Maple 2018 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2018

If we solve the equation  x^x=1/sqrt(2)  in Maple 2018.2, then Maple returns only one solution  x=1/2 , although this equation has 2 solutions  x=1/2  or  x=1/4 . This can be seen if you plot graphs or , for example, solve by the  Student:-Calculus1:-Roots  command. In this case, the root  x=1/4   is returned only as a numerical approximation. I wonder if this bug has been fixed in the latest versions of Maple?


Dear sir, there is something missing why it is not able to evaluate?

By reference of some posts I have implemented to my ODE but not getting the graph.

what is the mistake in both files?

How to solve this type of ode in maple

need the value of S, Q, E

Good day.

I am working on a time series problem that uses 107 data sets (historic) and I wish to obtain a forecast for the next successive 12 events. I have obtained the time series plot for the predicted values and the associated dates separately (see attached), however - I am looking to get the solution in a more user-friendly format and was hoping someone could help me out.

Can someone tell me how to 

1. Express the data values only as whole number values (decimal-free)

2. Construct a table of data values and dates for the average forecast as well as the 2nd and 98th percentile forecasts?

Thanks for reading!

I'd like to use Maple to make measurements on a map (Dealey Plaza). I can load an image in Sketcher and draw lines on it, but can't figure out how to access the lengths of those lines.


estart; with(Physics); with(LinearAlgebra); with(VectorCalculus); with(Optimization); with(Statistics); with(ArrayTools); with(plottools); with(plots); with(Threads); with(MmaTranslator[Mma]), with(StringTools); with(CodeGeneration); VectorCalculus:-`*`(Setup(mathematicalnotation = true), Setup(coordinatesystems = cartesian))



[annulus, arc, arrow, circle, cone, cuboid, curve, cutin, cutout, cylinder, disk, dodecahedron, ellipse, ellipticArc, exportplot, extrude, getdata, hemisphere, hexahedron, homothety, hyperbola, icosahedron, importplot, line, octahedron, parallelepiped, pieslice, point, polygon, prism, project, rectangle, reflect, rotate, scale, sector, semitorus, sphere, stellate, tetrahedron, torus, transform, translate]


`Default differentiation variables for d_, D_ and dAlembertian are:`*{X = (x, y, z, t)}


`Systems of spacetime Coordinates are:`*{X = (x, y, z, t)}









I have a function (see attached file).  How can I find by Maple 
those values of beta and f for which W will have 
three consecutive local extrema between the
phi=0 and phi_0 where W=dW/dphi=0 at phi=0 and W=0 at phi_0 and W<0 for 0<abs(phi)<phi_0?

Using Maple-18 on Window 11...

I have a set of curves in a Maple 'vector.' I want to plot them all on the same figure, but if call 'display' with the vector it makes separate plots for each one. I have to all it with each plot individual to get them on the same plot:

lc is a 'vector' of curves (I use 'vector' because I want to append and that doesn't work for 'list')

display(lc) -- plots a separate plot for each element of lc

display(lc[1], lc[2], lc[3],...) puts them all on one plot as needed, but as there will be a large numbe of curvesr it's extremely tedious.

It is a Huygens principle based simulation of diffraction.


estart; with(Physics); with(LinearAlgebra); with(VectorCalculus); with(Optimization); with(Statistics); with(ArrayTools); with(plots); with(plottools); with(Threads); with(MmaTranslator[Mma]), with(StringTools); with(CodeGeneration); with(ImageTools); with(ImageTools:-Draw); VectorCalculus:-`*`(Setup(mathematicalnotation = true), Setup(coordinatesystems = cartesian))



[annulus, arc, arrow, circle, cone, cuboid, curve, cutin, cutout, cylinder, disk, dodecahedron, ellipse, ellipticArc, exportplot, extrude, getdata, hemisphere, hexahedron, homothety, hyperbola, icosahedron, importplot, line, octahedron, parallelepiped, pieslice, point, polygon, prism, project, rectangle, reflect, rotate, scale, sector, semitorus, sphere, stellate, tetrahedron, torus, transform, translate]


`Default differentiation variables for d_, D_ and dAlembertian are:`*{X = (x, y, z, t)}


`Systems of spacetime Coordinates are:`*{X = (x, y, z, t)}





radius := 1.0







alpha := sin((1/4)*Pi)



step := .2



radius := 100.0



l1 := line([0, 0], [100, 100])

CURVES([[0., 0.], [100., 100.]])


loAng := 0.



hiAng := (1/2)*Pi



c1 := arc([0, 0.], radius, loAng .. Pi, color = "red")

c2 := arc([step, 0.], -alpha*step+radius, loAng .. hiAng, color = "blue")

c3 := arc([2*step, 0.], -2*alpha*step+radius, loAng .. Pi, color = "purple")

c4 := arc([3*step, 0.], -3*alpha*step+radius, loAng .. Pi, color = "black")

plots[display](l1, c1, c2, c3, c4, view = [0. .. radius, 0 .. radius])


`cir&Assign;arc`([x, 0.], radius-step, loAng .. hiAng, i, color = "red")

`cir&Assign;arc`([x, 0.], 99.8, 0. .. (1/2)*Pi, i, color = "red")



xLimitWall := 500.0; nScatter := 20; step := xLimitWall/(nScatter+1); x := 0.; for i from 0 to nScatter do x := x+step; cir := arc([x, 0.], radius-step, 0 .. Pi, color = "red"); if i = 0 then lc := Vector([cir]) else i; cir; Append(lc, cir) end if end do; lc

xLimitWall := 500.0


nScatter := 20


step := 23.80952381


x := 0.


x := 23.80952381


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 47.61904762


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 71.42857143


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 95.23809524


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 119.0476190


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 142.8571428


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 166.6666666


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 190.4761904


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 214.2857142


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 238.0952380


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 261.9047618


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 285.7142856


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 309.5238094


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 333.3333332


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 357.1428570


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 380.9523808


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 404.7619046


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 428.5714284


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 452.3809522


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 476.1904760


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


x := 499.9999998


cir := CURVES(Vector(4, {(1) = ` 200 x 2 `*Matrix, (2) = `Data Type: `*float[8], (3) = `Storage: `*rectangular, (4) = `Order: `*Fortran_order}), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))


Vector[column](%id = 4400555778)



CURVES(Matrix(%id = 4400554242), COLOUR(RGB, 1.00000000, 0., 0.))







Download JFKWEdgeDifractionDirection.mwJFKWEdgeDifractionDirection.mwen.

Hello, I would like to integrate a Maple sheet into a LaTeX sheet. How to do ? Thanks in advance.

I find that if if declare a variable in a procedure inside a if  statement it Maple things something is wrong with the if statement:


global vSound;  

local locMic:=Vector([xMic,yMix,zMix]);  

local locGun:=Vector([xGun,yGun,zGun]);   l

ocal delGunToMix;   if mode=1 then #`direct  `    

local x=0.0;    <==remove this sand fine


return vSound*Norm(delGunToMix);  

elif  mode=2 then #`reflect off wall at z=0`        

end if;   return 0.0;  end proc:

Error, invalid 'if' statement
==>I can delclare the variable 'local' outside the if. Why? It doesn't make much sense, though not that hard to avoid.

how to solve tis type of

How to plot the second order derivative and first oder derivatives plot in time dependent pde and vector plot of  theta(y,t), u(y,t) at y=0..10 and t=0..1

nowhere i found a vector plot of time-dependent pde 

how to plot give me suggestions.

in vector plots, flow patterns should show with arrow marks

  pdes:= diff(u(y,t),t)-xi*diff(u(y,t),y)=diff(u(y,t),y$2)/(1+lambda__t)+Gr*theta(y,t)+Gc*C(y,t)-M*u(y,t)-K*u(y,t),
  conds:= u(y,0)=0, theta(y,0)=0, C(y,0)=0,
          u(0,t)=0, D[1](theta)(0,t)=-1, D[1](C)(0,t)=-1,
          u(inf,t)=0, theta(inf,t)=0, C(inf,t)=0:
  pars:= { Gr=1, Gc=1, M=1, nu=1, lambda__t=0.5,
           Sc=0.78, delta=0.1, phi=0.5, K=0.5, xi=0.5

{Gc = 1, Gr = 1, K = .5, M = 1, Sc = .78, delta = .1, nu = 1, phi = .5, xi = .5, lambda__t = .5}


  PrVals:=[0.71, 1.00, 3.00, 7.00]:
  colors:=[red, green, blue, black]:
  for j from 1 to numelems(PrVals) do
      pars1:=`union`( pars, {Pr=PrVals[j]}):
      pdSol:= pdsolve( eval([pdes], pars1),
                       eval([conds], pars1),
      plt[j]:=pdSol:-plot( diff(u(y,t),y), y=0, t=0..2, numpoints=200, color=colors[j]);
  plots:-display( [seq(plt[j], j=1..numelems(PrVals))]);


PrVals := [.71, 1.00, 3.00, 7.00]; colors := [red, green, blue, black]; for j to numelems(PrVals) do pars1 := `union`(pars, {Pr = PrVals[j]}); pdSol := pdsolve(eval([pdes], pars1), eval([conds], pars1), numeric); plt[j] := pdSol:-plot(diff(u(y, t), y, y), y = 0, t = 0 .. 2, numpoints = 200, color = colors[j]) end do; plots:-display([seq(plt[j], j = 1 .. numelems(PrVals))])




How do I set the axis range in a Maple scatter plot. It's not evident to me from the Help.

Please help me how to impliment to solve this problem 



As my jobs are still crashing with memory leak, I'd like to write results out to files and read them back to add them together.

I see something called 'Export' and something called 'Import'. It didn't work for me. Does the file have to already exist? An example would be nic

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