Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17

Dear all

I compute by hand the bifurcation point of an ode, 
I fouded x=-1/2 a+ 1/2 corresponding to  h= (a+1)^2/4  with 0<a<1 

The same solution is obtained using Maple code. 
I tried to plot the birfurcation diagram to stech with kind of bifrucation ( saddle, Holf . transcritical , periodic, or someting else)
But I get 
Error, (in plots/implicitplot) invalid input: invalid range for first variable

thank you for any help 


Dear all

I have a PDEs depend on u1(r,z) 
I would like to decompose u1 as sum of two function c1*r*U(z)+u(r,z) and  , where c1 is constant,  then i would like to substitute u1 in the pde by   c1*r*U(z)+u(r,z) then obtain the corresponding new equation

thank you 

Dear all

I try to understand why maple does ot plot the behavior of x^1/3 for negative real number,


root(x,3) is function defined verywhere, but why maple plot only this function for x positive 

thank you

Dear all

Strange phenomena...Every thing is well coded.
Using numeric solution pdsolve and  and solution based on iterative solution, gives a slighty different curve.. 

All matrices are well coded, and everything is okay... But  what happen... to get two different curves at same time.

Thank you for any help 


Dear all

if I have a vector defined as u[1..11,1]:=

How can display the coeffients of  this vectors 
can I plot the vector 

Thanks for any help

dear all

I have a linear system AX=b , I would like to compute the solution using Gradient conjugate method

I get the following error
Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-LinearSolve) method SparseIterative incompatible with data of type anything

Thank you for any help

Dear all

I would like to plot two different functions

One constructed using piecewise and second function on the sme interval. 

The code run without error but I am not sure that its true, since we have two different function but in the graph we can not see the difference betweem them

Thank you for your help

Dear all
I have a problem using unapply to construct all functions defined in each intervals.
If I use unapply to construct only two peicewises fuctions the code work well, but otherwise there is someting missing

## using code like this, its run 
                  ( piecewise
                    ( x < eval( Xlist[2], NaturalCoeffs),
                      expand( eval( S[1], NaturalCoeffs) ),
                                           expand( eval( S[3], NaturalCoeffs) )

but using code like 

                  ( piecewise
                    ( x < eval( Xlist[2], NaturalCoeffs),
                      expand( eval( S[1], NaturalCoeffs) ),
                     ( x < eval( Xlist[3], NaturalCoeffs),
                      expand( eval( S[2], NaturalCoeffs) ),

                      expand( eval( S[3], NaturalCoeffs) )
does not run and return 
Error, `;` unexpected

Thank you for your help 

dear all

I hope to write taylor expansion with remainder lagrange ..That is taylor lagrange expansion of a given function.

I tried 

or taylor(cos(x),x=0,5) 
always the remainder written USING O(x^6)
I want the reminder depend on the derivative ..that is Lagrange Taylor expansion

Many thanks

Dear all


data := Import("datatest.xlsx");

I get flotting point like 15.0 , 25.0  in my data
How can get or transform data to integer ( without floating point)  that is instead of 15.0  I would like if possible to obtain 15 

Many thanks



dear all 
I need to plot many curves on the same  figure. 
for j from 1 to 6 do 
pf[i]:=plot(f, x = a[i]..a[i+1]);
end do 
How change the following line so that I can plot many curves like 20 or more, using sequence or someting similar
display(pf[1], pf[2],pf[3],pf[4],pf[5],pf[6]})

many thinks


Hello friends,

I have an image in black and white and I wanted to compute and plot the intensity distribution histogram of it. So I did it with the command PlotHistogram, here's the output:

> PlotHistogram(Lena, 256)

I established the number of buckets to 256 but I don't see them at the x-asis, and I would like to see them for clarity as I don't understand the scale that is used by default. Could you help me achieve this and maybe also understand the scale used by default?

Thanks a lot.

Dear all

I have a matrix defined using loop 

How, can I print the value of the  matrix

thank you

Dear all

I have a table with entries obtained using maple code, how can I copy this table to powepoint as image 

many thanks


Dear all
I have a problem when running the follwoing code using the input proposed.

problem : print_table , used as input in  proc 

Thank you for your help 

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