Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Hello everybody, I have Maple 9.5 and Excel 2003 on my laptop. Unfortunately, I always get a runtime error 53 when trying to load the Add-In, telling me that the manager cannot find the Add-In although it is loading the toolbar for Maple within Excel. Can somebody help me solve the problem? Is there a patch available for this? Cheers, Fox
HI. I hope anybody can help me. I have in parametric form a volumetric element in space: >restart: >A:=(r,theta,phi) -> [r*sin(theta)*cos(phi),r*sin(theta)*sin(phi),r*cos(theta)] where: r in [1,3], theta in [Pi/4,Pi/3], phi in [0,3*Pi/4] I know want to plots this as an volume element in maple if possible. This means, that every surface has a grid. Can anyone help me with this one? I only seems to be able to plot planes i maple? //Sentinox
If I have two different plots constructed with plot command I can display them simultaneously: > F:=plot(...); G:=plot(...); display(F,G); However, if I try > with(DEtools): F:=phaseportrait(...); G:=phaseportrait(...); display(F,G); Maple 10 returns an error that display requires plot! Is there a way to display simultaneously two phaseportraits? Thank you in advance Victor Ivrii
The following seems to run endless (WinME, M10.02 classical interface): Int(2.9992571251988*(kappa-.89988751406074)/Pi* exp(3.3571035419740-12.0624756920228897*ln(kappa))* BesselK(1,26.1571648648044217*(.13147587176957e-1+(-.57683186342273e-1+ln(kappa))^2)^(1/2))/ (.13147587176957e-1+(-.57683186342273e-1+ln(kappa))^2)^(1/2)/kappa, kappa = .89988751406074 .. 4.0); evalf(%); I did not want to massage it by hand (as the fct may change and actually I want the upperbound to be infinity). The reason can not be the slow numerics for Bessels (as an external DLL with brute callback gives the result slowly,
That kills my Maple ( M10.02 on WinME)

restart; _EnvExplicit:= true;
Eq:=0 = 'mu + delta*sqrt(alpha^2-Theta^2) - sqrt(alpha^2-(Theta+1)^2) ';
[solve(Eq, Theta)]:

giving the system message:

CWMAPLE verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul CWMAPLE.EXE bei 017f:00459d0b.
Register: blablabla

If I prevent output by "sols:=%:" (using a double point) it is ok and one
sees that it would produce ~ 5000 pages ( = length(sols)/80/60 ).

Could be that one reason?
I want to call a procedure or function by clicking a button. How to call a procedure from Maplet Builder: Evaluate -> function? And where I have to write this procedure: to save it - in Maple 10 worksheet like file *.m in the same folder where file *.maplet is?
I am converting a complex worksheet from linalg to LinearAlgebra, and discovered what is to me a serious problem. With linalg, one could use the basis(A,colspace) command to give a basis of the column space consisting of columns from the original matrix, guaranteed to be in the order in which they appear in the matrix. This is useful in extending a spanning set of a vector space to a basis of a larger space, and allows one to determine exactly which new vectors need to be added. However, the ColumnSpace(A) command in LinearAlgebra does something quite different. It gives a basis of the column space which does not preserve this order, and does not even use the original vectors.
I have two matrices, and I want Maple to test and see whether they are different to each other (as part of a for to while loop -i.e. it will keep looping until the matrices are the same). However, even when they are identical, it returns a value of true to evalb(A <> B). What can I do?
hi everybody, I tried to install Maple 10 on my AMD64 Athlon 3200+ (running with Fedora Core 4 64bit Kernel 2.6.15-1.1831_FC4). Well, the installer worked just fine, except the activation - unable to determine Host ID. So I activated Maple offline. After the installing, the first problem I had to handle with was the "read only" mode off all installed executables - I think I changed the mod off all executables in the maple 10 folder... Now I was able to run the command line mode of maple. But I am still not able to run Maple in X11 mode - when entering ./maple -x or ./xmaple nothing happens, no error - nothing. Since Maple is working in the commandline mode, I assume that it has to do with java somehow. Well, I am not really an experienced Linux user, but I installed jdk-1.5.0-06, hoping it will solve the problem, without success :-( . I now that Fedora Core 4 is not supported, but I don't see why Maple should not work properly here if it does with redhat. Well, it would be really great if somebody has a solution to this problem.
When I try to run this particular programme, it pops up and tells me "Clarify Expression" - "Parts of the expression are ambiguous. Please select one of the suggested meanings." However, before the suggested meanings it quotes the line of programming that this happened on. When I made the programme, I did it line by line, so I know what the suggested options are, and which one I want. However, now the line of programming is such a big block of text that the window goes completely off screen. There's no way to resize it, and I can't move it high enough to see the options. What can I do?
I have installed Maple 10 Build 190196 and I wish to retain the settings and preferencess of Maple 9.51 Build 963582. Which files should I retain from Maple 9.51 before I uninstall it? Where should I place them to retain the 9.5 settings in 10? Thanks, Bill
I have the fuction F/sqrt(m^2*(omega^2-omega_0^2)^2+b^2*omega^2 and i need to fit data to it using the LSSolve command, i have no idea how to do this any help would be much appriciated. thanks.
I would like to hyperlink or insert acces to other program files. I can do this in MS Work and Scientific Notebook. Ex. I can execute Vpython simulations, audio files, saved web pages, etc. Thanks
Hi, can you advise how I can draw geometry objects like circle, triangles, polygons, angles in triangles, etc accurately -- I need the gepmetric shapes to be to-scale -- in other words, if I need an angle at 50-degrees, I don't wish to eye-ball it, but I really need it to be 50-degrees. Thanks!
Hello, i'm a father and my son is at school, he asked me if I could give him some help on his maple project. He has to write a pascals triangle using List, is there anyone who can help.Thanks, Ronald.
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