Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

Dear Maple users

I am using the LinearInterpolation command from the Interpolation package. When I however want to integrate the result from one number to another, I only receive an abstract result. It is probably an easy question, but somehow I can't figure it out. I tried using MakeFunction and evalf command in order to receive a number for the integral. I hope someone can help.



How do I explain this:


I noticed a strange (for me) appearence of a dollar:

I know $ as an end of parameters marker, but here its role seems strange.
Is it a typsetting issue?

For plotting phase plot of two system of equations (autonomous), is there an option to increase of reduce number of arrows/line drawn?  I am not able to find such an option from help.

Below is an example. Google AI says stepsize should change the number of arrows, but it does not. It had no effect. Below is worksheet showing one example where I like to reduce number of arrows (not the size of the arrow, which is set to medium now).

I also tried numpoints option and it had no effect of how many arrows are drawn


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.2, Windows 10, October 29 2024 Build ID 1872373`

the_sys:=[diff(x(t),t) = -3*x(t)-4*y(t), diff(y(t),t) = 2*x(t)+y(t)]:
DEtools:-DEplot(the_sys,[x(t), y(t)],t =0 .. 10,x = -4 .. 4,y = -4 .. 4,'labels' = [x(t),y(t)],'axes' = 'boxed', 'arrows'='medium')




For reference, I'd like to do something similar using another system as below where it has option to change number of arrows.

On a similar track,

If you have a worksheet that contains a calculation and results that took very long to complete and saved with all the results, is it possible to load the maple worksheet, and let maple load all the results  and not execute all the commands.

Thereby you can immediately work further and dont have to completely recalculate the worksheet. ?

Basically a resume function for the worksheet. Will save a huge amount of time and I cannot see a reason why the worksheet cannot load just using the previously calculated results in the document.

every structure is true but my plot not run where is issue?

In the excellent book by W.G. Chinn, N.E. Steenrod "First Concepts of Topology" the theorem is proved which states that any bounded planar region can be cut into 4 regions of equal area by 2 perpendicular cuts (the pancake problem). This is an existence theorem which does not provide any way to find these cuts. In this post I made an attempt to find such cuts for any convex region on the plane bounded by a piecewise smooth self-non-intersecting curve.
The Into_4_Equal_Areas procedure returns a list of coordinates of 5 points: the first 4 points are the endpoints of the cutting segments, the fifth point is the intersection point of these segments. This procedure significantly uses my old procedure Area , which can be found in detail at the link  . The formal argument of the Into_4_Equal_Areas procedure is a list  L specifying the boundary of the region to be cut. When specifying  L, the boundary can be passed clockwise or counterclockwise, but it is necessary that the parameter t (when specifying each link) should go in ascending order. This can always be achieved by replacing  t  with  -t  if necessary. The Pic procedure draws a picture of the source region and cutting segments. For ease of use, the code for the  Area  procedure is also provided. It is also worth noting that the procedure also works for "not too" non-convex regions (see examples below).

Area := proc(L) 
local i, var, e, e1, e2, P; 
for i to nops(L) do 
if type(L[i], listlist(algebraic)) then 
P[i] := (1/2)*add(L[i, j, 1]*L[i, j+1, 2]-L[i, j, 2]*L[i, j+1, 1], j = 1 .. nops(L[i])-1) else 
var := lhs(L[i, 2]); 
if type(L[i, 1], algebraic) then e := L[i, 1]; 
if nops(L[i]) = 3 then P[i] := (1/2)*(int(e^2, L[i, 2])) else 
if var = y then P[i] := (1/2)*simplify(int(e-var*(diff(e, var)), L[i, 2])) else 
P[i] := (1/2)*simplify(int(var*(diff(e, var))-e, L[i, 2])) end if end if else e1 := L[i, 1, 1]; e2 := L[i, 1, 2]; 
P[i] := (1/2)*simplify(int(e1*(diff(e2, var))-e2*(diff(e1, var)), L[i, 2])) end if end if end do; 
abs(add(P[i], i = 1 .. nops(L))); 
end proc:

Into_4_Equal_Areas:=proc(L::list,N::symbol:='OneSolution', eps::numeric:=0)
local D, n, c, L1, L2, L3, f, L0, i, j, k, m, A, B, C, P, S, sol, Sol;
L0:=map(p->`if`(type(p,listlist),[[p[1,1]+t*(p[2]-p[1])[1],p[1,2]+t*(p[2]-p[1])[2]],t=0..1],p), L);
S:=Area(L); c:=0;
for i from 1 to n do
for j from i to n do
for k from j to n do
for m from k to n do
if not ((nops({i,j,k})=1 and type(L[i],listlist)) or (nops({j,k,m})=1 and type(L[j],listlist)))then
P:=eval([x,y], solve({f(A,C),f(B,D)},{x,y})):
L1:=`if`(j=i,[subsop([2,2]=t1..t2,L0[i]),[convert(B,list),P],[P,convert(A,list)]],`if`(j=i+1,[subsop([2,2]=t1..op([2,2,2],L0[i]),L0[i]),subsop([2,2]=op([2,2,1],L0[j])..t2,L0[j]),[convert(B,list),P],[P,convert(A,list)]], [subsop([2,2]=t1..op([2,2,2],L0[i]),L0[i]),L0[i+1..j-1][],subsop([2,2]=op([2,2,1],L0[j])..t2,L0[j]),[convert(B,list),P],[P,convert(A,list)]])):
L2:=`if`(k=j,[subsop([2,2]=t2..t3,L0[j]),[convert(C,list),P],[P,convert(B,list)]],`if`(k=j+1,[subsop([2,2]=t2..op([2,2,2],L0[j]),L0[j]),subsop([2,2]=op([2,2,1],L0[k])..t3,L0[k]),[convert(C,list),P],[P,convert(B,list)]], [subsop([2,2]=t2..op([2,2,2],L0[j]),L0[j]),L0[j+1..k-1][],subsop([2,2]=op([2,2,1],L0[k])..t3,L0[k]),[convert(C,list),P],[P,convert(B,list)]])):
L3:=`if`(m=k,[subsop([2,2]=t3..t4,L0[k]),[convert(D,list),P],[P,convert(C,list)]],`if`(m=k+1,[subsop([2,2]=t3..op([2,2,2],L0[k]),L0[k]),subsop([2,2]=op([2,2,1],L0[m])..t4,L0[m]),[convert(D,list),P],[P,convert(C,list)]], [subsop([2,2]=t3..op([2,2,2],L0[k]),L0[k]),L0[k+1..m-1][],subsop([2,2]=op([2,2,1],L0[m])..t4,L0[m]),[convert(D,list),P],[P,convert(C,list)]])):
sol:=fsolve({Area(L1)-S/4,Area(L2)-S/4,Area(L3)-S/4,LinearAlgebra:-DotProduct(D-B,C-A, conjugate=false)},{t1=op([2,2,1],L0[i])-eps..op([2,2,2],L0[i])+eps,t2=op([2,2,1],L0[j])-eps..op([2,2,2],L0[j])+eps,t3=op([2,2,1],L0[k])-eps..op([2,2,2],L0[k])+eps,t4=op([2,2,1],L0[m])-eps..op([2,2,2],L0[m])+eps}) assuming real:
if type(sol,set(`=`)) then if N='OneSolution' then return convert~(eval([A,B,C,D,P],sol),list) else c:=c+1; Sol[c]:=convert~(eval([A,B,C,D,P],sol),list) fi;
 fi; fi;
od: od: od: od:
end proc:

local P1, P2, T;
uses plots, plottools;
P1:=seq(`if`(type(s,listlist),line(s[],color=blue, thickness=2),plot([s[1][],s[2]],color=blue, thickness=2)),s=L):
P2:=line(Sol[1],Sol[3],color=red, thickness=2), line(Sol[2],Sol[4],color=red):
T:=textplot([[Sol[1][],"A"],[Sol[2][],"B"],[Sol[3][],"C"],[Sol[4][],"D"],[Sol[5][],"P"]], font=[times,18], align=[left,above]);
display(P1,P2,T, scaling=constrained, size=[800,500], axes=none);
end proc: 

Examples of use:

Pic(L, Sol);

# Check (areas of all 4 regions)





# The boundary is the Archimedes spiral and the arc of a circle




Sol:=evalf[5](Into_4_Equal_Areas(L, AllSolutions, 0.1)); # All 3 solutions
plots:-display(<Pic(L, Sol[1]) | Pic(L, Sol[2])  | Pic(L, Sol[3])>, size=[300,300]);  



More examples can be found in the attached file.

[Edit]. The post has been edited. One inaccuracy in the code has been corrected, which could sometimes lead to errors. Two options have been added to the code of Into_4_Equal_Areas procedure. The first option is the formal argument  N . If N=OneSolution  (by default), the procedure returns one solution. If  N=AllSolutions , the procedure returns all solutions that it can find. The  eps  option has also been added (by default, eps=0). It is advisable to use it when we are looking for all solutions, and the ends of the cutting segments fall on the boundaries of intervals (this option slightly expands the boundaries of intervals, otherwise the  fsolve  command sometimes misses solutions). Two new examples have also been added.


I've been trying to explore or animate a bode plot without success.  I kept simplifying things until I'm back to a basic example (attached).  I'm assuming there is an issue with trying to explore or animate a function that uses a system object, and am wondering if there is an apoproach that works with such structures.  I'm not a Maple jock by any means.




I programmed a sequence a(n). Up to a(42) Maple had no problem to calculate the term, but when calculating a(43), after a while appears the message

`System error, `, "bad id"

What does that mean and what can I do?
Thank you.

Using edit -> Find/Replace (or crtl-f) it is possible to earch for text composed of alpha numeric-characters. Maple finds all occurences in input an output.

For greek letters this works only for 1D Math input. Is there a way to find/search for greek symbols displayed on the GUI in 2D Math input and output like lambda in the below


something I always wondered about. On Maple website it says

Notice the date above., December 26.

On my Maple, with latest update, same version is printed, but the date is way off.

It says December 2, not 26.

Why is that? Should not the date be the same sicne same version 1840 of Physics update?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.2, Windows 10, October 29 2024 Build ID 1872373`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1840 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, December 2, 10:11 hours Pacific Time.`




I like the scrollable vectors up to a point. They seem to be unnecessarly width restricted. Is there any way to increase this? Could anything be added to the .ini file as the is an entry in there to disable them?

Also, if the command is entered again it is ok

Where is the backup directory of auto saves stored - windows?


Maple Transactions Volume 4 Issue 4 has now been published.


This issue has two Featured Contributions by people who have been plenary speakers at Maple Conferences in the past, namely Veselin Jungić and Juana Sendra. We hope you enjoy both articles.  There is an accompanying video by Professor Sendra, which we will add a link to when it becomes ready.

As usual, there is an article in the Editor's Corner, but this one is a bit different.  In this one, Michelle Hatzell (the new copyeditor for Maple Transactions, who is also a Masters' student working with me at Western) and I have written about a fun use of Maple's colour contour plots to make an image that might be used as the cover of an upcoming book, namely Perturbation Methods using backward error, which I'm just finishing now with Nic Fillion and which SIAM will publish next year.  So, while there's some math in that paper, it's more about Maple's utilities for colour plotting; so you might find it useful.  We also hope you like at least some of the images.  Some are more attractive than others!

We have several Refereed Contributions, not all of which are ready at this time of publication but which will be added as they are revised and sent in.  We have a nice paper on using continued fractions in a high school context, another on code generation, and another on using Digital Signal Processing in Engineering courses.

Finally we have a first publication in French, by Jalale Soussi.  Actually we have the paper also in English: we chose to publish both, in our Communications section, each with links to the other.  It is possible to publish in Maple Transactions solely in French, of course, but the author provided both, so why not?

Happy reading, and best wishes for 2025. 

The goal is to eliminate x, y and z from [a^2=(4*y*z)/((x+y)*(x+z)),b^2=(4*z*x)/((y+z)*(y+x)),c^2=(4*x*y)/((z+x)*(z+y))]. However, eliminate only outputs a null expression (I added a  to emphasize it): 

expr := 4*[y*z/((x + y)*(x + z)), z*x/((y + z)*(y + x)), x*y/((z + x)*(z + y))]:
{eliminate}([a, b, c]**~2 =~ expr, [x, y, z]);

Why is the result empty? 
In my view, the result should be (a*b*c)**2 = ((a**2 + b**2 + c**2) - 2**2)**2 (or its equivalent). One may verify this by: 

    is(eval((a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - 4)^2 = (a*b*c)^2, 
      elementwise([a, b, c] = [k1, k2, k3]*sqrt(expr)))), 
    `in`(k3, [-1, +1])), `in`(k2, [-1, +1])), `in`(k1, [-1, +1]));
         true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true

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