MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

This doc is just an example for uploading with my post.

The above doc/worksheet can be clicked and viewed.

Youtube URL is given below. This also can be clicked and viewed. Thanks to Carl Love's suggestion, I modified using the chain link in the editor.






I see more and more contributions where the content of the mw file is replaced by a code snippet and, possibly, an image as illustration.
Do we have to consider this as the new norm to post question and to submit replies or answers?

(this question is related to the one Carl Love posted a few days ago  Why can't I display any worksheet? and which, if I'm not mistaken, has not been definively answered)

Not that I can't sleep quietly without it, but why is the possibility of receiving a vote or being selected as the best answer (ok, this rarely happens) no longer proposed in my replies?
For instance, in a recent reply (not the one I'm the prouder of) the header appears like this, witho ot thum nor star below "1 hour ago")


It's been about a year since I've been able to display any worksheet at all on MaplePrimes. In the example below, I took a very simple worksheet that had been displayed in an Answer to another recent Question and tried to upload it. So, we know that it's somehow possible to display this particular worksheet on MaplePrimes.

Maple Worksheet - Error
Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .

It would be useful if there was a category (or subcategory) of scientific domain (e.g. physics, methematics, economics...)  in which Maple is applied. Thus it would become very convinient for someone who have a question on a specific topic to find a possible answer. 

I like how the Julia community has been organised in, so I would suggest to implement something similar in Maple Primes

When I select "oldest first", the first post shown is the newest.  Vice-versa when selecting "newest first".  Am I misunderstanding the meaning of the term?  I suppose it doesn't matter as both options are available but it's weird.

I made a mistake in entering this expression:  2020 should have been 2018.


realloc(): invalid old size

Process Maple aborted (core dumped)

Nothing I can do from the keyboard should cause a core dump.

Hello admins. Can you please guide me on what's going wrong with my post? I just posted and now my post has been deleted or vanished?

Tried several things to get a neat grey box with Maple text in it 
What to do for making this ? 



How can I find the corresponding group for the Lie algebra given in the picture (using Maplesoft software)?

Also, the command Lies Third Theorem works only for Solvable representations. What to for unsolvable representation.

I have recently taken some questions about MaplePrimes reputation scores, and coincidentally, there was a discussion about it within MaplePrimes yesterday. I wanted to address these issues, and thought that doing so as a separate post made sense.

Reputation was added back in 2010 as a mechanism to track how fellow users value your contributions, and I believe it has largely worked. It's become a great way to acknowledge the time and effort our members put into the community, and I know that many of you greatly value the scores that you have earned. I also know that it is never fun to see it drop, even by just a few points.

To be clear, there are only two ways to lose reputation:

  • If someone upvoted your answer/reply and then later rescinded the upvote
  • If someone marked your answer as the "best" answer, and then later changed their vote to another answer

This means you can only lose reputation points if someone undoes an action that gave you points in the first place. This is going to happen occasionally. For example, the user may have voted your answer “best”, but as the discussion continued, someone else posted a different solution that the user felt was even better. So you can expect to see small fluctuations from day to day, but the overall trend will be upward. 

That said, members get understandably concerned when their reputation drops, and want to know why. We have always been able to track when reputation changed, but “why it changed” was obscured. Starting today, we have added enhanced logging for reputation shifts. This will allow us to better diagnose the causes when a member is concerned about a change to their reputation points. As well, in the very unlikely event that there is malicious behavior on MaplePrimes, this will give also us the data we need to take action to protect the community.  


Not that I care about the virtual rating numbers here, but I am wondering why would one suddenly lose 15 point after posting a problem they found in Maple? Is this typical?

3 hrs ago, I was 3001  and when I came to check on the status if any, now it says 2986.

Just wondering why, that is all. Again, this really does not bother me at all as I do not care about these virtual cloud credit points, and I only post here on occasions and when I found some problem. I just like to know why this happened just now, that is all. 






Why was the question and answer deleted for this?






I had difficulty in making my latest post.  It would fail at Submit.

I had success when I saved a draft post.  I was able to edit the draft to submit.



Images posted on Maple Primes, if too large, are scaled down to match the post size. Is there a way to attach a scroll bar to allow full scale viewing instead?

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