MapleSim Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim


I build a small simple custom library in MapleSim, for some reaon MapleSim is keep giving me that a variable can't be resolved and that there is no "LibraryName" visible. 

The library loads successfully with no error though. 

exact msg:

Cannot resolve type `MyLibrary.Dh_Revolute` of variable `Main.DR1` in model `Main`; there is no `MyLibrary` visible

thanksf or your help. 

Hello everyone . I wish you all a happy new year and a great 2022.

i have a project in Maplesim and i just began working with it .

my project is about the creation of an umbrella using maple sim . I tried my best to create one of the mechanic system of the revolute system . But in an umbrella there are 8 system of a revolute , and it depends of the orientation . I don't knew how to create the other 7 system 

Can you please help me ?


Although not mentioned in the documentation, the flexible beam component of MapleSim allows for simulation of large deflections.  

In the animation, a flexible beam is loaded with a moment (red arrow) at its free end. Assuming an Euler-Bernoulli beam and slow loading (i.e., no dynamic forces), the beam should deform to an arc of constant radiusNot only the deformation of the beam can be described analytically, also the path (red trace) of the free end follows an analytical curve.


I used this test case to get a better understanding of nonlinearities observed in an oscillating system using flexible beams. The system required tuning of the structure to develop mode coupling. This could not be explained by linear theory. It was unclear whether the large deflections (nonlinear kinematics of the beam) themselves or the implementation of the flexible beam component were responsible for that.  


What I have learned so far with the test case using only default settings: 

  • For moderate deflections there is no difference to textbook formulas.
  • Up to 15 degrees rotation of the end frame, the difference between observed displacement and the Bernoulli beam stays bellow 5%.  
  • Up to 30 degrees rotation of the end frame (as in the mode coupling example) the trace of the end frame conforms well with the analytical path.
  • To simulate very large deflections beyond 45 degrees rotation, the beam needs to be segmented to closely follow the analytical path.  

For those that are unsure about the fidelity of their models, I can suggest increasing the numbers of flexible beam components and to compare. I did this in the case of the mode coupling example and noticed no difference. So, the component was not responsible for the nonlinearities. It were the kinematics.

It's unclear whether this good performance in large deflections was intended or is a byproduct of the sophisticated multibody dynamics under the hood.  Maybe an expert can tell more.

Overall, to what I have seen the (static) performance was very satisfying. Judging dynamic performance is much more difficult. Has anyone experience to share with that?



is what I have used.

We’ve been busy! We have just released the 2021.2 updates for Maple, Maple Flow, and MapleSim. Here’s a quick overview. These updates are freely available to all customers who have the 2021 version of these products.


The Maple update includes a variety of corrections and improvements to the math engine and interface. It is available through Tools>Check for Updates in Maple, and is also available from the Maple 2021 download page, where you can also find more details.

In particular, this update includes fixes to the bug in the combine command when working with double summations, and the problems when performing context menu operations on values with units while in Document mode, both of which were reported on MaplePrimes. As always, we appreciate the feedback!

Maple Flow

The Maple Flow 2021.2 update offers a richer range of formatting features for creating professional-looking engineering documents, which have been requested by customers. Highlights include sections, controlling the display of commands, annotating images, and disabling automatic evaluation while making a series of changes.  This update is available from the Maple Flow 2021.2 download page, which also contains more details.


Lots of good stuff here that makes it easier to build and analyze models, including productivity features that speed up the creation of models that use hydraulics, support for the latest CAD file formats in the MapleSim CAD toolbox, the ability to model drift conditions with the MapleSim Tire Library, tools for simulating 3-D winding effects with the MapleSim Ropes and Pulleys Library, and a new MapleSim Web Handling Library add-on (which, I am sad to say, has nothing to do with Spiderman). See What’s New in MapleSim for details, and the MapleSim 2021.2 download page for instruction on how to obtain your update.

Hi All!  New to MapleSIM and working on a program help my FIRST Robotics team start using MapleSIM.  I am looking for any presentation material already created, directed at high school kids.

Appreciate any links to presentation material I can repurpose for them.  



Dear all,

The November issue of Maple Transactions is now up (we will be adding a few more items to that issue over the course of the month).  See for the articles.

More importantly, Maple Primes seems to have a great many interesting posts, some of which could well be worked up into a paper (or a video).  Maple Transactions accepts worksheets (documents, workbooks) for publication, as well, although we want a high standard of readability for that.  I invite you to contribute.

The next issue of Maple Transactions will be the Special Issue that is the Proceedings of the Maple Conference 2021 (see my previous post :)


When I made a restraint system like bolow and used  GetEquations() , undefined external forces(Fx,Fy) was derived. 

I want to know the reason or the principle of GetEquations() which is solving the dynamics of  a restraint system.


How do I set 'symbolicname' in GetEquations()?

There is an error "invalid input" when I do like below.


A := MapleSim:-LinkModel('filename' = "C:/Users/---.msim");
A:-GetEquations('symbolicname = []');

Copying and Pasting of parameters (entered data) or text in text boxes does not work on my MapleSim 2021.1 Windows10 installation.

I tired the usual keys and context menus. Cutting works.

Thats what I get back when I paste text here after cutting

<math xmlns=''></math>

Copy&Paste of components works.  

Is this a known issue?


As a student I came across an amazing lab experimentA T-type structure with two masses attached to it showed a sudden change in oscillation mode.  


With MapleSim I was able to reproduce the experiment.

At the time I was told that this perplexing phenome happens because there are always imperfections. 


Today we would probably say that the symmetry has to be broken. The attached example has two parameter sets that a) break symmetry of boundary conditions and b) by structural asymmetry (i.e imperfection). Asymmetry in the initial conditions should also be possible (but I could make work with flexible beams). 

Compared to coupled oscillators that exchange energy via a coupling spring, this example exchanges energy via masses. In fact in its simplest implementation only one mass and two elastic structures are required for this type of mode coupling. MapleSim multibody library offers plenty of possibilities to demonstrate thisFlexible beams are not required. However, flexible beams show mode coupling beautifully and allow a simple reproduction in real life. For that the worksheet contains a parameter set to build a real model with steel wires. Tuning by adjusting the length of the vertical post is required since nonlinearities already shift frequencies in the model. 


I would be interested in other cool examples of mode coupling. I am also interested in solutions for flexible beams that impose asymmetry in the initial conditions. To keep it realistic at the start, the T should be bend as one would bend it with a fingertip in x direction. It would be even more realistic if the arms are flexed by gravity with zero velocity at the start of the simulation. How can this be done? 



This research work demonstrates the use of the MapleSim and Python scientific packages for the correct use of differential equations for engineering students, in the face of the pandemic generated by COVID-19. The main objective is to visualize the teaching and learning process of the subject presented. The methodology used is block diagrams using graphic programming and the one-dimensional symbolic structure. The results are totally optimal since automation was achieved in the differential equations applied to different engineering cases. The applications generated by the scientific software are fully upgradeable and available in the cloud.


Lenin AC

Ambassador Maple

Using Python and MapleSim versus Basic Science Teaching in Times of Pandemic


In the following research work entitled Use of Python and MapleSim against the teaching of Basic Sciences in times of pandemic, due to the social immobility imposed by the government, we saw the need to use scientific software to train our students with modern approaches. The purpose is to raise the learning achievement in the subjects of Mathematics and Physics for engineering. The methodology we used was native syntax programming and graphic component programming. The results that we obtained in modeling and simulation are quite exact, with respect to the traditional results. Finally, all the material can be updated and managed at any time because it is available on maplecloud.

Keywords: Python, MapleSim, modeling, simulation


Lenin AC

Ambassador Maple

The 3-D Workspace of the stuart platfrom example

displays as follows. Clicking on the central object I get

Q1: What does "Unlayed out view mean"?

Q2: What is actually displayed in the center?

Q3: Why is only one leg shown in instead of 6?

I would really appreciate more insight into the 3-D Workspace. I use it to inspect structural integrity of models and assembly errors, but I am often lost by its behavior.

Thank you!

(I have tried to work it out myself with online resources, Maples help system and MapleSim user guide.)


I'm trying to create a custom component in MapleSim 2021, and I want to use Thermal Fluid Flow Ports. However, they don't show up as a type of port in the port Type dropdown.  How can I create a thermal fluid flow port using the Custom Component Template?

We’re excited to announce the release of MapleSim 2021! The MapleSim 2021 family of products lets you build and explore models more easily than ever, with improved simulation performance and 3-D visualizations, new ways to share models with those who don’t use MapleSim, and a host of new and expanded component libraries. Improvements include:

  • Improved performance for large models that allows you to take advantage of the fastest simulations yet – no matter how complex your design is.
  • More realistic 3-D visualizations with the ability to define dynamic shape sizes, such as spheres and cylinders that expand or contract over the course of the simulation, so components are realistically represented throughout.
  • Expanded modeling scope for machine builders, with a new pneumatics component library and expanded hydraulics support, as well as improved visualizations in the MapleSim Ropes and Pulleys Library add-on.
  • New simulation and analysis features in MapleSim Insight, a standalone product in the MapleSim family that provides anyone in your organization with access to powerful simulation-based debugging and 3-D visualization capabilities that connect directly to common automation platforms.

See What’s New in MapleSim 2021 for more information about these and other improvements!

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