Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple


I'm interested in passing programs from Fortran to Maple, I have some queations:


1) Is it true that maple can only understand functions, and doesn't understand subroutines?

2) If Fortran function uses commands like "exp" "max" etc, is it okay?

3) If Fortran function uses external libraries (.lib, .dll) do I need to combine then somehow with the dll file I'm preparing for Maple? How?

When I plot a parametric surface:

S5 := PositionVector([VectorCalculus[`*`](u, v), VectorCalculus[`+`](u, v), VectorCalculus[`+`](u, VectorCalculus[`-`](v))], cartesian[x, y, z])

VectorCalculus[PlotPositionVector](S5, u = VectorCalculus[`-`](1) .. 1, v = VectorCalculus[`-`](sqrt(VectorCalculus[`+`](1, VectorCalculus[`-`](u^2)))) .. sqrt(VectorCalculus[`+`](1, VectorCalculus[`-`](u^2))))

please help me here:

can we simplify the answer of the following command:

diff(arctan(sqrt(b*a)/b)/sqrt(b*a), `$`(b, n))



I used convert(problem,parfrac,x) and it gave me an error saying augment not a rational function.

(3x - 1) / x(x-1)

want to diplay it like this

A/X + b/(x-1) then coming up with the answer like this 1/x + 2/(x-1).

Newb to maple and this is my first post. Thanks

please help me here:


how can we find:

sum((5/2+2310*n^5+5775*n^4+5019*n^3+(3507/2)*n^2+(409/2)*n)/(27720*n^7+97020*n^6+132300*n^5+88200*n^4+29400*n^3+4410*n^2+210*n), n = 1 .. n-1)


Maple is giving answer which is very complex

please help me here:

we want to find:-

sum((5/2+25*n^2+25*n)/(300*n^4+600*n^3+360*n^2+60*n), n = 1 .. n-1)

maple gives me an answer which looks complex to me? can we simplify it further?




I'm trying to do this project but I keep getting an error message...does anyone have any ideas???


I find it much easier to enter equations in the Text mode (red bold text). In the past I found a UI setting that allowed me to stay in this mode, but now I can't remember where to find the every time after I input a command, the next command is back in Math mode by default. How can I make it stay in Text entry mode all the time?

Hello, I have a function that produces different phase portraits as you change the variable x in the original equation. Im trying to find out at what values of x this change occurs...

So far I have determined the eigenvalues with regards to x and have run loops to find out roughly when this happens but i would like to be able to do this with either a procedure of perhaps dsolve or solve maybe?


So, given the eigenvalues, how would i go about doing this?

Hi. I am the Marketing Communications Manager at Maplesoft. This is the first piece of writing where you get to know who I am, but many of you have probably already read a lot of what I’ve written. I am responsible for the promotion of Maplesoft products. It’s my job to take what the really smart Maplesoft employees create and turn it into something engaging (and typically say all I need to say in 3 paragraphs or less, or in the case of subject lines, 49 characters or less). Within every piece of highly technical math-filled piece of writing is a gem of a story waiting to be brought out. I try (sometimes successfully, I hope) to bring out these stories. Every time you’ve read our newsletter “The Maple Reporter,” an email, or a letter from Maplesoft, you’ve read my work. My goal is for people to read what I write and say “I want that!” or “how do I do that?”

Hi. I am the Marketing Communications Manager at Maplesoft. This is the first piece of writing where you get to know who I am, but many of you have probably already read a lot of what I’ve written. I am responsible for the promotion of Maplesoft products. It’s my job to take what the really smart Maplesoft employees create and turn it into something engaging (and typically say all I need to say in 3 paragraphs or less, or in the case of subject lines, 49 characters or less). Within every piece of highly technical math-filled piece of writing is a gem of a story waiting to be brought out. I try (sometimes successfully, I hope) to bring out these stories. Every time you’ve read our newsletter “The Maple Reporter,” an email, or a letter from Maplesoft, you’ve read my work. My goal is for people to read what I write and say “I want that!” or “how do I do that?”

For a matrix W, the command limit(W^t,t=infinity) does not work.  Is there a way to evaluate this limit in maple ??

I knew that fsolve can solve equations by given an interval or a starting point. Like these

fsolve({x-y = 1, x+y = 1}, {x = 0 .. 1, y = 0 .. 1})

fsolve({x-y = 1, x+y = 1}, {x = 0, y = 1})

But what if I knew the interval for only one of the the variable?  After I run this code

S={v1=[-4 v2=[7 v3=[-3 v4=[-6 v5=[1 }
           -2       1        3        -6       3
           -1      -2        0        -1       4

Is there a way to check a function for positive definiteness or local
positive definiteness?

Eg:  v(x1, x2, t) = (x1^2 + x2^2)*exp(-t)


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