Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Hello I have tried solving quite simple equations, but maple seems to give me a complex solution or complicated one. Ex.: ode := diff(h(t), t) = -.168*sqrt(h(t)) ics := h(0) = 225 dsolve({ode, ics}) h(t) = RootOf(250*sqrt(_Z)+21*t-250*sqrt(225)) I know it is a correct solution but it seems a bit wrong anyway, with both sqrt(_Z) and Rootof
Im not a very experienced maple user, so i hope somebody will be able to help me....... I've been tryin to write a maple procedure which produces a symmetric 4 x 4 matrix all of whose entries are positive, i am nearly there but as yet cannot work out how to get the entries to be all positive. Within the procedure ive been using the RandomMatrix command along with the shape = symmetric and have managed to get a 4 x 4 symmetric matrix as output, however i cannot figure out how to make all the entries in the random matrix all positive so that they also are in the symmetric matrix at the end. i hope someone will be able to help me!!
I want to write a code to illustrate complete pivoting. Is there a command to locate the largest (in magnitude) value in a Matrix and return the row and column index? I know I can always write my own code, but a builtin command would be handy.
Does anyone know how to get exp(3) ^ 2 in Maple to output exp(6)? I need this output to transfer to another software program that will understand exp(6) and not e^6. Thanks in advance! Diane > exp(3) ^ 2 Maple displays 6 e but I want it to display exp(6)
I am working on a Maximum Likelihood problem and would like to know whether the LinearAlgebra package can be helpful. Up to now I have been using Maple only to check my work. However, someone pointed out that Maple's capabilities reach much further: it also can determine whether the system of equations is consistent and, if so, Maple can solve the equations. Unfortunately, I am only trained as a psychologist and I am still at the beginning of learning Maple's capabilities. Here are the three equations: f = (Y'b - 1t'b)(b'b)^-1 equation#1
I have an iBokk G4 with OS 10.3.9 and i tried to install Maple 10. After the autentification the install procedure simply stops. When i try to install Maple 9 everything goes fine, but when I doubleclick the Maple symbol it jumps a few times and then simply stops again. I always used maple on this computer until i couldn't start maple 9. I also tried to reinstall the whole os system but that doesen't helped either. Does anyone have the same problems or know a solution, that would be a great help since I need maple for my studies. Michael
I know there is an option in fieldplot that is "fieldstrength" in maple 10. However I need to know if there is some sort of equivalent option on maple 9.5's fieldplot, or another idea on how could I do it, because I'm trying to plot a field and my vectors are just too big on the center and too tiny when distance from the center grows. Of course I know that is inherent to the fields that are proportional to inverse square of the distance, but still I wanted that *something* other tiny unrecognizable dots appeared in my vector field... Thanks
I wish to set the default location for the "backup files" so they don't clutter my $HOME directory. It seems to me that this should be an easy thing to do but I can't find any reference in any of the documentation sources. Everytime I use Maple and quit my home directory is littered with as many as 45 small files which (I presume) are intermediate save files from a session. I don't mind having the program autosave but can I assign this location to some special scratch folder? OS: Mac OS 10.4, G5, Maple 10.
Hi; Could somebody please let me know about finding functional derivative of H respect to m where, >restart; >H:=int(u(x)^3+u(x)*diff(u(x),x)^2+2*u(x)^2,x=-infinity..infinity); >m:=u(x)-diff(u(x),x$2); by using Maple? Thanks a lot Sayed
How would I enter in a derivative problem such as f'(3) when f(x)=x^2+8x+4 into maple 10?
I need some help!! I need to show the following using MAPLE 9.5: Suppose I have a symmetric 4 x 4 matrix whose entries are all positive, called A. Suppose also that I have a random vector in R4 whose entries are also all positive, called c. I already have a routine to determine the largest absolute eigenvalue of the 4 x 4 matrix, called L. I need to show that the vector v, calculated as follows: v = lim[(A^n)c / (L^n)] as n tends to infinity is an eigenvector of A, with eigenvalue L. Any suggestions??
How do I take sin of a matrix?
How can I plot a function with an integral domain? For example how would I plot f(n) = 1/n for n=1..10 or g(n)= n! for n=1..10 or h(n) = g(n)-f(n) for n = 1..10? Any help would be appreciated. Tom
I'm trying to write some code that will rewrite an expression of the form R = expr => newExp = 0 Then take all the coeffiecents of newExp with respect to the variables (var) and replace them with new coefficients of the form a.1, a.2 etc and finally put it together with the variables again to obtain the new expression. This is the code i've got so far and it doesn't work, not used to working in maple so can't really figure out the problem... strRpm := proc(expr, var) local num, den, k, maxIndex, zeroform, R; num := numer(exd); den := denom(exd); zeroform = expand(R*den-num);
I want to maximize x*y*z subject to U= (10-x)*(10-y)*(10-z). My Lagrangian function is: L:= x*y*z + lambda* (U - (10-x)*(10-y)*(10-z)); # (I assume that values of x,y,z are between 0 and 10) assume(x>0,x
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