Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18


p1>0, p2<0 and x[0] are arbitrary constants. How can i solve this integral? 


   I want to see    

thanks in advance. 

How to solve and plot a ODE system in RK method.
eq1 := diff(f(x), x, x, x)-(1/2)*Sc*sin(alpha)*g(x)*(diff(g(x), x, x))+(1/2)*x*cos(alpha)*(diff(f(x), x, x))+(1/2)*sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(f(x), x, x)) = 0; eq2 := (diff(g(x), x, x, x))/Pm+(1/2)*x*cos(alpha)*(diff(g(x), x, x))+sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(g(x), x, x))-sin(alpha)*(diff(f(x), x, x))*g(x) = 0; eq3 := (diff(theta(x), x, x))/Pr+(1/2)*x*cos(alpha)*(diff(theta(x), x))+(1/2)*x*(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(theta(x), x))+sin(alpha)*(x*(diff(f(x), x))-f(x))*(diff(theta(x), x))-Nb*(diff(s(x), x))*(diff(theta(x), x))-Nt*(diff(theta(x), x))^2+(1/4)*Sc*Br*sin(alpha)^2*(diff(f(x), x))^2*(x*(diff(g(x), x))-g(x))+(diff(g(x), x))^2*(x*(diff(f(x), x))-f(x)) = 0; eq4 := diff(s(x), x, x)+S*((1/2)*cos(alpha)*x*(diff(s(x), x))+(1/2)*sin(alpha)*f(x)*(diff(s(x), x)))+Nt*(diff(theta(x), x, x))/Nb = 0

ics := f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 1, g(0) = 0, (D(g))(0) = 1, theta(0) = 1, s(0) = 1; bcs := (D(f))(100) = 0, (D(g))(100) = 0, theta(100) = 0, s(100) = 0

alpha = - 30 degree, Sc = 1.0, Pm = .1, Pr = 6.2, Nb = .1, Nt = .1, Br = .5, S = 1


How to  outer loop index setup as the upper value of the inner loop index?

Boundary condition of my problem is   f(0) =1  and  d(f)(1) = -(k[f]/k[nf])*Bi*f(1).

But i am getting error when solve this.How to clear this .

my attached file is,

How to rectify this error.

Good evening,could you please help me to find the values of Phi[2],Phi[3],Phi[4],....

The right hand side of the for loop is the equation i need.Is this maple code correct.

I always trobled in coupled nonlinear equations.Could you please help to plot this.

How to rectify this error.

Certainly a standard question.

I have an integer n*n matrix A (the entries are explicitly integers; there is no variable -type x- in the matrix). I want the Smith normal form of A, that is A=UDV where U,V are integer matrices with determinant +-1 and D is a diagonal matrix with -eventually- some zero and positive integers d_i s.t. d_i divides d_{i+1}.

"SmithForm()" doesn't work directly (I get rational -non integer- matrices). Maybe it is necessary to declare the matrix A as 'Matrix(integer)' ...
Thank you in advance for your help.

 Dear Sir/Madam,

I have faced a problem while using Maple 18. The  warning is the following

Error, (in f) unable to store 'HFloat(1.9648999999999983)-HFloat(500.0)*delta' when datatype=float[8]
Error, (in plots/odeplot) input is not a valid dsolve/numeric solution

#` Part(a)`  deSh := diff(Sh(t),t) = (alpha(h)*Nh) +(omega*Rh(t))- (((betahb*Iv(t))/(Nh) +p+ mu(h))*Sh(t));   deEh :=  diff(Eh(t),t) =  (((betahb*Iv(t))/(Nh) )*Sh(t))-((mu(h)+gamm)*Eh(t));   deIh := diff(Ih(t),t) = (gamm*Eh(t))-(theta+mu(h)+delta)*Ih(t);  deRh := diff(Rh(t),t) = (delta*Ih(t))-((mu(h)+omega)*Rh(t));  deSv := diff(Sv(t),t) =  (alpha(m)*Nv*(1-Nw/(Nm)))-(((betamb*Ih(t))/(Nh) +mu(m))*Sv(t));  deEv:=diff(Ev(t),t) =  (((betamb*Ih(t))/(Nh) )*Sv(t))-((mu(m)+delta(m))*Ev(t));  deIv:= diff(Iv(t),t) = (delta(m)*Ev(t))-(mu(m)*Iv(t));   mu(h):= .000045 :   Nh:=5071126:  betahb:=.750:  p:=.09 :  omega:=.001:  alpha(h):=.5:  gamm:=.1667 :  delta :=.328833:  theta:= .0000002:  alpha(m) :=.1167:    Nv :=40570:  Nw:= 10000:  Nm:=50570:   betamb := .375 :  mu(m) := .02941:  delta(m):= .1428:     u:= .5:   F := dsolve( {deSh, deEh,deIh,deRh,deSv,deEv,deIv,  Sh(0)=8500,Eh(0)=100,Ih(0)=500,Rh(0)=0,Sv(0)=3500,Ev(0)=500,Iv(0)=570},     { Sh(t),Eh(t),Ih(t),Rh(t),Sv(t),Ev(t),Iv(t) } , numeric );  with(plots):  odeplot( F, [[t,Sh(t)],[t,Eh(t)] ,[t,Ih(t)],[t,Rh(t)],[t,Sv(t)],[t,Ev(t)],[t,Iv(t)]], t=0..30, numpoints=100, colour=[black,blue,purple, red,green,yellow,orange] , legend = ["suspectible host", "exposed host", "infected host", "recovered host","suspectible  vector","exposed vector"," infected vector"]);

How do  I solve system of differential equations in finite difference method or finite element method?

eq1 := (diff(f(x), x, x, x))*(a*beta*f(x)^2-1)+(diff(f(x), x))^2-2*a*beta*f(x)*(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(f(x), x, x))+(diff(f(x), x))*(M+k[1])-(diff(f(x), x, x))*f(x)-(alpha*theta(x)+delta*phi(x))/rho = 0;

eq2 := -(diff(theta(x), x, x))*K[SB]*(Df-(Rd+k[hnf]/k[bf])/Pr)+N[t]*K[SB]*(diff(theta(x), x))^2-N[b]*(diff(theta(x), x))*(diff(phi(x), x))-(diff(f(x), x))*(diff(theta(x), x))-lambda*theta(x)-mu*Ec*(M*(diff(f(x), x))^2+(diff(f(x), x, x))^2) = 0;

eq3 := diff(phi(x), x, x)+Le*Sr*(diff(theta(x), x, x))+Le*f(x)*(diff(phi(x), x)) = 0;

ics := f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 0, theta(0) = 1, phi(0) = 1;

bcs := (D(f))(100) = 0, theta(100) = 0, phi(100) = 0;

Parameters1 := rho = 2063.905, k[hnf] = .29942, k[bf] = .2520, mu = .38694, a = .1, beta = 5, k[1] = 2.0, M = 10, alpha = 20, delta = 20, K[SB] = .5, Df = 3, Pr = 1.2, Rd = 5, N[t] = 1.2, N[b] = 1.0, lambda = 1.5, Ec = 5, Le = .1, Sr = .1;


How to solve delay differential equations in maple?

eq1 := (D(x))(t) = 2*a[4]*y(t)-c[1]*z(t)*x(t)-d[2]*x(t)-a[1]*x(t-tau);

eq2 := (D(y))(t) = a[1]*x(t-tau)-d[3]*y(t)-a[4]*y(t)-c[3]*z(t)*y(t)-k[1]*(1-exp(-k[2]*w(t)))*y(t);

eq3 := (D(z))(t) = K+rho*z(t)*(x(t)+y(t))^3/(alpha+(x(t)+y(t))^3)-c[2]*z(t)*x(t)-c[4]*y(t)*z(t)-d[1]*z(t)-k[3]*(1-exp(-k[4]*w(t)))*z(t);

eq4 := (D(w))(t) = -gamma*w(t);

ics := x(0) = 1, y(0) = 1, z(0) = 1, w(0) = 1;

Parameters := a[1] = .84, a[4] = .91, c[1] = 7.56*10^(-2), c[3] = 7.56*10^(-2), c[2] = 3.422*10^(-4), c[4] = 3.422*10^(-4), d[1] = 0.4e-1, d[2] = .11, d[3] = .66, K = 0.37e-1;


Hello everyone,

I wrote a very simple shooting method and I don't know why it doesn't go through the for loop.
Please help, I have no idea why it doesn't work.

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to learn how to use Shoot Library 9.

Unfortunately, I'm not doing very well. I'm getting an error that I don't understand. I don't know where it comes from.

Please help me solve this odes system using this library.

I attached my Maple worksheet file.

Hello everyone!

I'm using Maple 18. The problem is that fsolve does not solve equations, or more precisely, it does not pass the values of sU - from its range, and sV - from its range, to shootNL. As a result, R value:=[]; . I would like to ask for help in solving this problem.

I have attached the Maple source file.

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