Maple 2020 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2020


How can I find the same result reported in the figure for dsolve the differential equation?



1) the two cylinders are centered on the x and z axis respectively

2) any two intersecting cylinders


I want to define the functions 10 and 11 and then put them in the eq equation, then simplify them and get the unknown values after the solve command, but there are error.

And value the function psi ?







Error, empty script base

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U(xi[n+1]) := U(xi[n]+d)



U(xi[n-1]) := U(xi[n]-d)




eq := c*(diff(U, xi[n]))*(U(xi[n])+u(xi[n-1]))*(U(xi[n])+u(xi[n+1]))-(2*(u(xi[n-1])-u(xi[n+1])))*(U(xi[n])^2)(1-U(xi[n])^2)






the graf that I want to generate is like this one 


Vet noen om Windows 11 støtter Maple 2020? Eller støttes det bare av Windows 10.

I learned about Dodgson calculation of the determinant only recently (
I am only interested in symbolic expressions of the determinant.
Furthermore, I compared several methods. Not surprisingly, the build in method is the fastest. But why is the seq method slower than the proc method for the Dodgson method? Is there anything I could do to program it more efficiently?

restart; with(LinearAlgebra)

with(combinat); with(GroupTheory)

DetDef := proc (A) local i, n, sigma; description "Jeremy Johnson. Downloaded from"; n := RowDimension(A); add(PermParity(Perm(sigma))*mul(A[i, sigma[i]], i = 1 .. n), `in`(sigma, permute([`$`(1 .. n)]))) end proc

InnerMatrix := proc (M::Matrix) SubMatrix(M, 2 .. RowDimension(M)-1, 2 .. ColumnDimension(M)-1) end proc

MatrixDet := proc (M::Matrix) local C, n, i, j; n := RowDimension(M)-1; C := Matrix(n, n); seq(seq(assign('C[i, j]', Determinant(M([i, i+1], [j, j+1]))), j = 1 .. n), i = 1 .. n); return C end proc

Dodgson := proc(M::Matrix)
InnerMatrix(M) ^~ (-1) *~ MatrixDet(MatrixDet(M));
do if 1 < RowDimension(%) then InnerMatrix(`%%`) ^~ (-1) *~ MatrixDet(%);
end if;
until RowDimension(%) = 1;
end proc:

Dodgsonseq := proc (E::Matrix) local w, dim, Z; dim := RowDimension(E); Z[dim] := E; Z[dim-1] := MatrixDet(E); Z[dim-2] := `~`[`*`](`~`[`^`](InnerMatrix(E), -1), MatrixDet(MatrixDet(E))); seq(assign('Z[w-1]', `~`[`*`](`~`[`^`](InnerMatrix(Z[w+1]), -1), MatrixDet(Z[w]))), w = dim-1 .. 1, -1); Trace(Z[1]) end proc

LaPlace := proc (M::Matrix) local c; add((-1)^(c+1)*M[1, c]*Minor(M, 1, c), c = 1 .. ColumnDimension(M)) end proc

dim := 7; A := Matrix(dim, dim, shape = symmetric, symbol = a)



start_time := time(); st := time[real](); Det1 := abs(A); CPUtime_used_Build_in_Determinant := time()-start_time; REALtime_used_Build_in_Determinant := time[real]()-st; start_time := time(); st := time[real](); Det2 := DetDef(A); CPUtime_used_Jeremy_Johnson_Determinant := time()-start_time; REALtime_used_Jeremy_Johnson_Determinant := time[real]()-st; start_time := time(); st := time[real](); Det3 := Dodgsonseq(A); CPUtime_usedDodgsonseq := time()-start_time; REALCPUtime_usedDodgsonseq := time[real]()-st; start_time := time(); st := time[real](); Det4 := Dodgson(A); CPUtime_usedDodgson := time()-start_time; REALtime_usedDodgson := time[real]()-st; start_time := time(); st := time[real](); Det5 := LaPlace(A); CPUtime_usedLaPlace := time()-start_time; REALtime_usedLaPlace := time[real]()-st; simplify(Det1-Det2); simplify(Det1-Det3); simplify(Det1-Det4); simplify(Det1-Det5)






























Just need some help using URL:-Get

Get(" _184918_512_0304.jpg")

I'm sure there are some tags to use but not sure how.  The site does show a script on best practices, but at the moment don't know how to apply them.  Can anyone offer some help?

As an example, the second display in the web site below shows the 42 possible triangulations of a cyclic heptagon polygon.


I am trying to evaluate this expression numerically or symbolically without success.

> sum(1/(4.0*n^2-4*n+4*100000000^2+1)/10^n,n=1..infinity);

Maple is having hard time to convert it to LerchPhi and even more to evalf(%);

PS : mathematica is doing it at any precision very fast or can translate this into hypegoemetric.

PS2 : I use maple 2020 on windows 10 64 bits.

Is there any simple way that the colored shape created in the xy plane by the uploaded code can be projected in the z direction onto the surface of the unit sphere centred at the origin?


What command can I use to solve the attached equation and draw its graph?

ode := -(q2-q4)*(q2-q3)*(q1-q4)*(q1-q3)*y(w)^2+(q1+q2-q3-q4)*(2*q1*q2-q1*q3-q1*q4-q2*q3-q2*q4+2*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))*y(w)+(-2*q1^2-2*q1*q2+3*q1*q3+3*q1*q4-2*q2^2+3*q2*q3+3*q2*q4-6*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))^2+(q1-q2+q3-q4)*(q1-q2-q3+q4)*(diff(y(w), w, w))*y(w)+(3*q1+3*q2-3*q3-3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w, w))*(diff(y(w), w))-3*(diff(y(w), w, w))^2+(-q1-q2+q3+q4)*(diff(y(w), w, w, w))*y(w)+2*(diff(y(w), w, w, w))*(diff(y(w), w)) = 0

-(q2-q4)*(q2-q3)*(q1-q4)*(q1-q3)*y(w)^2+(q1+q2-q3-q4)*(2*q1*q2-q1*q3-q1*q4-q2*q3-q2*q4+2*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))*y(w)+(-2*q1^2-2*q1*q2+3*q1*q3+3*q1*q4-2*q2^2+3*q2*q3+3*q2*q4-6*q3*q4)*(diff(y(w), w))^2+(q1-q2+q3-q4)*(q1-q2-q3+q4)*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))*y(w)+(3*q1+3*q2-3*q3-3*q4)*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))*(diff(y(w), w))-3*(diff(diff(y(w), w), w))^2+(-q1-q2+q3+q4)*(diff(diff(diff(y(w), w), w), w))*y(w)+2*(diff(diff(diff(y(w), w), w), w))*(diff(y(w), w)) = 0


ans := dsolve(ode, y(w))



I am a newbie in the use of the Physics package.
As I'm interested in modeling dynamic articulated systems, I began reading the example about Mechanics (Statics).

My question is quite simple: let F some vector force of components a * _i and b * _j , what does abs(F) represent? 

I naively thought that abs(F)  was the modulus of F and expected it to be non negative. But I get some negative values (as in the tutorial example for some values of angle alpha.

Thanks in advance

How I can ontain results without Rootof !!



EQ1 := c[11]*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+c[12]*exp(n*Pi*a/b) = 0

c[11]*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+c[12]*exp(n*Pi*a/b) = 0


EQ2 := c[11]*n*Pi/b-c[12]*n*Pi/b+b^2*Q[0, 1]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*(n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)/b+n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)/b)/(n*Pi) = c[21]*n*Pi/b-c[22]*n*Pi/b

c[11]*n*Pi/b-c[12]*n*Pi/b+b^2*Q[0, 1]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*(n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)/b+n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)/b)/(n*Pi) = c[21]*n*Pi/b-c[22]*n*Pi/b


c[21] := -b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)/(n*Pi)

-b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)/(n*Pi)


EQ3 := c[11]+c[12]+b^2*Q[0, 1]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)-exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b))/(n*Pi) = lambda.(c[21]+c[22])

c[11]+c[12]+b^2*Q[0, 1]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)-exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b))/(n*Pi) = lambda.(-b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)/(n*Pi)+c[22])


solve({EQ1, EQ2, EQ3}, {c[11], c[12], c[22]})

{c[11] = RootOf(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+(lambda.((exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+2*b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b))/(n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))))*n*exp(n*Pi*a/b)), c[12] = -RootOf(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+(lambda.((exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+2*b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b))/(n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))))*n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)/exp(n*Pi*a/b), c[22] = -(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+RootOf(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+(lambda.((exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+2*b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b))/(n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))))*n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))*Pi*n*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+RootOf(exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]-_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+(lambda.((exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+exp(n*Pi*x[0, 1]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)*b^2*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 1]/b)*Q[0, 1]+2*b^2*Q[0, 2]*sin(n*Pi*y[0, 2]/b)*exp(-n*Pi*x[0, 2]/b)*exp(n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(-n*Pi*a/b)+_Z*n*Pi*exp(n*Pi*a/b))/(n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))))*n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))*Pi*n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))/(Pi*n*exp(n*Pi*a/b))}




eq1 := diff(p(x, t), x)-p(x, t)*(1/(p(x, t)^2*q(x, t)^(1/3)))

diff(p(x, t), x)-1/(p(x, t)*q(x, t)^(1/3))


eq2 := diff(q(x, t), x)-(-3*q(x, t))*(1/(p(x, t)^2*q(x, t)^(1/3)))

diff(q(x, t), x)+3*q(x, t)^(2/3)/p(x, t)^2


pdsolve({eq1, eq2})

Error, (in pdsolve/sys) found the element '_F2' repeated in the indication of blocks variables


eq3 := diff(p(x), x)-p(x)*(1/(p(x)^2*q(x)^(1/3)))

diff(p(x), x)-1/(p(x)*q(x)^(1/3))


eq4 := diff(q(x), x)-(-3*q(x))*(1/(p(x)^2*q(x)^(1/3)))

diff(q(x), x)+3*q(x)^(2/3)/p(x)^2


dsolve({eq3, eq4})

[{q(x) = -27/(_C1*x+_C2)^3}, {p(x) = (-3*(diff(q(x), x))*q(x)^(2/3))^(1/2)/(diff(q(x), x)), p(x) = -(-3*(diff(q(x), x))*q(x)^(2/3))^(1/2)/(diff(q(x), x))}]


eq5 := diff(p(x, t), x)-x = 0

diff(p(x, t), x)-x = 0



p(x, t) = (1/2)*x^2+_F1(t)


eq6 := diff(p(x), x)-x = 0

diff(p(x), x)-x = 0



p(x) = (1/2)*x^2+_C1





Help me in finding the solution of system eq1 and eq2.



Maple 2020 beginner user - matrices shows 10 rows and columns on worksheet, by default. How to increase this value up to 16 and more? Of course, there is possibility (browse matrix) to see all values and export to Excel also, but better to see all 16 on worksheet. 

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