Maple 2020 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2020

I was wondering if anyone had a solution for this issue, everytime I try to export my work as a .pdf file the program freezes up and I have to shut it off using task manager.

I have Maple 2020 installed in addition to Maple-Gym.

I've noticed after a creating a few documents that when save such documents as PDFs on my Mac, the drawing elements in my drawings are misalgined. Is this just a bug or is there a way to prevent this?  I've attached screenshots of the correct drawign in a document and what the result is in a pdf.

Dear Maple community,

I'm trying to calculate a Steady State Vector of the attached matrix using this Maple routine, but, unfortunately, don't get any solution even after a 30 min calculation on a 64Gb machine. Am I doing something wrong and, if so, could you please give me a hand how to conduct this calculation? Thanks!

Hello all,

at the beginning of my document I need to assign a value to my variable, for example 0.4, so I can calculate a number of material pararamters for this exact value. At the end I want to include a plot that demonstrates the material behaviour for the variable ranging from 0 to 1. 

However, I have found that I can not plot a graph if I have assigned a value to that variable before. The "unassign" command sadly does not work. 

I am a beginner in Maple so i am probably missing something obvious, but I would appreciate any help.

Thank you!


I have used Maple almost daily for the last four years, but a few days ago two students approached me with an issue I had never encountered before. However, it had happened to both of them within a few weeks.

They described the issue as follows: When they opened a random Maple document and they tried to type in simple operators (like +, - or *), Maple would instead write an odd symbol, which none of them recognised as a mathematical symbol.

As they could not find a way to solve the problem within Maple, they tried restarting their computers. When they afterwards reopened Maple, the problem was gone and the operators worked as expected again. Neither of the students has experienced the issue since.

During the last few days, I have been trying to replicate the issue myself without success. Therefore, I also don't have any screenshots to share, so hopefully my simple explanation is enough.

My questions are: Has anyone heard about this issue before? Does anyone know what might have caused it? Is there a way to replicate it and/or prevent it from happening again in the future?

I hope someone is able to clarify it a bit for me! :)



The changecoords command in the procedure below executes the plots:-changecoords command despite the preceding unwith(plots) command.

How can I execute the non-plot version of the changecoords command in the procedure. It would be very inconvenient of all the various commented plot commands had to be preceded by plots:-

restart; with(plots):   # first command in the worksheet

  # many statements executing various plot commands

P := proc()


changecoords([x, y, z], [x, y, z], spherical):


end proc:

Error, (in plots/changecoords) changecoords does not accept plot options or other additional arguments

  # many more statements executing various plot commands


 # last command in the worksheet

Dear Maple community,

I was wondering whether you could help me with the following problem: Consider the non-linear system of 4 equations in 4 unknowns: {y[2,1], y[2,2], y[4,1], y[4,2]}, see Please also note that equations y[2,1] and y[2,2] in sys2 are homogenous of degree 1 (i.e., defined only up to scale). In principle, it should be possible to choose either y[2,1] or y[2,2] as a free and unconstrained variable (a scaling factor) and express all other unknowns in terms of it. Unfortunately, I couldn't yet implement it in the current setting and was wondering whether you give me a hand. Thank you very much in advance!


sys1 := {y[4, 1] = 33^(2/3)*50^(1/3)/(33*(1/(y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2)))^(1/3))+2^(2/3)*5^(1/3)/(2*(1/(y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2)))^(1/3)), y[4, 2] = 11^(2/3)*50^(1/3)/(11*(1/(y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2)))^(1/3))+4^(2/3)*5^(1/3)/(4*(1/(y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2)))^(1/3))}

sys2 := {y[2, 1] = 33/(100*sqrt(y[2, 1])*y[4, 1]^(3/2)*(33/(50*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+2/(5*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))+11/(40*sqrt(y[2, 1])*y[4, 1]^(3/2)*(11/(20*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+1/(2*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))+3*y[2, 2]/(20*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2)*(11/(50*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+4/(5*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))+3*y[2, 2]/(10*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2)*(11/(25*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+3/(5*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2)))), y[2, 2] = 11*y[2, 1]/(75*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2)*(33/(50*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+2/(5*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))+11*y[2, 1]/(60*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2)*(11/(20*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+1/(2*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))+2/(5*sqrt(y[2, 2])*y[4, 2]^(3/2)*(11/(50*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+4/(5*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))+3/(10*sqrt(y[2, 2])*y[4, 2]^(3/2)*(11/(25*y[2, 1]^(3/2)*y[4, 1]^(3/2))+3/(5*y[2, 2]^(3/2)*y[4, 2]^(3/2))))}



Fortran 2000 introduced a simple system for interoperability with C. That was expanded in 2020 to provide C macros to support Fortran concepts that do not exist in C, such as optional arguments and assumed-shape arrays. This is all described in Chapter 18 of the Fortran 2020 standard at


I want to call Maple from Fortran. The StartMaple function has a result of type MKernelVector. I can't find any description of it in the Advanced Maple Programming Guide other than that it's a handle. In order to create a Fortran variable to hold the result of StartMaple, to pass to the other functions, I need to know more. Is it an int or a long or a longlong or a pointer, or what?


I guessed longlong would work, but it apparently doesn't. The result value of StartMaple is nonzero and apparently at least 64 bits. Invoking EvalMapleStatement using that result value causes a segmentationf fault (I'm running Debian Buster 10 Linux).


That's as far as I've gotten.


Any ideas how to proceed?


How Would I fix that?

How we can see steps of Laplace transform calculation?

In a thesis by Md. Mohsin Ali at the University of Ontario, he says that ifactor uses multiple threads and presents a graph of measured results.

I ran ifactor with a 100 digit input and do not see mserver using multiple cores in top.  I do see mserver using 100% of a single core.

Am I missing something?

It would be nice to save various animated Maple images from into GIF images, but without the coordinates and the axes. THe same question in anoehr way: Can we plot the original function without any axes or coordinates?

Thank you!



kilobytes used=921, alloc=1200, time=0.09
kilobytes used=1325, alloc=5296, time=0.13


kilobytes used=107733, alloc=9228, time=6.64

Process Maple segmentation fault (core dumped)

No matter what I do from the keyboard, a core dump is not a reasonable response.


This worksheet animates stereographic projection of a grid on a sphere onto the plane the sphere sits on.

Is there a way to display matching colors in corresponding cells in the two grids?




I need to find out how to print the number of row or the numbers on right based only on the combination of the two numbers in first two columns. The external file looks like this:

I have prepared possible combinations of numbers and I need to read the numbers on the right which belongs to this combination. There is no such thing as the sum of two numbers = number of row, so it can't be done this easy.

Can somebody help please? Thanks a lot

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