Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
I'd like to gauge interest in an online session on authoring Maple documents using new features in Maple 10: document blocks, embedded components, tables, autoexec code, task templates, embedded assessment, 2d math, etc. Would you participate in such a (free) session? -Laurent
Similarly to searching of digits of π, Maple can access other Internet resources. In particular, here is an example of accessing MAGMA through William Stein's online SAGE/MAGMA/PARI calculator,
Will mentioned in his blog a problem of finding the first occurence in π the given sequence of digits - a birthday, for example. It can be done in Maple through the search engine at as follows,
Hello dear Maple users! I have the following problem that I am trying to solve with maple. I have a set of data points (i made these up for now, the real set has more points) x:=( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ) y:=( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ) z:=( 3,1,3,2,4,7,7,9 ) Now, I know how to surface fit this and get maple to formulate an equation for z=f(x,y) with the following statement: w:=(Statistics:-Fit(a + b*x + c*y + d*x^2 + e*x*y+f*y^2,
Hi. There is a command called genvecs in mathcad and i wonder if there is something similar in maple. Or can somebody tell me how to make the same in maple. Regards M
has someone a sheet about percolation theory ? I put a very simple one on my blog: percolation
Can maple do this ? and how .... I know you can do the graph, but I need to know if maple can do my problem. ex: Y(t+1) + Y(t) = (-1)^t and y(0) = 2

I am looking for an explanation for the following behavior :

> f := proc(x) somefunc(x) end proc:
> a := table([variable=z]):
> f(a);
> f(a) assuming z::real;

Why is 'a' replaced with its corresponding table in the second case? And is it possible to use the name 'a' in the return value?

-- Thanks for any reply,


I´m Trying to do numerical integration for a function defined by a product of characteristic functions. I either receive the message " Error, (in unknown) too many levels of recursion " or "error, (in evalf/int) unable to handle singularity". What should I do?

f_1:=(x,y,z,w)->piecewise(x+w > 0 , 1);
f_2:=(x,y,z,w)->piecewise(x*w - y*z > 0,1);
f_3:=(x,y,z,w)->piecewise((x+w)^2 - 4*(x*w - y*z)<0,1);

I want to integrate prod, with all four variables ranging from -1 to 1.

Thank you, Bernardo

Hi, I am trying to call a Matlab function from Maple. The Matlab function requires 33 input variables, but when I call this function with this many variables I get the following error message: "Error, (in ExecuteCommand) Matlab command string is too long" My objective is to maximize this function using GlobalSOlve but first I want to just call it. I would appreciate if someone can help me with this. Cheers Saqib
Hi! I have a two part question: I am plotting a matrix as multiple graphs: column1 v column2, column1 v column3 etc I have a worksheet set up so that some of the graphs can be completely equal to 0. I am plotting all the graphs on the one set of axes for comparison, and so the null graphs don't appear. However, I am having problems getting a legend. I only want to display a coloured legend (each plot is a different colour) for each graph that is non zero. How can I do this? Second part, I have created a text box next to the graph that displays the names of the non zero graphs as strings. Can I make these strings the same colour as their respective graphs?
Hi everyone! I would like to create a worksheet witb multiple worksheets, and I would like to use sections and subsections. Can anyone please tell me how to lock certain sections/subsections closed so users cannot open then? Thanks :)
Hi dear members of this Forum,

I want to generate a list which depend on "n";
for n=2 I would like to generate the following list

>[[p1>q1, p2>q2],
>[p1>q1, p2<q2],
>[p1<q1, p2>q2],
>[p1<q1, p2<q2]]

for n = 3 I would like to generate the list:

>[ [p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3]]

for n=4

[ [p1+p2+p3>q1, p1+p2+p4>q2, p1+p3+p4>q3, p2+p3+p4>q4],..
is it possible to implement a package so that the documentation and the help files will be automatically extracted from the sources?
As a newbie to maple, I was wondering how do I find the maximum of a equation under contraint. i can find some but for this one I can't ... and it's getting to me f=1000*x+7500*y under constraint: g=10000000-(20000*x^0.8)*y^1.2 and for f=(20000*x^0.8)*y^1.2 under constraint: g=125000-1000*x-7500*y Who do I find the maximum using MAple 10 !!!????
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