Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
I am trying to integrate this equation numerically, but Maple just returns it every time. Any suggestions on how to tackle this kind of problem? I want to treat mu and T as const. I made the worksheet a public file on my account called Numerical Integration. PLease give it a try if you have the time and let me know what you come up with. You can also make your own worksheet, the integral is as follows. int(sqrt(x)/(exp((x-mu)/T)+1), x = 0 .. infinity) Thanks, Good Luck
Hello, i'm newbie here and spanish... Someone can help my, i want an procedure/function that you put an array and it will give you the rang/rank but not using the function implemented un maple... I'm using MAPLE 10 THX
How can the number of digits found in computed values of exponents be controlled? Here is my problem: I am appling a power fit to statistical data using the following command power:=PowerFit(X,Y,x); and I get the following output: 4.686027976 x^(0.413637849985206863) I would like to have these coefficients truncated to say 3 digits so that the expression is manageable when I insert the expression into a plot title. I have tried: power:=evalf[3](PowerFit(X,Y,x)); which produces 4.69 x^(0.413637849985206863)
How is a legend displayed using scatterplot? For example the command plot:=scatterplot(X,Y,legend="DATA"); will not work. It produces: Error, unexpected object: >LEGEND("DATA")
A little while ago on another thread I asked about putting hats on variables and Georgious pointed me in the direction of a most helpful thread. I found that there was more that 1 way to do it. One of the ways involved this syntax `#mover(mi(θ),mo("∧"))` It works, but I haven't been able to find any documentation mi, mo or mover. I sure would appreciate it if someone could help me understand this syntax. Also, what if I want to out a dot above a hat on a variable ? Thanks
When I input 3*(x+y) the outpupt is 3x + 3y. Is there any way to go the other direction - that is, perform some operation on 3x + 3y that will yield the output 3*(x+y) ?
implement a program for a matrix a a vector x and numbers eps>0, omega e(0,2) approximates the solution of the system Ax=b by relaxation with parameter omega and accuracy eps the program should stop when last iterations x[i-1],x[i] and x[i+1] satisfy norm(x[i+1]-x[i]> norm(x[]-x[i-1]
I used to do this, but it seems I have forgotten how...

> P1 := plot(sin(x),x=-Pi..Pi);

> with(plots):display([P1]);

> plotsetup(ps,plotoutput=``,plotoptions=`portrait,noborder`);

I am trying to use Optimization[LSSolve] to fit the solution to a differential equations to data. I can solve my problem using Matlab, but I'd like to be able to use Maple as well. This is Maple 10. The proc is not getting the values of the parameters. > data := [[0,95], [11,425], [22, 928], [33,1358], [44,1589], [56,1683], [67,1724]]: > try2 := proc(K,alpha,r,IC) local DE1,R; print(K,alpha,r,IC): # for debugging DE1:=diff(y(t),t)=r/alpha*y(t)*(1-(y(t)/K)^alpha); R:=dsolve({DE1,y(0)=IC},numeric); map((d) -> rhs(R(d[1])[2])-d[2],data): end: > sol2 := Optimization[LSSolve](try2(K,alpha,r,IC), initialpoint = {r=.09, K=1750, IC=95, alpha=.3});
Hi, Sorry but i ve repeated the same question a few days ago but because it was quite down the line i thought to give it another shot I would like to make a 3D plot of some density functions(F(X)) where each lets say cdf, corresponds to a time value.So far Ive tried using the transform((x, y) command.The example below where I show how I have worked out for 4 cdfs corresponding to 10,20,30 and 40 ms, hopefully it will make it clearer of what i mean.(I have a thousand of different distributions up to 10 secs). with(stats): > C001:=plot(statevalf[cdf,lognormal[0.3792,0.9556]], 0..4, colour=green):
And now for something completely different - something I don't know how to do in Maple! [ :-) ]. Given a system of linear inequalities, say like {a1>5, a2<100, a1 >< a2}, how do I find sample values (integers in this case) in the solution space? For example, I would be happy with {a1=6,a2=3}.
I'm currently outputting some animations, but I'm not using the animate command - I'm using the command display([seq(tmp_alpha_plot||kk,kk=1..nt)],insequence=true) having previously created tmp_alpha_plot||ii:=display([ plot([seq([r_arr[i],alpha1_arr[i,ii]],]), plot([seq([r_arr [i],alpha2_arr[i,ii]],], color=magenta)]): What would be useful for diagnostics purposes is to be able to print in the corner of the animation both the timestep/frame currently displayed (I know this is automatic when you use the animate command, and I'll change if I need to), and the actual numerical value of the variables alpha1_arr and alpha2_arr. It would also be useful if I could also show the numerical values of some other variables I'm working with, as they're defined at that time.
Hey I was wondering which of the many Root() commands I would use to obtain an Integer root from a large polynomial for example X^2 - 9 would return 3 I will be using it for very large polynomials with big coefficents so if there is a more efficent one then that would be helpfull. Cheers in advance
I want to calculate the normal derivative with Maple?What's the command?Waiting for your help!
Hi - I want to graph an ode and the following are my commands: > restart; > with(plots); > with(DEtools); > plot1 := DEplot((diff(y(t), t, t))+6*(diff(y(t), t)) = 80*exp(2*t), {y(t)}, t = -1 .. 1, y = -1 .. 1, [[y(0) = 4], [(D(y))(0) = 3]], linecolor = ([BLUE, GREEN, BLACK]), arrows = MEDIUM); The error I get is : Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) Too few initial conditions: [y(0) = 4] Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
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