Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

Good Afternoon everybody,

Would anybody please see why Maple would not substitute the list  Lx :=[...], and Lz[....] into the equation in the attached procedure called inertia. My goal is to output the mass moment of inertia of the machine foundation.


Hey all, I have a system of differential equations that I want to solve using Runge Kutta, but for hte life of me I can't figure out the syntax for the command. Maybe someone here can point out where I am going wrong? > accx := m*(diff(x(t), `$`(t, 2))) = -q*A*sin(w*t)-q^2/(x(t)^2+y(t)^2); > accy := m*(diff(y(t), `$`(t, 2))) = -q^2/(x(t)^2+y(t)^2); > IC := x(0) = -0.1322943021e-8, y(0) = 0.793765813e-10, (D(y))(0) = 0, (D(x))(0) = 3839294.99; > RungeKutta([acc, acc2], IC, 0.1e-14);

We want to add 5 to the list L:






I think there must be an easier way to do this, I would be thankful if someone let me know.

Can we define functions in Maple? If so, what is the difference between a user-defined function and a procedure?

I have a loop in my program. It sometimes takes a long time to run. I want to output a value of a variable that indicate how many jobs has been done. Since this value changes constantly, so the ordinary print method will generate a large amount output. Is there any way I can make this value shows in just one area dynamically?


The usual optimization constraint in Maple looks like: con := [ w[1] <= 1,  w[2] <= 1,  w[1] >= -1,  w[2] >= -1, w[1] + w[2] = 1 ]

 I was wondering if it is possible to have a constraint where the

different weights w[1] , w[2]  can only take the values   -1 , 0 , 1   

Hi there,

Good Morning,

Would anybody be kind to help me with the attached worksheet. Most of the worksheet worked except for the last procedure where I was trying to call a procedure called cog that output the center of gravity of a concrete block xyzc in another procedure called Inertia. Please, how do I acheived this in Maple.



I regularly choose a function for my numerical analysis class that looks bad (i.e., has jumps) when graphed on a small domain.  For example,

plot(ln(1+x), x = -10^(-15) .. 10^(-15))

If I increase Digits or use a Taylor series to replace ln(1+x), the graph looks fine.

I tried this with cos(x) - x as follows:

plot(cos(x)-x, x = -10^(-16) .. 10^(-16))


I have an equation which is   Y=A*x^3 +B*x.     Y=-60..60  and  x=-1..1

How can I find the A and B parameters using Maple?



<p>I have the following code:</p>
<p> </p>
<p> for D5d_counter from 1 to 1000 do<br />
increment := 0.1:<br />
D5d_incr := initial_D5d + increment:<br />
D5d_decr := initial_D5d - increment:<br />
energy_D5d_init := energy1d(initial_D5d);<br />
energy_D5d_incr:= energy1d(D5d_incr);<br />
energy_D5d_decr := energy1d(D5d_decr);<br />
#evalM(cat("plot(",convert(P[1],string), ",",convert(P[2],string), ", '+')"))</p>

I have always wanted to know why the lognormal distribution in the Black & Scholes (BS) option pricing model

is assumed to have a mean of  T*(r-0.5*sigma^2 ) . I have seen various explanation but non that make any sense.

I know that the mean in a lognormal distribution is exp(u+0.5*sigma^2) but why does it suddenly become

T*(r-0.5*sigma^2 ) in the BS model ?   I can understand the T = mean proportional to the time increament but why does

How can I extract the order of a number in a list?






Reading about the "Table of Chords" of Ptolemy, I stumbled on something I thought should be easy in Maple.

For example, in the table, I have that the chord length  for 1/2 degrees (with radius 60 of course) = 0;31,25 wiich mean 0+31/60+25/(60)^2=377/720=0.52361.

What I would like to do in Maple is evalf[6](sin(1/2 degree))=0.008728 and then convert the decimal part of the answer into a list so I can do

How do I define a large multivariate polynomial

For all i, j, k, l, m, n from 1 to 2

         sum t = 0 to 7: x_{i,j, t} * y_{k,l, t} * z_{m,n, t}

in maple?


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