, then the problem reduces to ODE which can easily be solved, but epsilon is not supposed to be zero. please I need your help, thank you in anticipation.


I am currently working on a project that generates a set of matrices and I want to find their eigenvalues, but using the inbuilt Maple engine takes too long. The problem is that whenever I try to use the Matlab[eig] command I get the error:

Error, (in Matlab:-setvar) unable to store '-3.*Re(X)' when datatype=float[8]
I found out that solving symbolic matrices in MATLAB requires first defining symbols with the "sym" command but I've been unable to do that in Maple.

PDE := diff(u(x, y), x, x)+diff(u(x, y), y, y)-6*x*y*(1-y)-2*x^3 = 0; BCsx := u(xL, y) = 0, u(xU, y) = y*(1-y); BCsy := u(x, yL) = 0, u(x, yU) = 0; solPDE := pdsolve({BCsx, BCsy, PDE}, u(x, y)); exactSol := unapply(rhs(%), x, y)

Hi, i encountered this, error, and the link to the help page was broken.

Error, (in RootOf) expression independent of _S000100

Please help me on this :

restart; with(PDETools), with(plots)

n := .3:

Eq1 := (1-n)*(diff(f(x, y), `$`(y, 3)))+(1+x*cot(x))*f(x, y)*(diff(f(x, y), `$`(y, 2)))-(diff(f(x, y), y))/Da+(diff(f(x, y), y))^2+n*We*(diff(f(x, y), `$`(y, 2)))*(diff(f(x, y), `$`(y, 3)))+sin(x)*(theta(x, y)+phi(x, y))/x = x*((diff(f(x, y), y))*(diff(f(x, y), y, x))+(diff(f(x, y), `$`(y, 2)))*(diff(f(x, y), x))):

Eq2 := (diff(theta(x, y), `$`(y, 2)))/Pr+Nt*(diff(theta(x, y), y))^2/Pr+Nb*(diff(phi(x, y), y))*(diff(theta(x, y), y))/Pr+(1+x*cot(x))*f(x, y)*(diff(theta(x, y), y)) = x*((diff(f(x, y), y))*(diff(theta(x, y), x))+(diff(theta(x, y), y))*(diff(f(x, y), x))):

Eq3 := Nb*(diff(phi(x, y), `$`(y, 2)))/(tau*Pr)+Nt*(diff(theta(x, y), `$`(y, 2)))/(tau*Pr)+(1+x*cot(x))*f(x, y)*(diff(phi(x, y), y)) = x*((diff(f(x, y), y))*(diff(phi(x, y), x))+(diff(phi(x, y), y))*(diff(f(x, y), x))):

ValWe := [0, 5, 10]:

bcs := {Nb*(D[2](phi))(x, 0)+Nt*(D[2](theta))(x, 0) = 0, f(0, y) = ((1/12)*y)^2*(6-8*((1/12)*y)+3*((1/12)*y)^2), f(x, 0) = 0, phi(0, y) = -.5*y, phi(x, 12) = 0, theta(0, y) = (1-(1/12)*y)^2, theta(x, 0) = 1, theta(x, 12) = 0, (D[2](f))(x, 0) = Da^(1/2)*(D[2, 2](f))(x, 0)+Da*(D[2, 2, 2](f))(x, 0), (D[2](f))(x, 12) = 0}:

pdsys := {Eq1, Eq2, Eq3}:

p1 := ans[1]:-plot(theta(x, y), x = 1, color = blue):

plots[display]({p1, p2, p3})




Download untitle_2_(1).mw

Hi everyone.

I'm going to solve a problem with HPM in Maple. I wrote some initial codes but now I'm confused becouse of P^0 coefficients in A1 and B1. I mean I can't reach to f0 and g0.

I upload that file. these are codes that i typed. could you please help me how can I reach to them(f0 & g0)?

The following code is part of my attempt to answer the recent Question about the bifurcation of the map f:= x-> exp(x^2*(a-x)). Two very weird things are happening. They can be seen by applying trace to f. The first is that the input argument to f seems to be changed to a very large integer. The second is that for some real values of a and x, I get imaginary results from this obviously real-valued function. Why are these things happening?


f:= x-> exp(x^2*(a-x)):


Iterate:= proc(a, x0:= 1., n:= 2000)
local A:= hfarray(1..n, [x0]), f:= subs(:-a= a, eval(:-f));          
          proc(f, A, n)
          local k;
               for k from 2 to n do A[k]:= f(A[k-1]) end do
          end proc
          (f, A, n);
     evalf[4]~(convert(A[1000..], set))
end proc:


{--> enter f, args = 4607182418800017408




<-- exit f (now in unknown) = 4607413323290551347}
{--> enter f, args = 4607413323290551347




<-- exit f (now in unknown) = 4607169774561176020}
{--> enter f, args = 4607169774561176020




Warning,  computation interrupted



{--> enter f, args = 4607182418800017408




<-- exit f (now in unknown) = HFloat(0.7545897527558614)+HFloat(0.19267839720238844)*I}

Error, (in unknown) unable to store 'HFloat(0.7545897527558614)+HFloat(0.19267839720238844)*I' when datatype=float[8]





Hi everyone. This problem is driving me nuts. I'm pretty sure it's a glitch but I'm not sure how to solve it. I'm trying to do some data analysis with Maple:

(as a side note, even if I remove the for loop but don't execute the restart command the error remains, however if I get rid of the for loop and execute the restart command it is fine.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. As it stands this is really driving me insane.

We are running Maple16 in a virtual lab setup using Citrix, when exporting to PDF and saving the file to the local machine the PDF comes out as a 0kb file and the PDF is corrupt.  Has anyone else had an issue like this before?

Hello everyone, 

I have some problems with the "isolve" command on Maple. I am trying to solve for integer a very easy system of equations. When I type the commands



n := 2;
isolve({sum(a[k], k = 1 .. n)-1 = 1}, d)

I get the expected {a[1] = 2-d, a[2] = d}. However, if I add conditions a[1],a[2] >= 0, that is the commands

n := 2;
isolve({ge(a[1], 0), ge(a[2], 0), sum(a[k], k = 1 .. n)-1 = 1}, d)

I get the warning "Warning, solutions may have been lost". What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to get Maple to give me the possible values?


Thank you in advance,



I need to prepare for a final exam for a introdutory computer science course in Maple.
My professor gives us mutliple choice questions, short answer questions and wiritng some codes.

what is the most efficient way to study for my final exam? or how should i study for an computer science exam. I am not really use to preparing for such a course. 

Are there any websites that i can practice multiple choice questions?

I would appreciate any advice.


Thank you very much.

@Carl Love Dear Sir i am trying to solve the system of nonlinear ODE equation with semiinfinite domain by using shooting method . but i am receiving following error 

"Error, (in isolate) cannot isolate for a function when it appears with different arguments"

how can i remove this error. i am unable to find the mistake. kindly help me 

Hi there,


I am trying to compute the following, and I am getting this error.


> A := map(convert, M, unit_free)*Unit('m'*(1/'s'^2));
(I had to put the Unit('m'*(1/'s'^2)) because the original units were kNm/s^2 (kg), and even though I simplified it, it's still using kNm/s^2, and leaves the m/s^2 for some reason when I try to remove the units. I tried simply changing the units on the original matrix, but the units menu has disappeared from the right-click menu!!)

> B := map(convert, K, unit_free);


Loading RealDomain;


Error, (in assuming) when calling 'Engine:-Dispatch'. Received: 'should not happen: Rename expects the input to contain unknown functions'

Why is it giving me this error? omega is an unknown variable that I am trying to solve for. I am going a modal analysis, so maybe there is a better way to find omega?


Any help appreciated!



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