Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016

When generating the list of all the permutations of  [$1..10]  we get an error:

combinat[permute]([$ 1 .. 10]);

    Error, (in combinat:-permute) Maple was unable to allocate enough memory to complete this computation. Please see ?alloc


But if the same problem to solve using a simple custom procedure, there is no any problems:


Permute := proc (L::list)

local n;

n := nops(L);

if nops(L) = 1 then return [L[1 .. 1]] else

[seq(seq([op(p[1 .. k-1]), L[1], p[k .. n-1][]], k = 1 .. n), p = Permute(L[2 .. n]))] end if;

end proc:

L := CodeTools[Usage](Permute([$ 1 .. 10])):






My teacher (im studing Technology Management and Marine engineering) only allow that we use maple if we display the results between calculations. Is that posible:


a := 4;

b := 5;

Instead of :


I want it displayed as:

a+b= 4+5= 9;

or just

4+5 = 9; where a and b are Automatically replaced with the respective values, when i run the !!! button


A lot of my calculations are done by defining the variables in the top. 

Any ideas??


Thanks in advance.


Best regards  Carsten Moller




Is there currently any way to perform Feynman integration after applying the Feynman rules for various electrodynamics processes? 

Can maple 2016 do renormalization of integrals? If we cannot currently do any of these, when will this features be available? Thank You very much.

Maple 2016.1a now available, fixes issues reported here

Thank you Maplesoft for your quick response to this issue.


i'm trying to figure out where i did a mistake by coding reducedEchelonForm.

 local l:=1, m:=RowDimension(M),n:=ColumnDimension(M),i,j; # l current column
 for i from 1 to m do # going trough every row item
  if n<l then # ColumnDimension need to be bigger than current column
   return M;
  end if;
 j:=i; # given current row item
 while M[j,l]=0 do # search for first rom item unequal zero
  if m<j then # end of row
   if n<l then # end of rows and columns -> finish
    return M;
  end if;
 end if;
end do;
M:= perm(m,n,j,i).M; #permute row j and i
if not(M[i,l]=0) then # multiply row i with M[i,l])^(-1)
 M:= multiplikation(m,n,i,(M[i,l])^(-1)).M;
end if;
for j from 1 to m do # subtract every row j with row i for M[j,l]-times
 if not(j=i) then
  M:= addition(m,n,j,i,-M[j,l]).M;
 end if;
end do;
l:=l+1; # increase l by 1, next iteration i increase either
end do;
end proc:


Hint: perm(...),multiplikation(...) and addition(...) are the elementary matrices. They are working.


Now i got an error by running it: 

Error, (in reduced) invalid left hand side in assignment

Can someone explain me these error? And maybe a hint what i need to fix in my code?

Greets felix


I have a subscripts error, or it seems to be an error.

As you can see on the picture, then I have defined the varible I__K, but when I need it again I get another result or It seems to be another result that looks like this I[K]. I use the esc buttom to recall the varible.

Are there anybody that has a solution to this? I have been looking at other treads, but there seems not to be a solution that works or maybe I'm looking the wrong places.





Hello everyone!

I am wondering why the Tabulate command does not work with Explore. E.g.:

Explore(`DocumentTools:-Tabulate`([plot(sin(a*x)), plot(cos(x-a))]), parameters = [[a = 0 .. 10, controller = slider]])

I know that I can display an array of plots with the display(Array([....])) which works fine with explore but Tabulate is another good way to display multiple plots and it gives better control over individual plots properties (e.g. setting different size to different plots). Is this a bug or Tabulate is just not meant to work in that context?  

When experimenting with Maple 2016.1, I found several issues. One I have seen on MaplePrimes before (regarding "Error, incorrect syntax in parse: `;` unexpected (near 4th character of parsed string)" when evaluating an integral, for example, or trying to plot something), but another I have not seen - it may be related to the previous issue. Below is a document that contains some of the various errors I found. What is going on? It evaluates certain things correctly, but, in the integral, it treats "x^2" like a whole new variable (the integral of x^2 with respect to x from 0 to 2 it says is 2x^2, not 8/3). The same thing results in trying to plot x^2 (not shown), giving the same error if I were to say something like "plot(t,x=0..2)" - it cannot determine the plotting variable.

int(x, x = 1 .. 2)`` = 3/2NULL

int(x, x = 0 .. 2) = 2NULL

"(&int;)[0]^(Pi)sin(x) &DifferentialD;x"Error, incorrect syntax in parse: `;` unexpected (near 4th character of parsed string)"(&int;)[0]^Pisin(x) &DifferentialD;x"

int(`#msup(mi("x"),mn("2"))`, x = 0 .. 2) = 2*`#msup(mi("x"),mn("2"))`NULL

"(&int;)[0]^(2 )(x)^(2) &DifferentialD;x"Error, incorrect syntax in parse: `;` unexpected (near 4th character of parsed string)"(&int;)[0]^(2 )(x)^2 &DifferentialD;x"NULL

int(x*x, x = 0 .. 2) = 8/3``NULL

int(diff(x, x, x), x = 0 .. 2) = 0NULL





Any ideas? Are the two things (the Error, incorrect syntax in parse: `;` unexpected (near 4th character of parsed string) message and the bad integral value) related?


When Maple 2016 hit the road, I finally relegated my printed Mollier charts and steam tables to a filing cabinet, and moved my carefully-curated spreadsheets of refrigerant properties to a distant part of my hard drive. The new thermophysical data engine rendered those obsolete.

Other than making my desk tidier, what I find exciting is that I can compute with fluid properties in a tool that has numerical integrators, ODE solvers, optimizers, programmatic visualisation and more.

Here are several small examples that demonstrate how you can use fluid properties with Maple’s math and visualization tools (this worksheet contains the complete examples).

Work Done in Compressing a Gas

The work done (per unit mass) in compressing a fluid at constant temperature is

where V1 and V2 are specific volumes and p is pressure.

You need a relationship between pressure and specific volume (either theoretical or experimental) to calculate the work done.

Assuming the ideal gas law, the work done becomes

where R is the ideal gas constant, T is the temperature (in K) and M is the molecular mass (in kg mol-1), and V is the volume.

 Ideal gas constant

Molecular mass of propane

Hence the work done predicted by the Ideal Gas Law is

Let’s now use real fluid properties instead and numerical integrators to compute the work done.

Here, the work done predicted with the Ideal Gas Law and real fluid properties is similar. This isn’t, however, always the case for all gases (try experimenting with ammonia – its strong intermolecular forces result in non-ideal behavior).

Minimum Specific Heat Capacity of Water

The specific heat capacity of water varies with temperature like so.

Let's find the temperature at which the specific heat capacity of water is the lowest.

The lowest specific heat capacity occurs at 309.4 K; this is the temperature at which water requires the least energy to raise or lower its temperature.

Incidentally, this isn’t that far from the standard human body temperature of 310.1 K (given that the human body is largely water, one might hazard a guess why we have evolved to maintain this temperature).

Temperature-Entropy Plot for Water

Maple 2016 generates pressure-enthalpy-temperature charts and psychrometric charts out of the box. However, you can create your own customized thermodynamic visualizations.

This, for example, is a temperature-entropy chart for water, together with the two-phase vapor dome (the worksheet contains the code to generate this plot).

I'm also working on a lumped-parameter heat exchanger model with fluid properties (and hence heat transfer coefficients) that change with temperature. That'll be more complex than these simple examples, and will use Maple's numeric ODE solver.

Hello there! Maple 2016.1 sometimes gets crasy about parsing input strings. I managed to capture this behaviour in the attached file. It looks like below. I am not sure what exactly triggers it. It just starts happening all of a sudden. What might be the cause...? 


"1 Pi"

Error, incorrect syntax in parse: `;` unexpected (near 4th character of parsed string)

"1 Pi"



Error, invalid semantics "&pi;"




Error, incorrect syntax in parse: `;` unexpected (near 4th character of parsed string)









I will try to be as specific as possible.

On my Ti nspire it is possible for me to calculate polar equations like on the buttom picture with the settings on the upper picture. But when I try this in Maple It is not possible. I have worked my way try for two days now and it does not work for me.

Does any body know how to get this solved? 




An update to Maple 2016 is now available. Maple 2016.1 provides:

  • Updated translations for Simplified and Traditional Chinese,  French, Greek, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish
  • Updates to the new Maple Workbook
  • Enhancements to Maple’s context-sensitive menus
  • A variety of improvements to the math engine and interface


To get this update, use Tools>Check for Updates from within Maple, or visit the Maple 2016.1 downloads page.



New color schemes for plotting have been added to Maple 2016. They are summarized here. You can also see more details on the plot/colorscheme help pages, which have been reworked (hopefully in a way that makes them more useful to you).

We released a new video a few weeks ago describing one of these features: coloring by value. The worksheet I used for the video is available here:


Suppose that I have a plot:

plot(sin((1/180)*Pi*x), x = -180 .. 180)

I want to add a degree symbol after the tickmarks on the x-axis.  One approach which seem promising is to add a plot option for the x-axis:

axis[1] = [tickmarks = [90 = typeset("90", degree)]]

where "degree" is replaced by a code for the degree symbol. Maple is helpful here because I can point and click using the Common Symbols palette and insert a degree symbol. However this does not work delivering an error "Error, invalid neutral operator". This error is undocumented. 

I can insert a Pi or an infinity symbol. If I want to I can put a degree sysmbol into ther title, but apparently not on the axes.


I should be able to use F3 to break into a multline nested loop and insert a new line of code, and then F4 to close it up again before execution.  The F4 works for closing things up.  But the F3 does NOT work.  Is this a known problem?  Is there another way to do it short of a lot of cutting and pasting?

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