Maple 2023 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2023

Why can't this be solved? Why is it that trigonometric functions are really solving for such a large number? Trigonometric functions should have a range

How to use maple to compute the solution of two coupling equations that both have higher order derivatives? I used dsolve and couldn't solve it.

The result of the function was computed successfully using the proc function, but how to plot the computed image? Using the seq command but the step size can not get the desired, using the for loop is too cumbersome, what should be done?

Executing the code in ?InvertedPendulum produces an error when

sysLin := Linearize(convert(sysEqs, list), [u(t)], [x(t), theta(t)], lin_point)

is executed. The problem is the line where EQ4 is assigned a value.

Something is wrong with the line where EQ4 is assigned a value. It is not executed.
It is like the mode changes to text for that line????

I reduced the order of two nonlinear equations and solved them numerically in this way. Why are the two results obtained the same?

I have a differential equation which I am looking for a series solution in inverse powers of r. I am doing this by matching inverse powers between the RHS and LHS of the differential equation and then finding the coefficient in the series solution that would solve this. I have written a little procedure which returns the coefficients, I am just curious if there is a command that will do this for me or if i can improve on this technique? I tried the Solve command in PDETools but it just kept evaluating and did not return an answer. 

Thanks in advance. 


EDIT: More detail provided in the first reply.

I'm sure this has been asked and answered, but I can't find the correct MaplePrimes page on it. How does one generate an array plot where the plots are centered within each box and not left justified? I need to make a PDF out of the document with an array plot of 1 column and 2 rows. (The following is just an example.) 

Why can't the variables in my procedure be called? Omega1, Omega2, Q1, Q2 are all expressed in the form of local variables in the loop, why can't we solve the equation because there are too many variables? At the same time, I would like to ask how to output the results of Q1 and Q2?

can someone help me curve fitting these parameeters...i only got 1 for all of this



E[1] := 126*10^9E[2] := 11*10^9G[12] := 6.6*10^9G_0__12 := 10.1*10^9nu[12] := .28E_0__2 := 15.5*10^9

true_strain := [0, .406915, .710106, .989362, 1.28457, 1.53989, 1.86702, 2.21011, 2.625, 2.99202]; true_stress := [0, 46.0227*10^6, 81.8182*10^6, 109.091*10^6, 138.068*10^6, 163.636*10^6, 194.318*10^6, 219.886*10^6, 248.864*10^6, 267.614*10^6]; epsilon_dot := 10^(-4)

sigma_t := map(proc (epsilon) options operator, arrow; E[instantaneous]*(1-lambda[90*deg]*epsilon*(sum(P[i], i = 1 .. 10)-(sum(P[i]*exp(lambda[i]*epsilon/epsilon_dot), i = 1 .. 10)))/epsilon_dot)*epsilon end proc, true_strain)


obj := sum((sigma_t[i]-true_stress[i])^2, i = 1 .. 10)

indets(obj, name)

{E[instantaneous], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10], lambda[1], lambda[2], lambda[3], lambda[4], lambda[5], lambda[6], lambda[7], lambda[8], lambda[9], lambda[10], lambda[90*deg]}



The solution was obtained with the following warning:
  no iterations performed as initial point satisfies first-order conditions


[Float(infinity), [E[instantaneous] = HFloat(1.0), P[1] = HFloat(1.0), P[2] = HFloat(1.0), P[3] = HFloat(1.0), P[4] = HFloat(1.0), P[5] = HFloat(1.0), P[6] = HFloat(1.0), P[7] = HFloat(1.0), P[8] = HFloat(1.0), P[9] = HFloat(1.0), P[10] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[1] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[2] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[3] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[4] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[5] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[6] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[7] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[8] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[9] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[10] = HFloat(1.0), lambda[90*deg] = HFloat(1.0)]]




Change the length of the pendulum to achieve the analysis of the pendulum frequency change, but I scan the frequency of the two images do not correspond to each other, what is the problem?

I am attempting to obtain an equation for battery discharge.

I have data from a battery that will supply 25 amps for 210 minutes. I want to fit this to an equation and then try to adjust the curve to match a battery that will supply 25 amps for 160 minutes.

Here is what I have:

restart; with(Statistics):

## Amps
A := Vector([444, 218, 74,312/10,209/10,119/10,625/100]):
## Time until battery discharges to 10.5 volts
T := Vector([5,15,60,3*60,5*60,10*60,20*60]):
f := x -> a*exp(1-x/b); f(x)
eqset := {seq(T[idx] - f(A[idx]), idx=1..7)}
sol := NonlinearFit(a*exp(1-x/b),A, T, x)
P1 := plot(A,T): P2 := plot(sol,x=0..450): plots[display]({P1,P2})

I want the 'knee' of the fitted curve to more closely match the measured data.

How do I do this?

Singular points appear in the solution and rendering of this program. If the data does not converge when taking a short time step, what should I do if I want to cross the singular point and continue drawing the image?