Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
MaplePrimes own Jim Herod has a wonderful set of lecture notes—accompanied by a collection of Maple worksheets—which introduce linear operators on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces to beginning graduate students in science and engineering. Entitled Linear Algebra, Infinite Dimensions, and Maple, these notes were developed from a one quarter course which Prof. Herod taught many times at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The notes are very concise and have been refined and improved many times over the years in response to student feedback.
Hello! How can I repress those pesty: bytes used=19294939612, alloc=37348680, time=2193.37 messages from printing? words(0) doesn't seem to have any affect and gc(0) has been deprecated (that was what a book suggested). Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks! Susan
I'm working on some basic complex number equalities in engineering class, and was practicing converting from cartesian to polar coordinates. Maple can help by telling me if my conversions are correct by telling me whether the equality is true. For example, for the complex number: 5 + 3*I maple will verify the following: is(5+3*I = polar(sqrt(5^2+3^2), arctan(3/5))) true it will also verify: is(polar(sqrt(5^2+3^2), arctan(3/5)) = sqrt(5^2+3^2)*exp(I*arctan(3/5))) true lastly, it will of course verify transitively: is(5+3*I = sqrt(5^2+3^2)*exp(I*arctan(3/5))) true
FIRST-- I can not figure out how to enter a problem containing Set-Builder Notation? Specifically the use of the symbol in my math book "|" which means "Such That" here is an example. (a,b)={x|a<x<b} it give me an error with this form of notation Second --How do you plot on a number line, also called real line, points, line segments, rays, or lines? Third(and final for today) -- is there any way to sketch regions on the Cartesian coordinate system for problems like absolute(y)<1, y=1, or x>0 these problems will fill in areas of the plot in the quadrants? Ok after some 30+hrs of research on my own and with my fellow students I turn to you for help now. . . . Please help, and thank you.
Hi, I use maple 10.01 (and WinEdt 5.4) and I don't know how to import some graphics to Latex. Assuming that I want to have the output of plot(x^2, x=-2..3); appearing in my file (Dvi, ps or pdf).. How should I proceed? Thanks in advance for your help. JJ
I am struggling with the new LinearAlgebra package and I want a procedure for the vec operator (just stacking the colums of matrix r by c into a (r*c) by 1 columnvector. For only extracting two columns the following commands work well: A := Matrix(5, 5, symbol = a); Matrix([[Column(A, [1])], [Column(A, [1])]]); but there must be a simple procedure for doing this for a converting a large matrix into a column vector. Any help would be appreciated. kind regards, Harry Garst
Hello, I am working on a program that creates symbolic algebraic expressions. I'd like to be able to "export" these to Maple. Ideally I'd like to have a menu option "Send to Maple" that would either start Maple or find an existing running version. It would then simply paste the expression in Maple syntax into the open UI. The OpenMaple API seems to only give access to the kernel which appears (and rightly so) to know nothing of the UI. Is this the case? Is there any API that would allow me to paste to an open Maple window? I tried enumerating all open Windows via MS Windows API functions. But since the Maple UI is Java based I couldn't get a pointer to the this seemed to be a pretty hacky solution to me.
I tried > with(plots): with (DEtools); A:=phaseportrait(...); # equation and initial conditions depend on parameter s; phaseportrait works. All my attempts to make animation animate(A,s=-1..1,frames=10); with frames=50 resulted in errors Error, (in DEtools/phaseportrait) invalid specification of initial conditions Error, (in plots/animateb) Third argument must be a range in this case Any suggestions? Thank you very much in advance
I have been trying to understand the example examples/Optimization LSSolve section (at the bottom) and use it for different data and a different equation, i only want to find residues for omega_o, F, m and b not omega in the equation F/sqrt(m^2*(omega^2-omega_0^2)^2+b^2*omega^2) How do i just find residuals for these four unknowns only. Thanks
Hello to all users, I have a ode ode2 := (diff(psi(x), x$2)))-lambda^2*psi(x) = 0 The boundary conditions are that the value of the function at x(L1) = psi1 and the derivative of the function at x'(L2) = 0 (insulation cond for the heat problem). I can get the solver (dsolve) to work if I give a numerical value for L2: bcs2 := psi(L1) = psi1, D(f)(10) = 0 However I want it to work for a general case. Can this be done? Thanks, Arya
I am new to Maple, but i have done some basic graphing, scatteredplots etc. but I wanted to know if I can plot error bars in my graph? Is there any function or a way define in Maple 10 to do so? Help will highly be appreciated. Amini
Running into this problem, im trying to graph concentric circles (think planets) with a set radius and a set amount of time used to complete one orbit. I am using parametric equations with t being a value of time in terms of one complete orbit. However, when I try to graph these circles using plots[multiple] I get error codes. Heres my text~ We have our 5 planets, A - E orbiting around the sun affixed at the origin. We can easily graph these together to give us an idea of the orbit and time required to complete one. > plots[multiple](plot, > [0.71 cos(2.985074627 Pi t), 0.71 sin(2.985074627 Pi t), t = 0 .. 67],
i have a program to write and i dont know how to do it. if anybody could hwlp me cheers. Q implement a computer program which fora given positive integer n, a given square matrix A of order n and given vector b which n components, decides whether A is a band matrix with p=2=q and in the positive case solves the system of equations Ax=b by simplification of Gauss Elimination for a band matrices with p=2=q
Please could somebody explain the process Maple uses to factor integers so quickly? Thanks Matthew
What happened to my post in this thread; I used the HTML conversion tool to upload a worksheet. When I enter the page now, I can download the worksheet, but the in-line all I see is alternating Bold and Normal text saying "Maple Equation". Am I the only one to see this, or has my upload failed? Does this have anything to do with the New Mapleprimes Filemanager MapleNet implimentation? I've also got a signature, but do not see it after my comment? What have I done wrong? Thank you!
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