Maple V Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple V


I'm in the process of making a resonant LLC calculator to define Lr,Lm and Cr. In short, to do this I need to define the fonction of the Gain for different Qualifty factor at a given m value m. My issue is that the below code returns different results everytime. I'm trying to get the value at the top of the Q curve using the maximise fonction and trying to solve wx for that maximum value. Anybody can see what am I doing wrong. Sometime it outpiuts an imaginary number where sometime it doesn't. The expression seems correct as its producing the correct plot/curve.

Thank you for the help.

> restart:with(plots):
> m:=6.3:
> Q1:=1:
> GainQ1:=(8/(Pi^2))*((wx^2)*(m-1))/(sqrt((((m*wx^2)-1)^2)+(Q1^2*wx^2)*((wx^2-1)^2)*((m-1)^2))):
> semilogplot({GainQ1},wx=0.2...2,Gain,axes=boxed,thickness=5,title=`Gain (w, Q, m)`):
> Top_of_Q1:=eval(maximize(GainQ1),wx=0.1..2);wx:=solve(GainQ1=Top_of_Q1);

Professor Robert J. Lopez is a Maple Fellow and the author of many Maple webinars and applications. He is also co-author of a book entitled Discovering Calculus With Maple, which I have recently acquired, and which turns out to be keyed to Maple V Release 3 on a Mac. Well, I have Maple 2020 on a Mac. What is the best way to get this book to work for me?  Thanks very much.

Hare in the forest

The rocket flies




Animated 3-D cascade of dolls




Please tell me how to combine the two graphics. I can't bring them together. question.mws



So I'm new to MAPLE and working on plotting graphs for a car suspension system. I've had to differentiate some equations and use other formulas to calculate the peak of 7 different curves. I then need to plot these onto another graph. I've managed to calculate the values but I'm now trying to plot them on the graph using the pointplot command and I'm getting an error. The full code is shown below, any help is appreciated, thanks;

> Y(s):=100/s:
> X2(s):=(Y(s)*(1400*s+135000)*(c2*s+k2))/((49.8*s^2+(1400+c2)*s+135000+k2)*(466.5*s^2+c2*s+k2)-(c2*s+k2)^2):
> with(inttrans):
> x2(t):=unapply( expand( evalf( invlaplace(X2(s),s,t) )),t,c2,k2):

> c2_1:=simplify( x2(t)(t,1000,3000) ):
> D1:=diff( c2_1,t ):
> t_star1:=fsolve( D1,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp1:=x2(t)(t_star1,1000,3000):
> o1:=((xp1-100)/100)*100:

> c2_2:=simplify( x2(t)(t,1250,3000) ):
> D2:=diff( c2_2,t ):
> t_star2:=fsolve( D2,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp2:=x2(t)(t_star2,1250,3000):
> o2:=((xp2-100)/100)*100:

> c2_3:=simplify( x2(t)(t,1500,3000) ):
> D3:=diff( c2_3,t ):
> t_star3:=fsolve( D3,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp3:=x2(t)(t_star3,1500,3000):
> o3:=((xp3-100)/100)*100:

> c2_4:=simplify( x2(t)(t,1750,3000) ):
> D4:=diff( c2_4,t ):
> t_star4:=fsolve( D4,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp4:=x2(t)(t_star4,1750,3000):
> o4:=((xp4-100)/100)*100:

> c2_5:=simplify( x2(t)(t,2000,3000) ):
> D5:=diff( c2_5,t ):
> t_star5:=fsolve( D5,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp5:=x2(t)(t_star5,2000,3000):
> o5:=((xp5-100)/100)*100:

> c2_6:=simplify( x2(t)(t,3000,3000) ):
> D6:=diff( c2_6,t ):
> t_star6:=fsolve( D6,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp6:=x2(t)(t_star6,3000,3000):
> o6:=((xp6-100)/100)*100:

> c2_7:=simplify( x2(t)(t,4000,3000) ):
> D7:=diff( c2_7,t ):
> t_star7:=fsolve( D7,t=0.2..2 ):
> xp7:=x2(t)(t_star7,4000,3000):
> o7:=((xp7-100)/100)*100:

> with(plots):
> pointplot( {[1000,o1],[1250,o2],[1500,o3],[1750,o4],[2000,o5],[3000,o6],[4000,o7]} );
Error, (in pointplot) incorrect first argument

P.S. o1 through to o7 represent the peak of the curves and are to be plotted on the y-axis against 1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,3000 and 4000 on the x-axis. I'm using MAPLE V.


I've made calculation as array := function(array1,array2). Then summ of all array[i] all in one cycle. If I look in summ variable I see fu(0+fu() +.. agebraical representation. I tried evalf(summ). still algebraical. How to derive numerically?

1-Write a Maple ProcInserer procedure (x, pos, L) that inserts the element x into L at position pos.
 2- Write an inverse procedure (L) taking as argument a list L and returning the list obtained by inverting L in the decreasing direction of the indices.

Write a procedure that says whether or not an item a is in a  list L, and at which place (if there are several times the same item, you can return the place of the first, or the list of places of all the occurrences of a).

i want to prove that :int(2*(sin(theta)/cos(theta))^2*p-1,theta=0..Pi/2)=Pi/sin(p*Pi), can anyone help me ?


Calculate S (100) by constructing a procedure "CalculesS" based on two iterative loops for, as


can anyone one tell me the meaning of builtin with examples?

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