MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

Not the first time that a question (OP's name  PhearunSeng ) is removed as I am writing an answer (I guess other people have already faced the same inconvenience). 
Why doesn't exist a mechanism which prevents removing, deleting, displacing a question where someone (here Carl) has akready given an answer ???

Whatever the reason, here is my answer

Title: Can be done quickly if you write the matrix in a more abstract form

MyKGff := Matrix(5, 5, 
    (1, 1) = A+(1/63368)*B, 
    (1, 2) = -(1/63368)*B, 
    (1, 3) = -(1/39605)*B, 
    (1, 4) = 0, 
    (1, 5) = 0, 
    (2, 1) = -(1/63368)*B, 
    (2, 2) = (1/63368)*B+C, 
    (2, 3) = (1/39605)*B, 
    (2, 4) = -C, 
    (2, 5) = 0, 
    (3, 1) = -(1/39605)*B, 
    (3, 2) = (1/39605)*B, 
    (3, 3) = (8/198025)*B, 
    (3, 4) = 0, 
    (3, 5) = 0, 
    (4, 1) = 0, 
    (4, 2) = -C, 
    (4, 3) = 0, 
    (4, 4) = C+(1/63368)*F, 
    (4, 5) = -(1/39605)*F, 
    (5, 1) = 0, 
    (5, 2) = 0, 
    (5, 3) = 0, 
    (5, 4) = -(1/39605)*F, 
    (5, 5) = (8/198025)*F

Then (Maple 2015.2)

PseudoInverse := CodeTools:-Usage( LinearAlgebra:-MatrixInverse(MyKGff, method=pseudo) ):
memory used=28.38MiB, alloc change=68.00MiB, cpu time=312.00ms, real time=314.00ms, gc time=24.90ms

To recover the pseudo inverse with original data do

Rewrite := [
             A = (D__pile*W[1] . E__c)/3000, 
             B = (D__pile*W[2] . E__c)*89^(1/2), 
             C = (D__pile*W[3] . E__c)/1000, 
             F = (D__pile*W[4] . E__c)*89^(1/2)

eval(PseudoInverse, Rewrite):

@ASHAN's question was about a linestyle which wasn't displayed as expected.

Maybe a handling error on my part?


There is something wrong with the search in mapleprimes. 

I noted one users comment last week about using the search to find something being very difficult to find.  The results don't often match the search.  Only just this morning I was looking for something and the results were less than satisfying often pointing to a list of more results which didn't seem to help. 

This has been a problem for a long time, is this going to be looked at or fixed soon?

My old company went belly up during the COVID period. My old email address is now dead as a doornail.

I can login to MaplePrimes using the old email address, post questions, etc.

However, I can't change my account email address becaue Maplesoft sends a verification message to the OLD email address.

If I post a question, I can read the replies here. However, any replies sent to my OLD email address just disappear.

How do I change my account email address under this situation?


Is there a problem with Maple primes?  

When I want to ask a question, the input panel is disabled and not possible to type into it. Here is screen shot.


Same when I wanted to make a reply to an answer. I can not type into the window that shows. It is like disabled.

I found I only can write here, in the post section.

What is the problem?  


the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog



About a half hour ago, there was a Post titled "Read binary file" from a new user. I converted it to a Question. Now that I want to Answer the Question, I can't find it. If you are the author of that Question, and you still want an answer, please post it again, but put it in the Questions area.

(I think that there may be a bug in MaplePrimes that makes this happen. I've had it happen several times before.)

Anyway, please respond to this regardless of what you want regarding the Question. That'll help me figure out what went wrong.

I'm trying to move to Maple Flow after a long time using Mathcad.  (Long enough that I remember when Maple was the symbolic engine in Mathcad.)  So I'm looking for the user's forum (like the old collaboratory), and I thought that MaplePrimes might be that resource.  Under the heading of "Products" I find a list of many different programs--every version of Maple and MapleSim--but Maple Flow is not to be found.

I decided to ask why, only to discover that it magically appears when the question window asks me to "categorize your question" to get it answered faster.  So I guess my question really is, "How do I find information  and questions specific to Maple Flow?"

Is it possible to write latex equations in MaplePrimes?

Googling for this and also searching here in MaplePrimes didn't turn up any obvious answers to this question. I am coming from using Math Stack Exchange, and I'd like to ask a question about how to write a particular function in Maple.


$f(x)=\begin{cases} 5, x \neq 0 \\  0, x=0 \end{cases} $

Mapleprimes appears unfinished and is in need of some maintenance.

If you click on the products option page there are several products missing from the sort (MapleSim, MapleFlow, MapleLearn).  Also clicking on questions gives you only a maplesim and maple option.

Those are some of the things I would like mapleprimes to please update.

A question by @Shameera  I was working on has disapeared meanwhile.
It was related to this previous thread 233822-How--To-Solve-This-Equation-By-Using but has not been displaced in it.
Did a regolaror do this or was it  @Shameera ?

I ask a lot of question on MaplePrimes.

I can get  a list of all my question. 

I like to search in this list to people on the forum who has answered my questions

Is this possible to add this functionality in MaplePrimes?


Best wishes for all for the New Year 2022!

Is it possible to search for my questions who answered this on Maple Primes ?

Sorry to bother moderators again but a question from @panke has just disappeared.
I browsed its old questions but found none in a recent past related to the one removed.
Can you please tell me where it has been moved ?


PS: I understand perfectly the need to avoid multiple occurrences of a same thread, but in case of the displacement of a question, couldn't a systematic message be sent?

I was developping an answer to @jennierubyjane  but the question disappeared meanwhile.

Here is the answer hopping for someone to restore the initial question (if it still matters?).
To  @jennierubyjane : comments and advices are in Maple 1D font within your original worksheet.

EDITED : Answer has been displaced here  233262-How-Do-I-Solve-Error-in-Dsolvenumericbvpconvertsys

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