Maple 2022 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2022

How to integrate eq (4)? Since 'a', 'b', and 'c' are constant. 



declare(z(x), y(x))

declare(z(x), y(x))


eq1 := (1/2)*(-z(x)^3-2*c*z(x))*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))-((z(x)^2+2*c)*(diff(y(x), x))+b*z(x)^2+c*k+a)*(diff(z(x), x)) = 0

(1/2)*(-z(x)^3-2*c*z(x))*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))-((z(x)^2+2*c)*(diff(y(x), x))+b*z(x)^2+c*k+a)*(diff(z(x), x)) = 0


eq2 := simplify(z(x)*eq1)

-z(x)*(z(x)*((1/2)*z(x)^2+c)*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))+((z(x)^2+2*c)*(diff(y(x), x))+b*z(x)^2+c*k+a)*(diff(z(x), x))) = 0


eq3 := eval(int(lhs(eq2), x))

int(-z(x)*(z(x)*((1/2)*z(x)^2+c)*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))+((z(x)^2+2*c)*(diff(y(x), x))+b*z(x)^2+c*k+a)*(diff(z(x), x))), x)




restart; with(PDEtools); declare(F(x, t), G(x, t), H(x, t))

F(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*F


G(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*G


H(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*H


q := 1-(diff(diff(log(F(x, t)), x), t)); r := G/F; s := H/F

1-(diff(diff(F(x, t), t), x))/F(x, t)+(diff(F(x, t), x))*(diff(F(x, t), t))/F(x, t)^2






r1s1 := r*s; r1s1der := diff(r1s1(x, t), x)

qt := diff(q(x, t), t)

eq1B := F(x, t)^3*(qt+r1s1der) = 0; eq12B := simplify(expand(eq1B))

-F(x, t)^3*(diff((diff(diff(F(x, t), t), x))(x, t), t))/(F(x, t))(x, t)+F(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(F(x, t), t), x))(x, t)*(diff((F(x, t))(x, t), t))/(F(x, t))(x, t)^2+F(x, t)^3*(diff((diff(F(x, t), x))(x, t), t))*(diff(F(x, t), t))(x, t)/(F(x, t))(x, t)^2-2*F(x, t)^3*(diff(F(x, t), x))(x, t)*(diff(F(x, t), t))(x, t)*(diff((F(x, t))(x, t), t))/(F(x, t))(x, t)^3+F(x, t)^3*(diff(F(x, t), x))(x, t)*(diff((diff(F(x, t), t))(x, t), t))/(F(x, t))(x, t)^2+F(x, t)*(diff(G(x, t), x))*H(x, t)-2*G(x, t)*H(x, t)*(diff(F(x, t), x))+F(x, t)*G(x, t)*(diff(H(x, t), x)) = 0


D_x_x_G_F := (diff(G(x, t), x, x))*F(x, t)-2*(diff(G(x, t), x))*(diff(F(x, t), x))+G(x, t)*(diff(F(x, t), x, x)); D_t_t_F_F := F(x, t)*(diff(F(x, t), `$`(t, 2)))-2*(diff(F(x, t), t))^2

(diff(diff(G(x, t), x), x))*F(x, t)-2*(diff(G(x, t), x))*(diff(F(x, t), x))+G(x, t)*(diff(diff(F(x, t), x), x))


F(x, t)*(diff(diff(F(x, t), t), t))-2*(diff(F(x, t), t))^2



rxt := diff(diff(r(x, t), x), t)

eq2B := -2*q*r+rxt = 0

eq22B := simplify(expand(eq2B))

((-F*F(x, t)*G(x, t)+2*G*F(x, t)^2)*(diff(diff(F(x, t), t), x))+(diff(diff(G(x, t), t), x))*F*F(x, t)^2+((2*F*G(x, t)-2*G*F(x, t))*(diff(F(x, t), x))-F*(diff(G(x, t), x))*F(x, t))*(diff(F(x, t), t))-(diff(G(x, t), t))*(diff(F(x, t), x))*F*F(x, t)-2*G*F(x, t)^3)/(F*F(x, t)^3) = 0


sxt := diff(diff(s(x, t), x), t)

eq3B := -2*q*s+sxt = 0

eq32B := simplify(expand(eq3B))

((-F*F(x, t)*H(x, t)+2*H*F(x, t)^2)*(diff(diff(F(x, t), t), x))+(diff(diff(H(x, t), t), x))*F*F(x, t)^2+((2*F*H(x, t)-2*H*F(x, t))*(diff(F(x, t), x))-F*(diff(H(x, t), x))*F(x, t))*(diff(F(x, t), t))-(diff(H(x, t), t))*(diff(F(x, t), x))*F*F(x, t)-2*H*F(x, t)^3)/(F*F(x, t)^3) = 0


"#`# How to simplify Eqs. (3), (5) and (6) and write in terms of following bilineat operators` by using (4)"?""




Is it possible to configure newer maple versions to use a different file extension ?

I have a lot of  Maple 9 files  with .mw extension. I dont want them opened and saved by a later version as they are valuable and actually work better than later maple versions which throws unneccesary signum errors. The results are verified so the signum errors are bogus in the recent maple versions running the same file.

Particularly, can I configure e.g. Maple 2022 to save to a different file extension say .mww or similar rather than .mw so I can avoid destroying to original 9.5 files?

I’m working on deriving the equation of motion (16) from equation (9) (see attached image), but I’ve encountered a couple of issues in Maple. i) The variational derivative of Lagrangian, and ii) the commutator is zero, which isn’t expected.

How do we fix these issues? Are there any specific packages regarding the construction of Lagrangian?

I can't understand why Maple interprets 1 .05  as 1 * 5 = 5 , and 2 .05  as 2 * 5 = 10 . Note the space between 1 and .05
In a different calculation I accidentally inserted a space between 1 and .05, and received a strange answer, and finally narrowed it down to a space.
But now I wonder why it is it is interpreting this way. Also I see that 2  0.05 produces an error. But  2 .05 is treated as 10. There is an implied multiplication? But the multiplication should be 2 * .05 , which is 1 and not 10.

I have encountered an issue: eq1 is not satisfied, though eq2 is satisfied for the parametric value (10). I need assistance in finding a way to ensure that both equations are satisfied simultaneously. Please provide guidance or suggest a potential approach for addressing this

Could anyone help me to convert a code written in Mathematica to a Maple worksheet? I have PDF only. Could any one have a look on Mpale sheet and PDF....



I recently moved from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I am using Maple 2022.2, and I got that installed and working OK. 

I have four Maple worksheets that I have saved as tasks on Windows 10, but my OS move requires some adjustments. When I try save the modified worksheets to the default Maple help database, I get an error saying that the database is read-only. When I try to make a new database file, Maple asks if it should create it, but then I get an error that Maple can't open the new database.




So I have this Maple document that I worked on yesterday, and now when I open it it just opens as the start-up screen where I can choose between document and worksheet mode. I can see that the file is much larger (900 kb) than an empty document, so it should definitely have the data still in there, but opening it with a text editor I couldn't manage to fix my issue. Does anyone have any tips? I have a back-up of the file (from the restore backup menu), but most of the content is not there, so it would be very helpful to get this one fixed.
Thanks in advance, 

Dear all,

I'd like to explore graphically a polynomial surface depending on two parameters a and b.

The problem is that, as soon as I start playing with the sliders, Maple freezes and I have to 'force quit'.

Can you please tell me if you have the same problem with this example?




K := 1 - y*x - (1 - x)*(b*x^3 + a*x^2 + x + 1)*(1 - y)*(b*y^3 + a*y^2 + y + 1)



Explore(plot3d(K, x=0..1, y=0..1,  font= [Times, bold, 20], labels= ['x', 'y','z'],   labelfont= [Times, bold, 40],  title = "K(x,y)"), b = 0..1., a=0..1.);




I have this problem with this system of equations, when I solve the 13x13 system it does not give me any solution, neither giving seed values ​​nor placing full digits. The exercise is solved and I tried to assume close values ​​and it doesn't work for me, it leaves everything expressed with the fsolve command.


'odeadvisor' suggests isolating y(x) from the equation as a first step, y=G(x,y'(x)), then apply the method of 'patterns'. For the first step, y(x) = (9/4)*[(y'(x))^2]/{[int(f(x),x)]^5} is what I found but, could take it no further. Nevertheless, Maple finds an intrinsic solution of the form, (3/4)*y(x)^(4/3) +(2/3)*int(sqrt(y(x)*f(x))^(-5/3) + _C1 =0, from which an explicit solution can be obtained. If anyone can supply the steps leading to the Maple solution - that would be great.

Hello everyone

I need help solving a system of equations as below. I'm looking for a way to do it, but I don't understand the general concept of how such an equation is calculated. So far I've been using a package in LabVIEW that worked similarly to Simulink and that was clear to me, whereas here I'm overwhelmed by the multitude of options and that's why I'm asking for help.

I need to solve these equations analogously to Matlab-Simulink, i.e., a time interval and integration step, and a numerical procedure in symbolic versions.

Multiplaction "dot" in Maple 2022 is way too small - causes errors.

e.g. two variables multiplied s*m ends up being sm a new variable as I cannot really see that there is a missing multiplication operator between the variables. This causes huge unnecessary errors.

Maple 9.x e.g had nice clear and big operators and this kind of error was avoided.

How can I undo this unfortunate regression in Maple 2022 to increase the size of multiplication operator and other operators, so that they actually becom visible and not just a little dot almost a pixel in size.

If I was a falcon (20x20)^infinity then this would have been ok, but I am not, I am human.

So how do I change this unfortunate regression so that these errors can be avoided.?

How can I get the evaluation of integration inside if-statement?

Thanks for your help in advance,



#For Free particle
Projectile := proc({L:=1,sigma:=0.01,beta:=0.2,k0:=-100},n_max) local x0,g,c:
 x0:= beta*L;
 g := unapply(exp(-(x-x0)^2/2/sigma^2),x);
 #c := int(g(x)^2,x=-L/2..L/2,numeric=true);
 ub := (L/2-x0)/sqrt(2)/sigma;
 lb := (-L/2-x0)/sqrt(2)/sigma;
 a := Pi*sqrt(2)*sigma/L;
 b := sqrt(2)*k0*sigma;
 c := Pi*x/L;
 d := k0*x0;
 eq1 := [cos(a*n*z)*cos(b*z)/e^(z^2),cos(a*n*z)*sin(b*z)/e^(z^2),sin(a*n*z)*cos(b*z)/e^(z^2),sin(a*n*z)*sin(b*z)/e^(z^2)];
 eq1 := map(f->unapply(f,n,z),eq1);
 eq2 := [cos(n*c)*cos(d),cos(n*c)*sin(d),sin(n*c)*cos(d),sin(n*c)*sin(d)];
 eq2 := map(f->unapply(f,n,z),eq2);

 for j from 1 to n_max do:
   if (is(j,odd)) then eq11 := int(eq1[1](j,z),z=lb..ub,numeric=true);
   else 0;
   end if;
 end do:

end proc:


Warning, (in Projectile) `ub` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `lb` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `a` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `b` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `d` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `eq1` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `eq2` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `j` is implicitly declared local


Warning, (in Projectile) `eq11` is implicitly declared local



int(cos(0.4442882938e-1*z)*cos(1.414213562*z)/e^(z^2), z = -49.49747467 .. 21.21320343)




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