Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

How to solve this error?

I can't get a graph. Is this code is correct.Please help.

In above problem, Additionally How to  plot  heat transfer rate  Q versus L^2  for distinct porosity parmeters(Sh) , using  heat transfer rate formula, Q = (q*L)/(k*A*T[b])=theta'(1).

using  [Sh = 0.1, L^2 = 0.1, Nr =0 .1, Ha =0 .1, Pe = 0.1],  [Sh = 0.3, L^2 = 0.3, Nr = 0.1, Ha = 0.1, Pe =0 .1],   [Sh = 0.5, L^2 =0 .5, Nr =0 .1, Ha = 0.1, Pe =0 .1].

How to solve and plot a ODE system in RK method.
eq1 := diff(f(x), x, x, x)-(1/2)*Sc*sin(alpha)*g(x)*(diff(g(x), x, x))+(1/2)*x*cos(alpha)*(diff(f(x), x, x))+(1/2)*sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(f(x), x, x)) = 0; eq2 := (diff(g(x), x, x, x))/Pm+(1/2)*x*cos(alpha)*(diff(g(x), x, x))+sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(g(x), x, x))-sin(alpha)*(diff(f(x), x, x))*g(x) = 0; eq3 := (diff(theta(x), x, x))/Pr+(1/2)*x*cos(alpha)*(diff(theta(x), x))+(1/2)*x*(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(theta(x), x))+sin(alpha)*(x*(diff(f(x), x))-f(x))*(diff(theta(x), x))-Nb*(diff(s(x), x))*(diff(theta(x), x))-Nt*(diff(theta(x), x))^2+(1/4)*Sc*Br*sin(alpha)^2*(diff(f(x), x))^2*(x*(diff(g(x), x))-g(x))+(diff(g(x), x))^2*(x*(diff(f(x), x))-f(x)) = 0; eq4 := diff(s(x), x, x)+S*((1/2)*cos(alpha)*x*(diff(s(x), x))+(1/2)*sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(s(x), x)))+Nt*(diff(theta(x), x, x))/Nb = 0

ics := f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 1, g(0) = 0, (D(g))(0) = 1, theta(0) = 1, s(0) = 1; bcs := (D(f))(100) = 0, (D(g))(100) = 0, theta(100) = 0, s(100) = 0

alpha = - 30 degree, Sc = 1.0, Pm = .1, Pr = 6.2, Nb = .1, Nt = .1, Br = .5, S = 1

Good evening,could you please help me to find the values of Phi[2],Phi[3],Phi[4],....

The right hand side of the for loop is the equation i need.Is this maple code correct.

Certainly a standard question.

I have an integer n*n matrix A (the entries are explicitly integers; there is no variable -type x- in the matrix). I want the Smith normal form of A, that is A=UDV where U,V are integer matrices with determinant +-1 and D is a diagonal matrix with -eventually- some zero and positive integers d_i s.t. d_i divides d_{i+1}.

"SmithForm()" doesn't work directly (I get rational -non integer- matrices). Maybe it is necessary to declare the matrix A as 'Matrix(integer)' ...
Thank you in advance for your help.

How do  I solve system of differential equations in finite difference method or finite element method?

eq1 := (diff(f(x), x, x, x))*(a*beta*f(x)^2-1)+(diff(f(x), x))^2-2*a*beta*f(x)*(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(f(x), x, x))+(diff(f(x), x))*(M+k[1])-(diff(f(x), x, x))*f(x)-(alpha*theta(x)+delta*phi(x))/rho = 0;

eq2 := -(diff(theta(x), x, x))*K[SB]*(Df-(Rd+k[hnf]/k[bf])/Pr)+N[t]*K[SB]*(diff(theta(x), x))^2-N[b]*(diff(theta(x), x))*(diff(phi(x), x))-(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(theta(x), x))-lambda*theta(x)-mu*Ec*(M*(diff(f(x), x))^2+(diff(f(x), x, x))^2) = 0;

eq3 := diff(phi(x), x, x)+Le*Sr*(diff(theta(x), x, x))+Le*f(x)*(diff(phi(x), x)) = 0;

ics := f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 0, theta(0) = 1, phi(0) = 1;

bcs := (D(f))(100) = 0, theta(100) = 0, phi(100) = 0;

Parameters1 := rho = 2063.905, k[hnf] = .29942, k[bf] = .2520, mu = .38694, a = .1, beta = 5, k[1] = 2.0, M = 10, alpha = 20, delta = 20, K[SB] = .5, Df = 3, Pr = 1.2, Rd = 5, N[t] = 1.2, N[b] = 1.0, lambda = 1.5, Ec = 5, Le = .1, Sr = .1;


Hello everyone,

I'm trying to learn how to use Shoot Library 9.

Unfortunately, I'm not doing very well. I'm getting an error that I don't understand. I don't know where it comes from.

Please help me solve this odes system using this library.

I attached my Maple worksheet file.

Please help to plot this equation

How to plot this equation



A := Matrix([[1, -1, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]);
B := Matrix([[1], [0], [1], [0]])

Could you please help me to solve this error.

my code is here.

How to conver a patial differetial equation to ordinary differential equation with or without dchange?


declare(u(x, y, t), v(x, y, t), T(x, y, t), C(x, y, t), eta(x, y, t), psi(x, y, t), f(eta), theta(eta), phi(eta));

declare(u(x, y, t), v(x, y, t), T(x, y, t), C(x, y, t), eta(x, y, t), psi(x, y, t), f(eta), theta(eta), phi(eta))


eta := proc (x, y, t) options operator, arrow; y/(nu*t+nu*x/U[w])^(1/2) end proc:

eq1 := diff(T(x, y, t), t)+u*(diff(T(x, y, t), x))+v*(diff(T(x, y, t), y))-sigma*(diff(T(x, y, t), y, y))-epsilon*D[B]*(diff(T(x, y, t), y))*(diff(C(x, y, t), y)) = 0

diff(T(x, y, t), t)+U[w]*(D(f))(y/(nu*t+nu*x/U[w])^(1/2))*(diff(T(x, y, t), x))+(-(1/2)*f(y/(nu*t+nu*x/U[w])^(1/2))*nu/(nu*t+nu*x/U[w])^(1/2)+(1/2)*(D(f))(y/(nu*t+nu*x/U[w])^(1/2))*y*nu/(nu*t+nu*x/U[w]))*(diff(T(x, y, t), y))-sigma*(diff(diff(T(x, y, t), y), y))-epsilon*D[B]*(diff(T(x, y, t), y))*(diff(C(x, y, t), y)) = 0





Can you change f(eta) to upflow curve and theta(eta) to downflow curve.

In my Problem,Boundary Conditions are

theta(infinity) = 0, (D(f))(infinity) = 1 , (Take, eta =infinity)

Flows will be correct for what value is taken for infinity .

I take  eta = 5. and also tried changing ranges  but could't find it.Please Help to fix the curve.

my code is,

How to find series values.I got this error.Please Help.

Maple code for the problem is

hallo every body 

Please, I have a small problem in this program in Maple 18 at the end of the programme when i want to calculat the intgral given in variable (f2i)  i see this message and I can't calculate the integral 

Please what is the solution to calculate this integral?

The program in Maple 18 is below 

Thanks a lot

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