Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17


so i'm trying to compute the determinant of a Matrix(7*7) to obtain a single equation ( dispersion equation ) that i need to use for further investigation.

But unfortunately for a certain value Bi=1(i need this value ) i get would be nice if some can help me

hello dear maple maple users.

I'm trying to solve this system of equations using fsolve but i'm geting this unrealistic curve.

I don't know exactly how, can help me understand!!!!!.

Dear all

Please i need your help to add heteroclinic or homoclinic  orbits to my plot


Many thanks

Dear all
I solve a nonlinear equation using Newton's method

and maple code I get two different results from sixth iteration  ... What's the problem... I can not understand which one is correct.

Thank you for your help 

Dear all

I have two equations

the first one: f1(x)=r*x; 

and the second one: f29x)=exp(x);

where r in a real number.

Using maple i try to determine the number of solutions of f1(x)=f2(x) for different value of r.
Using maple, 
for r <0 its obvious we have only one solution, but for r =0; No solution 
My problem for r>0, using maple I trided to plot different curve but I can not conclude, the number of  roots for each value of r

thank you for your help 


Dear all

How can I plot vector using maple

Maple return the following error

Error, invalid neutral operator

Thank you

Hello friends,

I'm trying to get the exact result from the following operation:

I'm getting:

for i=0,

for i=1,

for i=2,

I want to get:

for i=0, 1

for i=1, -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2 i

for i=2, -1/2 - sqrt(3)/2 i

Thanks for the light.

Dear all

I tried to used insert code edit region, to write many subcodes 

but no return varibales names.

example, x:=3;

when I run the code, I get only the number affected to x, I would like to get 


Thank you 



Dear all

I compute the integral of continuous function but maple return a complexe number.

A continuous function defined on a closed interval its integral is a number, why maple in my case return a complex number

thank your for your help 


Dear all

When I compute 
int( sin(log(x)),x=0..2) 
I obtain an exact value of the integral 
but one I compute 
int( sin(log(x+1)),x=-1..1) 
I obtain undefined integral

The two integrals are the same, using the change of variable z=x+1

Many thinks

It was interesting not to miss the solutions of such a test equation  x * (1 + 1.0001 * sin (x ^ 2)) = 0 on a fairly large arbitrary segment using NextZero.
It turned out that NextZero skips solutions.
For example, solutions in the range from 7.5 to 10 are skipped.  And two more specific solutions skipped 21.232154952 and 21.232821004.
I took Digits to help, but it didn't affect anything. Most likely the reason is that I am a bad user.  The example seems to be a good one.

#Digits := 30; 
f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; x*(1+1.0001*sin(x^2)) end proc; 
RootFinding:-NextZero(f, 1.0): 
for j to 154 do RootFinding:-NextZero(f, %) end do


Dear all

I have the following proc I, I need a help so that the proc run without error. 

I get Error, invalid =


Thank you for any help 

Dear all

I run a code But I obtained the following error 


Error, (in PW) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: (1/4)*10^(1/2) < 0.1000000000e-3

and  how can I display all iterations obtained from  PW and WDEF2 in a table.

Thank you for any help 


Dear all

I need to plot the solution obtained from dsolve for a system of differential equation

Thank you for any help 

How to draw a streamlines by using stream function provided in pdf. In the presence and absence of lambda parameter.

please help me to obtain graphs



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