Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

% Define i1(t) and i2(t) as symbolic variable
syms i1(t) i2(t)

% Given differential equation
ode1 = diff(i1) == 0.5*i1 + -3*i2 +5*exp(-2*t);
ode2 = diff(i2) == 2*i1 - 6*i2;
odes = [ode1; ode2];

% Define initial conditions
cond1 = i1(0) == 1;
cond2 = i2(0) == -1;
conds = [cond1; cond2];

% Solution of system of differential equation
[i1(t), i2(t)] = dsolve(odes,conds)

hold on


i1(t) =
exp((t*(73^(1/2) - 11))/4)*(73^(1/2)/8 + 13/8)*((57*73^(1/2))/292 - exp((3*t)/4 - (73^(1/2)*t)/4)*((15*73^(1/2))/292 + 5/4) + 3/4) - exp(-(t*(73^(1/2) + 11))/4)*(73^(1/2)/8 - 13/8)*(exp((3*t)/4 + (73^(1/2)*t)/4)*((15*73^(1/2))/292 - 5/4) + (3*73^(1/2)*(73^(1/2) - 19))/292)

i2(t) =
exp(-(t*(73^(1/2) + 11))/4)*(exp((3*t)/4 + (73^(1/2)*t)/4)*((15*73^(1/2))/292 - 5/4) + (3*73^(1/2)*(73^(1/2) - 19))/292) + exp((t*(73^(1/2) - 11))/4)*((57*73^(1/2))/292 - exp((3*t)/4 - (73^(1/2)*t)/4)*((15*73^(1/2))/292 + 5/4) + 3/4)

Hey everyone,

f_1 and f_2  are satisfying the set of non-linear integral equations I have attached to this message.
I know that I need to solve them numerically by iterations. Probably, the first guest of the function f_1 and f_2  is the driving term. a is just a parameter which can be fixed (I guess smaller than \pi/4). * is the convolution product and k is the momentum space parameter. I learnt that in order to solve them I should solve them in the Fourier space. I know also that I need to discretize these function in the “real ” space between {-L,+L} before applying the FFT or one of its relatives. Thank you for any suggestions or leads.

Dear maple users.

Greetings for the day.

I hope you are all fine and safe.

In the below mention code, I need to plot "ax" at 0..1 when N=1 and N=2.

But the code only working for the N=0 case.

How to tackle this situation and plot the function for various values of "ax" at ax=0..1.

waiting for your reply.


PDEtools[declare](f(x), t(x), g(x), prime = (x));

N := 2; m := .2; pa := 3.14*(1/3); ax := ax; h2 := 1+.2*ax+.3*sin((2*3.14)*(ax-.2)); h1 := -1-.2*ax-.1*sin((2*3.14)*(ax-.2)+pa); a2 := 1.4+.1*sin((2*3.14)*(ax-.2))+.3*sin((2*3.14)*(ax-.2)+pa);

f(x):=sum(p^j*f[j](x),j=0..N);  t(x):=sum(p^j*t[j](x),j=0..N);


Eq1 := (1-p)*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 4)))+p*((1+.2)*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 4)))-(.2*(1/3))*(diff((diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2)))^3, `$`(x, 2)))-2*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2)))+diff(t(x), `$`(x, 1))+diff(g(x), `$`(x, 1)));

Eq2 := (1-p)*(1+1.2)*(diff(t(x), `$`(x, 2)))+p*((1+1.2)*(diff(t(x), `$`(x, 2)))+.1*(diff(t(x), `$`(x, 1)))*(diff(g(x), `$`(x, 1)))+.2*(diff(t(x), `$`(x, 1)))^2+.5*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 1)))^2);

Eq3 := (1-p)*(diff(g(x), `$`(x, 2)))+p*(diff(g(x), `$`(x, 2))+diff(t(x), `$`(x, 2)));

for j from 0 to N do
equ1[j] := coeff(Eq1, p, j) = 0; 
equ2[j] := coeff(Eq2, p, j) = 0;
equ3[j] := coeff(Eq3, p, j) = 0;
end do;

con[1][0] := f[0](h2) = (1/2)*a2, (D(f[0]))(h2) = 0, f[0](h1) = -(1/2)*a2, (D(f[0]))(h1) = 0; con[2][0] := t[0](h2) = 1, t[0](h1) = 0; con[3][0] := g[0](h2) = 1, g[0](h1) = 0;

for i to N do

con[1][i] := f[i](h2) = 0, (D(f[i]))(h2) = 0, f[i](h1) = 0, (D(f[i]))(h1) = 0; con[2][i] := t[i](h2) = 0, t[i](h1) = 0; con[3][i] := g[i](h2) = 0, g[i](h1) = 0 end do;

for i from 0 to N do
end do:

Am := (1+.2)*(diff(f(x), `$`(x, 3)));

display(plot(eval(Am, x = .6), ax = 0 .. 1, numpoints = 200, color = blue)); please i really need your help on this, i have been trying to fix this error for a while now. 

Dear all

I have  Lie commutations for vectors e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 as follow:

[e1, e3] = e3, [e1, e4] = e4, [e1, e5] = e5, [e1, e6] = e6, [e2, e3] = -e5, [e2, e4] = e6, [e3, e5] = e6

for which the command 


returns the false result, which means, the vectors are not closed under Jacobi's identity. How can I find vector triplets for which Jacobi's identity does not hold?

Please find Maple

Hey everyone!
I have to solve this nonlinear system of equations . For small N (N=8), I tried to do it using solve but it is run forever. I have choosed \gamma to be equal to Pi/4.




  local gamma:local pi:

if false then
 theta := 0.987: betae := 0.231: betay := 0.112: rho := 0.17: muh := 0.05 : sigma2 := 0.0411: sigma1 := 0.212: alpha1 := 0.111: alpha2 := 0.131 : eta := 0.134: thetaa := 0.7271: betaf := 0.00954: betah := 0.008220: gamma := 0.0012: mua := 0.0023: sigma3 := 0.203: d := 0.451: z := 0.072:
end if:

# D() is Maple's differential operator replated D(T)
# with DD(T) in the following to avoid confusion

  ODE1 := diff(B(T), T) = theta-(betae*C(T)+betay*rho*G(T))*B(T)-muh*B(T)+sigma2*E(T):
  ODE2 := diff(C(T), T) = (betae*C(T)+betay*rho*G(T))*B(T)-(muh+sigma1+alpha1)*C(T):
  ODE3 := diff(E(T), T) = sigma1*C(T)-(muh+sigma2)*E(T):
  ODE4 := diff(G(T), T) = alpha1*C(T)+alpha2*K(T)-eta*G(T):
  ODE5 :=  diff(H(T), T) = thetaa-(betaf*H(T)+betah*gamma*G(T))*H(T)-mua*H(T)+sigma3*K(T):
  ODE6 :=  diff(J(T), T) = (betaf*H(T)+betah*gamma*G(T))*H(T)-(mua+d+z+alpha2)*J(T):
  ODE7 :=  diff(K(T), T) = z*J(T)-(mua+sigma3)*K(T):

if false then
  B0 := 100: C0 := 60: E0 := 50: G0 := 55: H0 := 80: J0 := 80: K0 := 80:  

end if:

# system + ic

sys := { ODE1, ODE2, ODE3, ODE4, ODE5, ODE6, ODE7,
                   B(0) = B0, C(0) = C0, E(0) = E0, G(0) = G0, H(0) = H0, J(0) = J0, K(0) = K0


params := convert(indets(sys, name) minus {T}, list);

[B0, C0, E0, G0, H0, J0, K0, alpha1, alpha2, betae, betaf, betah, betay, d, eta, gamma, mua, muh, rho, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, theta, thetaa, z]


# Solve system
  ans := dsolve( { ODE1, ODE2, ODE3, ODE4, ODE5, ODE6, ODE7,
                   B(0) = B0, C(0) = C0, E(0) = E0, G(0) = G0, H(0) = H0, J(0) = J0, K(0) = K0
                 parameters = params,

Error, (in dsolve/numeric) 'parameters' must be specified as a list of unique unassigned names





Hello  i have this pb i don't now what to do :

Error, (in simplify/tools/_zn) too many levels of recursion

thank you 

I have a set of curves  :   plot({seq((6*x-2*t)/x^2, t = 1 .. 3)}, x = -1 .. 5, y = -1 .. 6)

and   a function           :   plot(3/x, x = 0 .. 5, y = -1 .. 6).

How is the calling sequence to plot the set and the function in the same graph ?

Dear friends, please, I would like to ask for your help with the following problem. 

When I try to compile a code like the following 

P:= proc(n)
m:= floor(log[10](n));
A:= Array(1..m);
end proc:

I get the error "Error, (in CodeGeneration:-IssueError) cannot analyze non-integer range boundary m". 

Could you please assist me in overcoming this problem? Many thanks in advance. 


How can I plot "log scale base 2" instead of "log scale base 10" (plot "log2plot(x,x=0..10)" instead of "logplot(x,x=0..10)")? 

I would appreciate if you make me some help with this situation.




M__h := 0.352e-1;







































pdes := [diff(B(t, x), t) = M__h-beta__1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h+beta__2*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-mu__h*B(t, x)+sigma__h*E(t, x)*(diff(B(t, x), x, x)), diff(C(t, x), t) = beta__1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-u[1]*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))-mu__h*C(t, x)*(diff(C(t, x), x, x)), diff(DD(t, x), t) = beta__2*DD(t, x)*G(t, x)/N__h-u[1]*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-mu__h*DD(t, x)-delta__1*DD(t, x)*(diff(DD(t, x), x, x)), diff(E(t, x), t) = u[1]*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))+u[1]*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-(mu__h+sigma__h)*E(t, x)*(diff(E(t, x), x, x)), diff(F(t, x), t) = M__b-beta__3*F(t, x)*C(t, x)/N__b+beta__4*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)/N__b-mu__b*F(t, x)*(diff(F(t, x), x, x)), diff(G(t, x), t) = beta__3*F(t, x)*C(t, x)/N__b+beta__4*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)/N__b-mu__b*G(t, x)*(diff(G(t, x), x, x))];

[diff(B(t, x), t) = 0.352e-1-0.891056911e-1*B(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.96e-2*B(t, x)+0.8910e-1*E(t, x)*(diff(diff(B(t, x), x), x)), diff(C(t, x), t) = .6791869919*B(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.45e-1*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))-0.96e-2*C(t, x)*(diff(diff(C(t, x), x), x)), diff(DD(t, x), t) = .5900813008*DD(t, x)*G(t, x)-0.45e-1*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-0.96e-2*DD(t, x)-0.235e-1*DD(t, x)*(diff(diff(DD(t, x), x), x)), diff(E(t, x), t) = 0.45e-1*C(t, x)/(1+C(t, x))+0.45e-1*DD(t, x)/(1+DD(t, x))-0.9870e-1*E(t, x)*(diff(diff(E(t, x), x), x)), diff(F(t, x), t) = .7214-.1739837398*F(t, x)*C(t, x)+.1780487805*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)-1.354*F(t, x)*(diff(diff(F(t, x), x), x)), diff(G(t, x), t) = .1739837398*F(t, x)*C(t, x)+.1780487805*F(t, x)*DD(t, x)-1.354*G(t, x)*(diff(diff(G(t, x), x), x))]


bcs := [(D[2](B))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](B))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 1) = 0, B(0, x) = 100, C(0, x) = 70, DD(0, x) = 50, E(0, x) = 70, F(0, x) = 100, G(0, x) = 70]

[(D[2](B))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](B))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](C))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](DD))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](E))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](F))(t, 1) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 0) = 0, (D[2](G))(t, 1) = 0, B(0, x) = .100, C(0, x) = .70, DD(0, x) = .50, E(0, x) = .70, F(0, x) = .100, G(0, x) = .70]


sol := pdsolve(pdes, bcs, numeric);

module () local INFO; export plot, plot3d, animate, value, settings; option `Copyright (c) 2001 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights reserved.`; end module


sol:-plot3d([B(t, x), C(t, x)], t = 0 .. 20, x = 0 .. 20)

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/plot3d) unable to compute solution for t>HFloat(0.25):
Newton iteration is not converging





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