MapleSim Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim

I am a beginner of MapleSim. I study the MapleSim User Guide. I follow the Tutor 8:Modeling Hydraulic System. But the following issue occurs, as shown in the picture. I bet I follow the guide carefully.

Also, I find that if I open the User's Guide example,Chapter 6, Analysis of Simple Hydraulic System Network, which is the standard example,I simulate it and it works well. But if I delete the probe, and attach a probe at the same place , selecting same values to measure, and simulate again, it failed, giving the same error description. I need your help,please.



Application of MapleSim in Science and Engineering: a simulationbased approach

In this research work I show the methods of embedded components together with modeling and simulation carried out with Maple and MapleSim for the main areas of science and engineering (mathematics, physics, civil, mechanical etc); These two latest scientific softwares belonging to the company Maplesoft. Designed to be generated and used by teachers of education, as well as by university teachers and engineers; the results are highly optimal since the times saved in calculations are invested in analyzes and interpretations; among other benefits; in this way we can use our applications in the cloud since web technology supports Maple code with procedural and component syntax.


Lenin AC

Ambassador of Maple

In order to estimate parameters of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) on-line and real-time, an adaptive on-line identification method for motor parameters is proposed. Resistance, inductance and PM flux of PMSM are achieved at the same time in the presented model. By means of Popov’s hyper-stability theory, the model of parameter identification is built in the rotor reference frame. And, PMSM d, q-axis voltage, current and their errors are used to obtain the adaptive laws of parameters. Popov’s hyper-stability theory guarantees stability of the system and convergence of the estimated parameters under certain conditions. The simulation and experimental results illustrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed method.

We have just released updates to Maple and MapleSim.

Maple 2019.2 includes corrections and improvements to a variety of areas in the product, including a new “Go to page ____” option in print preview (that am personally quite pleased about), sections are expanded by default when printing or exporting, a fix to a problem using non-executable math with text in document mode that sometimes made it impossible to advance to a new line using Enter, improvements to VectorCalculus, select, abs and other math functions, support for macOS Catalina, and more.  We recommend that all Maple 2019 users install these updates.

This update is available through Tools>Check for Updates in Maple, and is also available from our website on the Maple 2019.2 download page, where you can also find more details.

For MapleSim users, the MapleSim 2019.2 family of products includes enhancements in the areas of model development and toolchain connectivity, including substantial enhancements to the MapleSim CAD toolbox.   For more details and download instructions, visit the MapleSim 2019.2 download page.

Has anyone made a physical model to recreate the Intermediate Axis Theorem? This is also known as the Tennis Racket Theorem, or the Dzhanibekov Effect. The science Youtuber Veritasium has made a recent videos on this this topic. 


The video:


I'm interested in recreating the spinning and random flipping of the "T" tool using Multibody as seen in the above video. 


Application developed using Maple and MapleSim. You can observe the vector analysis using Maple and the simulation using MapleSim. Also included a video of the result. It is a simple structure. A pole fastened by two cables and a force applied to the top. The results are to calculate tensions one and two. Consider the mass of each rope. In spanish.

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple



I'm working in MapleSim to model a mechanism called Schatz which has a six-Revolut, known whit TURBULA name.
I modeled the mechanism in CREO to have a CAD part to use in maplesim.
everything is okay when I run the simulation without a speed constant. as shown in the picture above.
when I add a speed source, MapleSim finds an error (Internal error occurred during the simulation).
Can someone help me please?

I created a user library and added a component that I had created from a shared subsystem and this worked fine.

I edited the component in the library to add some additional functionality and saved it.  I then had to reload the library in Maplesim but now I get this error everytime I try to run the simulation:

Cannot resolve `ControlLogix.PIDE` in model `Main`; there is no `ControlLogix` visible

Yet I dragged and dropped the component PIDE from the ControlLogix library.

Can anyone help me to resolve this?


Analysis in Dynamics of Structures with Maplesim for Engineering
Here is the power of Maplesim in modeling and simulation. With Maplesim you can model structures at rest and dynamics. Considering real patterns of our world for better optimization.Project developed for students of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechatronics and all those professional careers related to structures.


Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple

We are currently in the process of updating the support FAQs at We’ve been working on updating the existing content for clarity, and have added several new articles already.


The majority of our FAQs are from questions people ask us in Technical Support by support request form, but we’d also like to like to add content from other sources.

Since we have such a great community here at MaplePrimes, we wanted to reach out and ask if there are any articles or questions that you'd like to see added to our FAQ.


We look forward to hearing your feedback!

has anyone tried to use Peter Fritzone's book with maplesim helloworld modelica??


The simple approach from Peter (creating a custom modelica component) is to getting started by running a simple simulation where x_dot(t) = - a*x,  where the normal form is x(t) = x^-a for logarithmic type decay.

plot of x(t) should be a decay curve.  


Maple Code

A:-LinkModel = fine, connects


SimData := A:-Simulate(outputs = x, returntype = datapoints, tf = 2);

Error, invalid input: Simulate expects value for keyword parameter [outputs, output] to be of type {list(algebraic), list(anyfunc(identical(t)))}, but received x




Model Main;


public HelloWorld HelloWorld1 annotation(Placement(transformation(origin={100.0,200.0},extent={{-20.0,-20.0},{20.0,20.0}},rotation=0)));
            Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{0,0},{200.0,200.0}}),graphics),
            Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{0,0},{200.0,200.0}}),graphics={Rectangle(extent={{0,0},{200.0,200.0}}, lineColor={0,0,0})}),
              StartTime = 0,
              StopTime = 2.0,
              __Maplesoft_solver = "ck45",
              __Maplesoft_adaptive = true,
              Tolerance = 0.1e-4,
              __Maplesoft_tolerance_abs = 0.1e-4,
              __Maplesoft_step_size = 0.1e-2,
              __Maplesoft_min_step_size = 0,
              __Maplesoft_max_step_size = 0,
              __Maplesoft_plot_points = 2000,
              __Maplesoft_numeric_jacobian = false,
              __Maplesoft_constraint_iterations = 50,
              __Maplesoft_event_iterations = 100,
              __Maplesoft_algebraic_error_control = false,
              __Maplesoft_algebraic_error_relaxation_factor = 1,
              __Maplesoft_rate_hysteresis = 0.1e-9,
              __Maplesoft_reduce_events = false,
              __Maplesoft_integration_diagnostics = false,
              __Maplesoft_compiler = true,
              __Maplesoft_compiler_optimize = true,
              __Maplesoft_scale_method = "none",
              __Maplesoft_plot_event_points = true


end Main;

class HelloWorld
    Real x (start =1);
    parameter Real a = 1;
    der(x) = -a*x;
end HelloWorld;

can maplesim simulate a robot arm and hand catch a throwing ball and picking objects?

can maplesim simulate a balancing a robot legs?

will these simulation require complex formula to draw the robots arm and hand and maintain the joints stick together during motions?

can maplesim output the specification to autodesk for 3D print parts?

how much of a maplesim? 

i can not see the price in maple official site from Hong Kong area.

I have created a custom port in my MapleSim file and when I try to add the port to a Custom Component I keep getting an error that the connector cannot be found.

The custom port appears in the components pane of my MapleSim model.

I am guessing that I am missing something to fully qualify the port name.

I would like to create a custom component with thermal fluid flow ports but I don't see that type of port as an option in the DAE Custom Component Template.  Can anyone help me with now I would go about doing this?

We’re excited to announce that we have just released a new version of MapleSim. The MapleSim 2019 family of products helps you get the answers you need from your models, with improved performance, increased modeling scope, and more ways to connect to your existing toolchain. Improvements include:

  • Faster simulation speeds, both within MapleSim and when using exported MapleSim models in other tools

  • More simulation options are now available when running models imported from other systems

  • Additional options for FMI connectivity, including support for variable-step solvers with imported FMUs, and exporting models using variable step solvers using the MapleSim FMI Connector add-on

  • Improved interactive analysis apps for Monte Carlo analysis, Optimization, and Parameter Sweep

  • Expanded modeling scope in hydraulics, electrical, multibody, and more, with new built-in components and support for more external Modelica libraries

  • New add-on library: MapleSim Engine Dynamics Library from Modelon provides specialized tools for modeling, simulating, and analyzing the performance of combustion engines

  • New add-on connector: The B&R MapleSim Connector gives automation projects a powerful, model-based ability to test and visualize control strategies from within B&R Automation Studio

See What’s New in MapleSim 2019 for more information about these and other improvements!

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