Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

I am trying to recreate journal work for validating using another computer program so I am trying to use maple to solve the ODE, based on further research I found using laplace might be the best but I am having some trouble.


eq8:=d*(n(t)+C(t))/drho = -rho(t)/(l*alpha*K_c)

given the initial conditions of:

ICs:= n(0) = n_0, rho(0) = rho_0, C(0) = (beta-rho_0)*n_0/(l*lambda)


equation9 := dsolve({equation8, ICs}, {C(t), n(t)}, method = laplace)


Following this process I get the error: 

Error, (in dsolve) invalid initial condition


According to the journal work the solution I am looking for is: 



is there something that I'm doing wrong or missing? 

Any help would be greatly Appreciated! 


I am trying to define some functions by recursion relations but I get this error:

Error, (in type/realcons) too many levels of recursion

Please see the attached file for details:

In this document, I think that is the relevent section. But I couldnt understand it.


I want something like this





>plot(sin(x),color=ABC); # error

>plot(sin(x),color=CBA);# error

optional, but works fine within a given sets of choices.


How do I write a procedure like that?



we have number from 1 to 2014. If we underline the number that divide by 3 and 4, how many pattern of two underlines that next to each other as example?(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...,2014).

I have a nonlinear system with 4 equations and 4 unknowns. I am using fsolve. I know that there are multiple solutions for each variable but am only getting one. I need the others. what do I do??

This is my code:

R__1 := Matrix([[1, 0] , [0, 1] ]);

R__2 := Matrix([[1/2, sqrt(3)/2] , [-sqrt(3)/2, 1/2] ]);

R__3 := Matrix([[-1/2, sqrt(3)/2] , [-sqrt(3)/2, -1/2] ]);

R__4 := Matrix([[-1, 0] , [0, -1] ]);

R__5 := Matrix([[-1/2, -sqrt(3)/2] , [sqrt(3)/2, -1/2] ]);


d__1 := Vector( [ 0, 5.4] );

d__2 := Vector( [ 6.4, 4.539] );

d__3 := Vector( [ 11, 4.078] );

d__4 := Vector( [ 15.5, 2.079] );

d__5 := Vector( [ 19, 1.039] );


a := Vector( [ a__x, a__y] );
















Thanks for any tips you may be able to offer


How do I plot the following equations in Maple ?:

I already tried this: 


According to the given solution the plot should look like that: 

I think I have to tell maple that the function is defined from R^2 -> R, but I don't know how to do this. 

Thanks in advance for your kind help.


I want to get the result of multi-matrix multiply like followed below,

but error "final value in for loop must be numeric or character"

(*n is arbitrary and B[1],B[2],...,B[n] have been obtained*)

#using the multiplication operation of matrix
for i from 1 to n do

return A

help me 


Hello, Im trying to do a jocobian

but when I try the example code

jacobian([rcos(t), rsin(t), r^2*t], [r, t])


i only get the output as 


jacobian([rcos(t), rsin(t), RandomMatrix(4, 4*density = .75, outputoptions = [shape = tringular*lowe])^2*t], [RandomMatrix(4, 4*density = .75, outputoptions = [shape = tringular*lowe]), t])


I want the output as a matrix as in the example url.


hello . i have a Partial differential equation i need some help with 


This is how it goes 

As stated, contourplot3d is not displaying contours. Even in the Maple Help examples the contours are not displayed in the help screen.

In this example:

contourplot3d(-5*x/(x^2+y^2+1), x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3, filledregions = true);

which is directly from Maple Help, the surface is plotted (with boxed axes), but no contours appear.

When I try

contourplot3d(-5*x/(x^2+y^2+1), x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3);

the plot shows nothing except boxed axes.

I've also tried

plot3d(-5*x/(x^2+y^2+1), x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3, contours=6);

and the surface shows but without countours. Furthermore, the Maple scripts that worked previously in earlier versions (showing contours via plot3d) now do not show contours in Maple 18. This occurs on both Win 7 and Win 8 laptops.



Hello everybody

I am working on the bending of FGM plate, and I just used maple for the calculation functions of my problem of the bending of FGM plates.

Can any from the members of mapleprimes one help me to write Navier's equation include below for the bending of the plate because I am new in using Maple 18

alfa=m*pi/a, beta=n*pi/b with m=1,3,5..100 and n=1,3,5...100

Thank's for all 


Presentations of the first national congress of civil engineering developed at the University Cesar Vallejo. From 10 to 12 November 2014.



(in spanish)

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Physics Pure

Computer Science





I have a fairly old laptop, a Toshiba S10 Tecra, windows 7 64 bit and 4 Gb RAM.  It has an NVidia Quadro NVS 150m video card inside and according to NVidia CUDA capable of a compute level to 1.1 which is ok for float[4] but not float[8].  Inititiating the computecabability in maple does indeed bring a score level of 1.1.

Doing any LinearAlgebra matrix calculations with CUDA enabled is maybe 5x's slower than with it disabled.  I run into BLAS errors and screen blankouts at matrix values of 2000.  The video driver is the latest from Toshiba (2010) but not NVidia (2014) I suppose there would be an increased performace with newer drivers but if I'm going to run into the same issue of slower calculations with CUDA enabled there's no point in even testing the newer drivers on an otherwise fine running machine. 

Since it is a low end video card is CUDA even worthwhile, will I even notice a speed up with updated drivers?

Dear Maple Experts,

i am new to maple and I am trying to write a maple algorithm in order to calculate the GCD of two functions. 

I have defined the two functions and written the algorithm, but I get an error "Unable to Parse".

Here is my code:

restart; with(Algebraic); with(LinearAlgebra[Generic]); with(RegularChains); with(FastArithmeticTools); with(ChainTools); interface(rtablesize = 15);

f := (y^2-1)*((y+1)*x^4+(y^2-1)*x^3+(y^3-1)*x^2+(y^4-1)*x+y^5-1);

g := (y-1)*x^5+(y^2-1)*x^4+(y^3-1)*x^3+(y^4-1)*x^2+(y^5-1)*x+y^6-1;

SubRes:=proc(f,g,var): local  i,a, delta, beta, psi: if degree(f,var)<degree(g,var) then a[0]:=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(g,var): a[1]:=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(f,var): else a[0]=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(f,var): a[1]:=Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(g,var): fi: delta[0]:=degree(a[0],var)-degree(a[1],var): beta[2]:=(-1)^((delta[0]+1)): psi[2]:=-1: i:=1: while a[i]<>0 do a[i+1]:=(prem(a[i-1], a[i], var))/(beta[i+1]): delta[i]:=degree(a[i],var)-degree(a[i+1], var): i:=i+1: psi[i+1]:=((-lcoeff(a[i-1],var))^((delta[i-2])))*((psi[i])^((1-delta[i-2]))): beta[i+1]:=-lcoeff(a[i-1],var)*(psi[i+1])^((delta[i-1])): od: print("Last Non-Zero Subresultant: ", sort(simplify(a[i-1])),y): return (Algebraic:-PrimitivePart(a[i-1],var)): end proc

and I get this error:

Error, unable to parse

Would you kindly help me to fix this issue?

Kind Regards,




I'd like to clean up my project a bit. In a chapter of a project I made lots of calculations and declared a many (30) variabeles (Table, Numeric, Formula, ..)

Is there a way to remove all variable's except specified one's? (If it is possible I don't want to use an external file to write it to and read it back after a restart)

Is there a way to do a "restart" and preserve only the one's (2) that I need for my next chapter?
Or if not, without a "restart" and remove all variables except specified one's?

Thanks for your help, 

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