Maple 9 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 9

Hi, Very new to Maple. This is a math assignment, and well I am not exactly sure what is happening. I have had a buddy to help me, but things are not necessarily working.


a := 0;
                             a := 0

b := 1;
                             b := 1

p := plot({Fresnelf(x), Fresnelg(x)}, x = a .. b);


A := [a, g(a)];
B := [a, f(a)];
                         A := [0, g(0)]

                         B := [0, f(0)]

C := [b, g(b)];
D_ := [b, f(b)];
                         C := [1, g(1)]

                        D_ := [1, f(1)]

left_line := plot([A, B]);
right_line := plot([D_, C]);
plots[display](p, left_line, right_line, view = [0 .. b + 0.5, 0 .. 0.2]);
Warning, data could not be converted to float Matrix
Warning, data could not be converted to float Matrix

In the right bottom corner of the Maple window, there is data on Time, Bytes, and Available. My task is supposed to perform computation, however the Time data reached the value of 33393.1 s (about 9 hours) and is not being updated (the value does not increase) anymore for at least half an hour. Is this normal or does it mean that something is wrong with my computation process? Windows Task Manager indicates that CPU Usage is 100% and mserver uses about 40-50%. The procedure I use (diffalg(04), Rosenfeld-Groebner) is such that I have no idea how much time the task will require.

Thank you

In the process of simplification I have the following multi-variable polynomial:


This polynomial contains several (-2+d1), (-1+d1) terms with varying powers in each term. My question here is how to take out common terms and then form compact multi-variable polynomial (without having physical inspection).


Thank you for your help.





I am solving "Fx=0" for geting "roots:x" using "solve(Fx,x)". Solution is in the form of "a+sqrt(b)", "a-sqrt(b)". One solution "f1" is given below.


I used the following Maple syntax


the answer is "false"

Is there any modification in the syntax "patmatch" is required.

Here, my question is how to separate "a" and "b" in "a+sqrt(b)" (a, b are big expressions involving many variables).

Thanking you advance for your help.


I am solving "Fx=0" for geting "roots:x" using "solve(Fx,x)". Solution is in the form of

"a+sqrt(b)", "a-sqrt(b)"

Here my question is how to extract "a", "b" separately (a, b are complex and very big expressions).


Thank you in advance for your help.



I am trying to simplify the following polynomial.

> R1 := collect(((3*d1^2-2*d1-d1^3)*r-3*d1^2+d1^3+2*d1)*R^3+((-6*d1+7*d1^2-d1^3)*r^2+(d1-d1^3-3*d1^2+2)*r)*R^2+((-6*d1+6*d1^2)*r^3+(-4*d1^3+6-7*d1+2*d1^2)*r^2)*R+(2*d1^2-2*d1)*r^4+(-2*d1^2-4*d1+4)*r^3,[R,r,d],recursive);


With the "collect along with rucursive" unable to give compact version. In the above polynomial most of the bracket terms will have factors([3*d1^2-2*d1-d1^3]=-d1*(d1-1)*(d1-2)), but the collect command unable give these factors, doing such manual simplification in bigger polynomial case is complex. Is there any way to represent above polynomial in compact form.


Thanking you in advance.





Hi everyone,


I am using the following code (by dr. Corless) to animate a Riemann surface:


B := 1.5;
u2 := r*cos(th); v2 := r*sin(th);
w1 := u1+I*v1; w2 := u2+I*v2;
z1 := evalc(w1^2); z2 := evalc(w2^2);
x1 := evalc(Re(z1)); x2 := evalc(Re(z2));
y1 := evalc(Im(z1)); y2 := evalc(Im(z2));
f1 := proc (theta) options operator, arrow; plot3d([-x1, -y1, v1], u1 = -6 .. 1, v1 = -B .. B, grid = [50, 50], orientation = [theta, 80], color = u1) end proc;
f2 := proc (theta) options operator, arrow; plot3d([-x2, -y2, v2], r = 1 .. 1, th = -Pi .. Pi, grid = [50, 50], orientation = [theta, 80], color = black) end proc;
display(seq([f1(10*k), f2(10*k)], k = -17 .. 18), insequence = true, axes = box, view = [-1 .. 1, -1 .. 1, -B .. B]);

f1 is the Riemann surface and f2 is the winding curve.

The animation works fine on the individual plots, i.e. when I do:

display(seq(f1(10*k), k = -17 .. 18), insequence = true, axes = box, view = [-1 .. 1, -1 .. 1, -B .. B]);


display(seq(f2(10*k), k = -17 .. 18), insequence = true, axes = box, view = [-1 .. 1, -1 .. 1, -B .. B]);

but with both f's (as in my modification)  the animation does not combine correctly the two plots and shows them separately. Is there any way I can combine the plots so that display produces a smooth animation with each rotated frame containing its winding curve?


Many thanks,


I have run into some queer behaviour of my Maple 9 software. I gave the following commands:

 xx := invcfrac([[0],[5,1,5,1,4,1]]);

i am solving for a system of df eq's, but the eq's have these little tricky integrals inside it either retards operation or no solutoin can be found...They look like...


B_12:=(10*a_2*a_3)*(u/( ((10^2+u)^(3/2)) * ((a_2^2+u)^(3/2)) * ((a_3^2+u)) )):

B_122:=(10*a_2*a_3)*(u/( ((10^2+u)^(3/2)) * ((a_2^2+u)^(5/2)) * ((a_3^2+u)) )):
B_123:=(10*a_2*a_3)*(u/( ((10^2+u)^(3/2)) * ((a_2^2+u)^(3/2)) * ((a_3^2+u)^(3/2)) )):
My problem looks as follows................pts1FIXED comes from dsolved plots a empty figure...and i checked that l(the data pairs looks fine)..

for i from 1 to 450 do

end do:
l := [[t,Energy[t]] $t=1..450]:

I need some help...i need a solver using the Runge-Kutta method adaptive size control, to solve a sytem of 5 diff eq's, all of them are interlinked...




Say that dsolve numeric produces a results, called Solution, Now ex  solution(0)=1, and in general solution(t) can be evaluated, now, i want to use this, in E(t)=2*solution(t), in a plot, thus...


plot(E(t),t=0..100,....), but returns the error....

I am trying to solve a tricky system of diff eq....can somebody point me in the right direction, the error message is involved with the initial conditions..

A very useful feature of the plotting program gnuplot is that you can generate an output which is a file instead of a graph. For instance the following short script

set samples 5000         
set table "outfile.dat"
plot [0:10][] f(x)

produces a  file containing a sampling of the function f(x) on the interval [0,10] based on a grid...

I have some numerical data, which are very accurate (500 digits) and want to copy them on a text file.

For pratical reason I would like the procedure writefile to write just 20 digits figures: which is the right syntax to use?

Here is a simple example from the Maple Help (nersion 9.03):
i := 5; cat( "The value of i is ", i, "." );
which yields
  "The value of i is 5."

I would like to use the same syntax to generate a string to be printed at the beginning of a data file (so that I can remember what are the figures in the files); for instance I want to specify that this set has been generated choosing the value of a parameter alpha to be 0.618. So I write

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