Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016

 Question:- can the procedure given below called "epi" be speeded up by compiling/ using evhf.If so how? My paple code is at the bottom.

First some background information.

Recently I ran into a difference in usage of a couple of elliptical functions between Maple and Mathematica.  This first case concerned EllipticalPi. The author of the blog kindly wrote  a Maple procedure to produce the same results as Mathematica’s  usage of ElllipticalPi.

I tested the basic integral that produces the EllipticPi    Ell := int(1/(1-nu*JacobiSN(t, k)^2), t)  answer      Ell := EllipticPi(JacobiSN(t, k), nu, k). They do not produce the same outcome. Plots are in the document .  They agree in one quarter only.

 I then ran into a difference in usage of  EllipticF. This time I was able to get to same outcome myself using Maple’s help.

“It is worth noting the difference between the Legendre normal form of the Incomplete Elliptic integral of the first kind (see A&S 17.2.7), in Maple represented by EllipticF(z,k) but for the splitting of the square root in the denominator of the integrand (see definition lines above), and the normal trigonometric form of this elliptic integral (see A&S 17.2.6), in Maple represented by the InverseJacobiAM function

That worked fine.

There is no mention in the help for usage implementation of EllipticPi as opposed to different usages as there is with EllipticF. I do not know if there is a way in Maple of achieving the same enactment as Mathematica in this case, without the Procedure I  was  given.



Elliptic Pi in Mathematica and Maple

Posted on 2017/02/202017/02/23 by arkajad

We use EllipticPi when we write exact solutions of rotation of a free asymmetric top. While solving Euler’s equations for angular velocity or angular momentum in the body frame we need Jacobi elliptic functions \cn,\sn,\dn,solving the differential equation for the attitude matrix involves EllipticPi function. As I have explained it in Taming the T-handle continued we need the integral

(1)   \begin{equation*}\psi(t)=c_1 t+c_2\int_0^t \frac{1}{1+c_3\,\sn^2(Bs,m)}\,ds.\end{equation*}

In Mathematica this is easily implemented as

(2)   \begin{equation*}\psi(t)=c_1 t+\frac{c_2}{B}\,\Pi(-c_3;\am(Bt,m)|m).\end{equation*}

However, as pointed out by Rowan in a comment to Taming the T-handle continued , the same formula does not work with Maple.

While the documentations of both Mathematica and Maple contain links to Abramowitz and Stegun Handbook of Mathematical Functions, they use different definitions. Here is what concerns us, from p. 590 of the 10th printing:

What we need is 17.2.16, while Maple is using 17.2.14. To convert we need to set x=\sn u,but such a conversion is possible only in the domain where \sncan be inverted. We can do it easily for sufficiently small values of u,but not necessarily for values that contain several quarter-periods.

The following Maple procedure does the job:

epi := proc (t::float, nu::float, k::float) local t2, n, dt, ep0, res; ep0 := EllipticPi(nu, k); t2 := EllipticK(k); n := floor(t/t2); dt := t-t2*n; if type(n, even) then res := Re(n*ep0+EllipticPi(JacobiSN(dt, k), nu, k)) else res := Re((1+n)*ep0-EllipticPi(JacobiSN(t2-dt, k), nu, k)) end if end proc

HAs an example here is the Maple plot for nu=-3, k=0.9:
plot(('epi')(t, -3.0, .9), t = -20 .. 20)

And here is the corresponding Mathematica plot:

The function epi(t,nu, k) defined above for Maple gives now the same result as EllipticPi(nu,JacobiAM(t,k^2),k^2) in Mathematica.

epi := proc (t, nu, k) local t2, n, dt, ep0, res; ep0 := EllipticPi(nu, k); t2 := EllipticK(k); n := floor(t/t2); dt := t-t2*n; if type(n, even) then res := Re(n*ep0+EllipticPi(JacobiSN(dt, k), nu, k)) else res := Re((1+n)*ep0-EllipticPi(JacobiSN(t2-dt, k), nu, k)) end if end proc;

Ell := int(1/(1-nu*JacobiSN(t, k)^2), t);
            Ell := EllipticPi(JacobiSN(t, k), nu, k)
k := .9;
                            k := 0.9
nu := -3;
                            nu := -3
plot([epi(t, nu, k), Ell], t = -8 .. 20);


Is there anyone who has seen maple 2017 provide some details about what new features are being introduced. Is there a platform where we can suggest what features we would like to be added or enhanced?

I have a nested for loop that iterates through a range of values for x and y coordinates to create a 3d surface for illustration of my research. after the x loop there is a y loop, and inside of that y loop is a series of commands to find some eigenvalues of a matrix (which become the z coordinates) and sort them into already open files. This isn't bad when the precision i require is more than .02, but some of my matrices require up to 0.005 or less. The latter precision costs hours of computation time on just one processor. However my laptop has an i7, so I want to see if i can get the for loop to send its next iteration to the next processor in line while it has the previous ones still calculating. Have any tips?

I was posting some code on a forum tonight. I specificially added # comments to the code. I used Ctrl_c ,Crtl_v. All the # comments were removed including the 2016 grey boxes which appeared as NULL.

Is there away around this. The comments were very important to help in understanding. The pasted code did look readable though.

I also experimented with exporting the code as .txt and opening it in Word. Required loads of editing to make it look presentable, which really opend the door to introuucing errors, also all # coments were removed too.

The forum just has the normal type comments box. Nothing fancy. Actually it is a WordPress Blog. It does accept latex but that is ok for one or two lines. Could be a real mess if 30--40 lines of code go wrong and latex as far as I know can't be copy/pasted back in to Maple.


Hi there,

I'm new here. My first question:

Is there a way to make Maple output display explicit multiplcations signs in 2D-math?

When you enter 5*2^x Maple will output 5*2^x. Is there a way to make Maple display the multiplications signs in output in stead just implicit multiplication signs (i.e. whitepaces)? (I would settle for Maple display all multiplication signs in output - not just the ones which are made explicit in the input.)

I searched this site. No luck. I looked into "Typesetting Rule Assistant", but I couldn't find a way to alter the output of multiplication sign (*).

Can you guys help me?

Kind Regards,



P.S.: I'm a teacher from Denmark. We use Maple before college/university for a lot of pupils. Some less competent pupils have a tendency to overlook the whitespace.

Respected member!
Please help me to find the solution of attached problem,  I am a new user so please forgive any

when i use the command evalf(Int(f(y),y=-b..b)), i expect that the output of this command to be an integer. but the output is to form of below:

i think that the problem is because of the form of the function f(y) that is the form of below:

f(y) = a*10^354*(b*10^-356*g(sin(y) , cos(y) and exp(y)))

but i dont know how i solve this problem:(

please help me. thank you

Connecting to a linux x2go server with an x2go client (tried Mac and Linux) and try to start maple2016 in a terminal, I get this error:

$ /opt/maple2016/bin/xmaple 
Exception in thread "Request id 1" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT translucency is not supported
    at java.awt.Window.setBackground(
    at java.awt.Frame.setBackground(
    at com.maplesoft.worksheet.application.WmiSplashScreen.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.worksheet.application.WmiGenericStartupStrategy.showSplash(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.worksheet.application.WmiGenericStartupStrategy.doStartup(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.worksheet.application.WmiWorksheetStartupStrategy.doStartup(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.Maple.doStartup(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.Application.startup(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.ServerProtocol$StartApplicationHandler.processCommand(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.ServerProtocol.executeCommand(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.ServerProtocol.processNextStep(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.ExchangeProtocol.executeProtocol(Unknown Source)
    at com.maplesoft.application.ApplicationManager$ Source)

The same xmaple will start graphically if I connect with a normal remote X connection. However a normal remote X connection is unusable on a slow network connection.



This is simplified from a larger example.  I never saw Maple exit from a numercal calculation.

> 123456789 ^ 987654321:
Execution stopped: Stack limit reached.

Process Maple R2016 exited abnormally with code 158

> kernelopts(maxdigits);

> lprint(123456789. ^ 987654321.);

kernelopts(memusage) shows about 2~3 meg bytes used.

The system has 16G Ram.  16G swap.

Seems like something maple should have caught.

What can i do in this case? I,m traying solve a system of non linear equation like this, i want to know Rs and Rsh:

I have the following fuction in Laplace domain,



Where, s1, s2, s3 are the Laplace variables.

x1:=invlaplace(u, s1, x);

This worked. But the next two doesn't work.

y1:=invlaplace(x1, s2, y);

uu:=invlaplace(y1, s3,t);

Even, I tried to plot the unevaluated invlaplace but no luck.

plot3d(uu,x =1..2, y=1..2);

Am I missing something?


I attempt to understand is it possible whether to calculate the next expression by means of mathematica:


{,}- anti-communicator;


\tau^{0}-unity matrix; \tau^{i} - Pauli matrix;




finally - Levi-Civita symbol; -Hermitian conjugation.


Thank you for your kind replies .

Is there a way to change the numeric formatting of 'Scientific' to use a cdot instead of a cross to represent multiplication?

Hi all,

I am using Maple 2016.

I have defined 5 polynomials: f1, f2, f3, f4 and f5 with 5 unknowns q1,q2 ,q3, q4 and lamda.

After this, I generated the Gröbner basis. But when I try to find the normal set I got an error.



f1 := lamda*q1-(3380075947548081*q1*(1/140737488355328)-259050600068343*q2*(1/140737488355328)-1826834460600733*q3*(1/1125899906842624)+4414049272733425*q4*(1/9007199254740992))*(q2*(8289619202186977*q1*(1/9007199254740992)+3380075947548081*q2*(1/281474976710656)-4414049272733425*q3*(1/18014398509481984)-1826834460600733*q4*(1/2251799813685248))+q3*(1826834460600733*q1*(1/2251799813685248)-4414049272733425*q2*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q3*(1/70368744177664)-215663898201129*q4*(1/9007199254740992))-q4*(4414049272733425*q1*(1/18014398509481984)+1826834460600733*q2*(1/2251799813685248)+431327796402257*q3*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q4*(1/70368744177664))-q1*(3380075947548081*q1*(1/281474976710656)-259050600068343*q2*(1/281474976710656)-1826834460600733*q3*(1/2251799813685248)+4414049272733425*q4*(1/18014398509481984)));
f2 := lamda*q2+(259050600068343*q1*(1/140737488355328)+3380075947548081*q2*(1/140737488355328)-4414049272733425*q3*(1/9007199254740992)-1826834460600733*q4*(1/1125899906842624))*(q2*(8289619202186977*q1*(1/9007199254740992)+3380075947548081*q2*(1/281474976710656)-4414049272733425*q3*(1/18014398509481984)-1826834460600733*q4*(1/2251799813685248))+q3*(1826834460600733*q1*(1/2251799813685248)-4414049272733425*q2*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q3*(1/70368744177664)-215663898201129*q4*(1/9007199254740992))-q4*(4414049272733425*q1*(1/18014398509481984)+1826834460600733*q2*(1/2251799813685248)+431327796402257*q3*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q4*(1/70368744177664))-q1*(3380075947548081*q1*(1/281474976710656)-259050600068343*q2*(1/281474976710656)-1826834460600733*q3*(1/2251799813685248)+4414049272733425*q4*(1/18014398509481984)));
f3 := (1826834460600733*q1*(1/1125899906842624)-4414049272733425*q2*(1/9007199254740992)+843667886835955*q3*(1/35184372088832)-862655592804515*q4*(1/18014398509481984))*(q2*(8289619202186977*q1*(1/9007199254740992)+3380075947548081*q2*(1/281474976710656)-4414049272733425*q3*(1/18014398509481984)-1826834460600733*q4*(1/2251799813685248))+q3*(1826834460600733*q1*(1/2251799813685248)-4414049272733425*q2*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q3*(1/70368744177664)-215663898201129*q4*(1/9007199254740992))-q4*(4414049272733425*q1*(1/18014398509481984)+1826834460600733*q2*(1/2251799813685248)+431327796402257*q3*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q4*(1/70368744177664))-q1*(3380075947548081*q1*(1/281474976710656)-259050600068343*q2*(1/281474976710656)-1826834460600733*q3*(1/2251799813685248)+4414049272733425*q4*(1/18014398509481984)))+lamda*q3;
f4 := lamda*q4-(4414049272733425*q1*(1/9007199254740992)+1826834460600733*q2*(1/1125899906842624)+862655592804515*q3*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q4*(1/35184372088832))*(q2*(8289619202186977*q1*(1/9007199254740992)+3380075947548081*q2*(1/281474976710656)-4414049272733425*q3*(1/18014398509481984)-1826834460600733*q4*(1/2251799813685248))+q3*(1826834460600733*q1*(1/2251799813685248)-4414049272733425*q2*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q3*(1/70368744177664)-215663898201129*q4*(1/9007199254740992))-q4*(4414049272733425*q1*(1/18014398509481984)+1826834460600733*q2*(1/2251799813685248)+431327796402257*q3*(1/18014398509481984)+843667886835955*q4*(1/70368744177664))-q1*(3380075947548081*q1*(1/281474976710656)-259050600068343*q2*(1/281474976710656)-1826834460600733*q3*(1/2251799813685248)+4414049272733425*q4*(1/18014398509481984)));
f5 := q1^2+q2^2+q3^2+q4^2-1;
ord := tdeg(q1, q2, q3, q4, lamda);
                  tdeg(q1, q2, q3, q4, lamda)
G := Basis([f1, f2, f3, f4, f5], ord);

ns, rv := NormalSet(G, ord);
Error, (in Groebner:-NormalSet) The case of non-zero-dimensional varieties is not handled.


Any help please ?

Thank you.


I was wondering if it is possible to use units in Maple so I can always check if the result I have at the end of calculation is the meter.  For example:


The answer is of course 3.10^8 m^3*kg/s^3

I try to do something with the units but I am unable to crreate something that will simplify the m/s ffactor to 1.

Any idea?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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