Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17

Dear all 

I have a function defined on many sub-intervals, how can I simplify this the funciton obtained at each iteration. I hope obatin B_{i,1}, B_{i,2}, and B_{i,3}

Thank you 

Dear all

I would like to get the solution of a system : pde with boundary and initial condition. Everything well coded, but the code does not return the solution

Thanks for your help 


I want to check my analytical calculations and to compare my results with the series expansion for x=0 and y=0 of the function

R0 := -(1-tanh((1/2)*l*sqrt(k*y^2+x^2)*d)^2)*x/(k*y^2+x^2)+2*tanh((1/2)*l*sqrt(k*y^2+x^2)*d)*x/(l*(k*y^2+x^2)^(3/2)*d)

by means of the command 

mtaylor(R0, [x, y], 5);


However, I have a message from Maple 17

Error, (in mtaylor) does not have a taylor expansion, try series()

I read here a little bit about some bugs of mtaylor function, but how to resolve this issue?

Dear all

I have a first sequence alpha, I would like to define a second sequence beta using a general formula of beta[i]

Thank you

Dear all

I have a system that I want to solve it, 
But I get 

''too many levels of recursion''

Thank you for your help 

Dear all
I have a boundary value problem, 
How can I solve the problem using maple or maybe we can introduce serie expansion to solve it or something else.

Thank you for your help 

Dear all 

I have a system of  second order difference equation.

How, can I update the iterate solution and solve the system

Thank you

Dear all
I would like to verify if the proposed solution u_exact of my partial differential equation defined on \mathbb{R}^2, with zero boundary condition 
I write the  exact solution, how substitute this  to verify that the PDE is satisfied or not. I tried to substitute but I think someting missing. 
Please check ...

Thank you

Dear all 
I have a PDE, with unknown u(t,x,t) ,  zero boundary condition and initial condition given

I converted the equaiton using finite difference to get a system of algebraic equation 

The system is solved at each time step 
I think i have a problem to update the solution inside the loop. 

I hope find the problem or why the numerical solution is different to exact solution at last time

Thank you for your help 

Dear all

I have an equation, I would like to collect or regroup all similar terms

Thank you 

Dear all
Warm Greetings.

I want to display a solution (only numerical value) of the first derivative of the function for the values of x varies from 0 to 7 with step size 0.01.

I have attached the work file.

Please do the needful.

Thanks in advance.

Dear all

I have the following code that  compute a parameter labeled by A. 

I used some input vectors and my aim is to get A <1

I tried to change some values of input vectors but unfortunattely I can not have A<1 

Maybe I have a mistake in the code or something else 

Thank you for your help 

I am getting errors while applying the HPM method.
I have attached the maple file.

Please help me to get the solution.

Thanks in advance.

Dear all

I would like if we can solve a problem of a  field homomorphism between two fields. 

Please, if possible a code that help me to define the homomorphism between finite field.

Thank you 

Dear all

I have a linear  system with four equations,  I used solve to get the result but unfortunately nothing returned

Thank you 

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