Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

How to include a derivative boundry condition in pde?

diff(u(1,t),x)=0. I got 0=0

Any advice?


I want to conduct the t- test with a

- null hypothesis of : M1-M2 >= 0

- alternative hypothesis of M1-M2 < 0

I found that I can choose the upper or lower tail option for the alternative hypothesis but I am not sure if the same as I want 

any idea ?


Hi all,

I have an expression of the form Sum(a[l]*x^l,l=0..n).

Is there a shorter way to obtain let's say the 5 lowest orders than add(coeff(expression,x,l)*x^l,l=0..4) ?




Hi everyone!

I wrote simple program which fits experimental result. I know that experimental points should be fitted with this function — Te=exp(a*X+b), where "a" and "b" are parameters. "X" — vector of independent variable, "Te" — vector of dependent variable.

My question is: can maple estimate error of my fitting? I want to obtain "a±Δa" and "b±Δb".

My program:

P.S. Excuse me, for my english. It isn't my native language.

Der Group,


after updating to OS X Yosemite the License data of Maple 18 are invalid. What can I do?




Hi Maple friends.

If I have y=-x^2+9 and y=x+3, how can I find the area that is bounded by the functions? 

Easy enough to calculate by hand, but I need to use Maple to check my answers. Most preferably I'd like to use the Maple context menu to get the result, but any solution will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi again,


I am lost... again. I worked with the Physics package and have obtained my result in form of a lengthy equation of commutators of non-commuting objects. So basically my problem is solved, except that I now want to compute some examples to see, if everything is correct. For that purpose I want to replace now the non-commuting objects with explicit matrices, compute the result and see if it agrees with numerical studies. However, I have no clue which command to use, because if I try it with subs, then the multiplication is of the wrong type and Maple won't multiply my matrices. I tried to use eval but wasn't successful.

Here is an exampe to see what I mean.


Thank you for your time



The following MWE shows what I mean:




    local eq;



    return eq;

end proc:


test();  # yields -[-MZ,MY] - [MZ,MY]


%  # yields 0



Any ideas how I can solve this? I would like to return the simplified version.

Hi guys


I have an if statement inside a function. This function then get's called in a sum. However, the result is not correct as the if statement checks wether the argument equals 0, but since the sum passes only the summation index name, it doesn't work as intended.

How can I tell Maple, that it has to evaluate the index before passing it on? MWE appended.




Comm := proc (n) options operator, arrow; `if`(n = 0, 1, 0) end proc;

proc (n) options operator, arrow; `if`(n = 0, 1, 0) end proc





sum(Comm(j), j = 0 .. 0);






I have an integral that maple can not solve but I can solve it by hand. How can I add this to maple integration database?


Please see the file below.


Many many thanks! :)


How can I substitute a function in a matrix? This is what I tried but it's not working at all:

T := GenerateMatrix([lign1, lign2, lign3, lign4],[x, y, z], augmented);

Then I'd like to substitute another function with lign1:

T2:=subs(lign1=lign5, T);

But T2 = T and that wasn't really the point.


Sorry if the answer is obvious no amount of searching has helped me so far. I hope this question isn't too ridiculous.


kappa := Vector(7, [1,w[1]*(1-phi+phi*(1-1/(1+exp(-mu[p]-tau[p3]))))+(1-w[1])*

Download kappa.txt

Here is the expression, I am trying to simplify, given a set of rules.

I have tried different substitutions, using simplify with side rules, applyrule, eval, subs, algsubs.

But none seem to be working as the way I want them to be.


Is there a better way?



The Embedded Components are containers that currently use industries for modeling complex systems to find viable solutions in real time and thus avoid huge wait times and overload our computer; by this paper should show you how to implement a dynamic worksheet through Embedded Components in Maple; it goes from finding solutions to ordinary differential equations partial; which interact with the researcher using different parameters.
Using graphical programming will find immediate solutions to selected problems in science and engineering criteria of variability and boundary conditions evolving development with buttons on multiple actions.



(in spanish)


Lenin Araujo Castillo

Physics Pure

Computer Science



I seem to run into problems with (quantum) perturbation theory. In the following minimal working example, an energy denominator, as occuring in perturbation theory is not evaluated if I previously assume that the quantum number is a positive integer. It's supposed to return an error, as the energy denominator is 0.

restart; with(Physics)

a := Annihilation(N, 1, notation = explicit):

psi := Ket(N, m);

Physics:-Ket(N, m)


E := proc (g) options operator, arrow; (1/2)*g*(g-1)-mu*g end proc:

simplify(value(Typesetting:-delayDotProduct(Typesetting:-delayDotProduct(Dagger(psi), 1/(E(m)-H)), psi)))



assume(`in`(m, nonnegint), m > 0);

simplify(value(Typesetting:-delayDotProduct(Typesetting:-delayDotProduct(Dagger(psi), 1/(E(m)-H)), psi)))

-2*Physics:-Bracket(Physics:-Bra(N, m), 1/(-2*mu*Physics:-`*`(`a-`[N[1]], `a+`[N[1]])+2*mu*m-m^2+Physics:-`*`(Physics:-`^`(`a-`[N[1]], 2), Physics:-`^`(`a+`[N[1]], 2))-4*Physics:-`*`(`a-`[N[1]], `a+`[N[1]])+2*mu+m+2), Physics:-Ket(N, m))


Parse:-ConvertTo1D, "invalid input %1", `.`(Dagger(psi), 1/(E-H), psi)






Best regards,


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